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cat food OR dog food ......poll

cat food OR dog food ......poll

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cat food OR dog food ......poll

if you were stranded and could only eat 1 or the other.....:tiphat:

-canned wet dog food

-dry puppy chow

canned cat food (my fav. btw)

dry cat food

....and what favor???


It's the middle of the night and I'm eating biscuits and gravy...I don't know what's up with the other options


Tropical Outcast
I have eaten the food I have been feeding to both cats and dogs I have or had.

Not that I had to eat it...but being the strange guy I am figured why not check it out so I did
(and still do if it is something new).

There was this news article some time back where the husband killed his wife after finding out the ragù she has been fixing him for a while (and he LIKED!) actually was dog food. She was doing that for revenge purposes after finding out he was cheating on her.
Wouldn't happen to me!
There is a reason cat food costs more than dog food. Cats are carnivores and dogs are omnivores. Cat food has more protein and there are amino acids that a cat must get from it's food that a dog can produce internally like taurine. Cats also need more fat because they don't convert their fat stores like a dog can and will die more quickly from starvation. Ask your dog which food they prefer and I bet they go for the cat food every time.


Well-known member
This is the wierdest poll on here so far... anyhoo the dry food options are automatically bad IMO b/c they are hard to eat without potable water, canned animal food has water in it.


good question

I have never tried

yukon do you really like the canned cat food ?
I'm such a weak pussy. I can never do these hypotheticals.

It's like when people ask what you're going to do when the economy tanks. Umm, shoot myself in the fucking head?

Life is barely worth living as is, and my life is easy as hell.

h^2 O

I wouldn't eat any of it...I would use it for bait or chum, and make a trident/spear and catch fish.
I freak out getting catfood juice on my hands, so no way I could eat it. Would eat human before I ate cat or dog food. So I guess if I was stranded with someone else I'd knock them out with a can of catfood then cook them.


I would definitly go for the dry dog food. natur crock (brand) they have good stuff, and it dont smell so bad. i would eather have the
"Africa" flavor, the savanna on the pack looks nice. or id go for the "lam and rice" judgin by the smell there is no relation between name and taste. but mabe if i closed my eyes and pretended its Irich stew if could work.

lost in a sea

lmao "africa flavour"! wtf is in that.. safari meat ?

puppy food is weaker than adult surely,, since they dont need as much nutrition volume wise..

i went for dry, then ill have a glossier coat and live longer..

but what is the point in living if you are stranded, alone, with only dog food for sustinence.

lost in a sea

double post :rasta:

just so people know,,, alot of condemned meat that has been marked as not suitable for human consumption is legally put in dog food,,,

they literally use jcb's to move mountains of partially rotten meat around,,(not all companies),,, its pretty disgusting but luckily dog's and cat's stomaches are hardcore.