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What's something you know but most other people dont


I didn't read all of them yet but! Knowing where a pen of hungry pigs are is handy when you need to get rid of a body!!!!!!!:laughing::plant grow:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
There is 97% salt water and 3% fresh water we are rapidly running out of our fresh water through mismanagment/greed. Our framers are told that if they don't use 10 barrels for example of water this year even if they don't need it they won't get it next year . So they take it and let it run into the ground and it's wasted and our Gov doesn't care. There is a new Documentary called "Water Wars" and it's really worth watching peace out Headband707

Guest 88950

i know the similarities between a turtle and quadriplegic.

put them on their back and they are both fucked.

dont get pissed @ me......im a quad so have a laugh.


Active member
i know the similarities between a turtle and quadriplegic.

put them on their back and they are both fucked.

dont get pissed @ me......im a quad so have a laugh.

wait? arent quads just as fucked on their front as their back? or do you develope a massive tongue or neck? hmm, the tongue part might be nice for dates :) though someone moving only using their tongue might be ..holy shit, do you see that?! kinda of a thing.. (though kinda yucky if you think about it,in most places.)

seriously though, i wonder if you have ever read about astral travel or obe. might be interesting for you to try it.

so, do you type with your tongue then? (hehe kinda serious asking)

Guest 88950

lol...im not at the level of quadriplega as Christopher Reeve so no need to type with tounge or mouth stick.

i have limited movment in my upper limbs and no finger movment so i type using my index finger or holding a pencil.

i manage my grow myself from clone to bowl b/c im not in a med state, just a medicated one.

when im on my back i cant sit up due to no control in my trunk muscles, i have to roll on my side to sit up. face down i can push over to my side and sit up.


Active member
lol...im not at the level of quadriplega as Christopher Reeve so no need to type with tounge or mouth stick.
ah, not at that level of coolness, the dudes that always look like they are meditating.close but no sugar :) damn sorry.
i have limited movment in my upper limbs and no finger movment so i type using my index finger or holding a pencil.

i manage my grow myself from clone to bowl b/c im not in a med state, just a medicated one.

when im on my back i cant sit up due to no control in my trunk muscles, i have to roll on my side to sit up. face down i can push over to my side and sit up.

hehehe on my bad days im too scared to go to the store (bipolarish stuff :))lol... just unfounded unreasonable paranoia and fears, of course compounded by the unjust marijuana laws around here :)

mjeh, got it good otherways :) have had it much worse, now its just something to deal with :)

i grow myself too, usually manage to tend the grow, though sometimes im too depressed to do much. plus the body is "bit off" lol from years of lying in bed unable to deal with the world (when the brain becomes your worst enemy lol yadada)

kinda am of the opinion now, that the will can fix amazingly much..

sometimes a long and bloody process though..

but hey, thats just something most people dont know :) lol

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