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I never grew up

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Ran into an old high school friend I used to smoke with occasionally back in the day. After some polite chit chat he says damn you reek man. I had literally just burned one. He says you still burn? I said you don't? He says no I grew up.

Strange how there is this fine line between those people that like to party when their young, and those that accept cannabis as not just fleeting hobby, but as a lifestyle.

I felt like I was being judged, but I will sleep fine tonight.

Your "friend" has probably advanced to speed and eckies at the local nightclub and reckons he grew up?

I'm over 50 y/old, work full time, go fishing, hunt deer, ski and lead an active lifestyle.

I also smoke pot....who gives a fuck!


ICMag Donor
Ran into an old high school friend I used to smoke with occasionally back in the day. After some polite chit chat he says damn you reek man. I had literally just burned one. He says you still burn? I said you don't? He says no I grew up.

Strange how there is this fine line between those people that like to party when their young, and those that accept cannabis as not just fleeting hobby, but as a lifestyle.

I felt like I was being judged, but I will sleep fine tonight.

Then everyone I know never grew up too.


I got this from a college roommate I hadn't seen for several years, while we were fishing. I just chuckled and thought, you've grown out, too. Dude had put on about 50 pounds and drank beer like a..well a lush I guess. His brother on the other hand, thin as a rail, sidled up to me midstream and said let's spark one up, I know you've got something good with you.


Kiss My Ring
perhaps he was justifying to himself the reason he quit.
give him a break, we all say stupid things, just because he doesn't toke anymore doesn't mean he isn't a righteous person...but then again...

Stoned Coder

I guess you had to be there, but he said it as if it was completely absurd to still be smoking herb at our age. So yeah I felt judged a bit, by a guy that literally used to smoke with me.

No big deal though. We all take different paths in life.


you know.. sometimes we say things before thinking

maybe he wanted to say he outgrew it

that's okay, for him maybe it was more of a thing he did as a kid
maybe to be cool, maybe to him, smoking was a way to not think about stuff, and deconnect

maybe it demotivated him or was generally unmotivated (And maybe it didnt help), and one day he said, man I need to get somewhere and do something with my life.. and stopping smoking was a catalyst.. the action needed
(people can get somewhere while smoking, of course...)

I had a friend he was depressed and everything and he was smoking
then one day he stopped smoking and started doing something with his life
it's like all his problems vanished after stopping smoking (though he had these problems before starting smoking)

i'm sure some of you will understand

it's like...

you can say "I am gonna go back to school... do something with my life"

saying is one thing

but if you put a big note somewhere where you see it everyday
"I am doing something with my life" then you are putting it out in the world

bringing your thoughts out in the world, into action

so it's like it was a big step .. the start (stopping smoking is not always easy).

I would have been insulted for sure but... :) it's okay

I've heard this too. It's a way to make this guy feel better about himself. Very typical in this time that people like to look down at people to make themselves feel like they are higher up. But, like most feelings, they are not really real in reality and if followed without thought end up making you look foolish.

this could be it... but we don't know for sure..

but maybe he was proud of himself ?


Sadly, it's one of the typical quotes to come from the mouths of marijuana lie believers.
We have all met more than our share I've no doubt. Sucks to see it in those we know, and worse
in those we care about. Heck, many people very close to me would gladly continue to turn
a blind eye towards MJ and it's truth. They pop their pills and drink their booze, and
look down their nose at me. Oh how lofty and mighty they feel in numbers.

*sarcasm alert *
I wouldn't have been surprised if he also said his voice dropped, his balls grew, and his
man boobs went away. :D


tis time to bring him back into the fold . . .

tis time to bring him back into the fold . . .

Ran into an old high school friend I used to smoke with occasionally back in the day. After some polite chit chat he says damn you reek man. I had literally just burned one. He says you still burn? I said you don't? He says no I grew up.

Strange how there is this fine line between those people that like to party when their young, and those that accept cannabis as not just fleeting hobby, but as a lifestyle.

I felt like I was being judged, but I will sleep fine tonight.

all that is is a conversation waiting to happen. i would do it just to entertain the idea. he used to burn so he wont have a problem if you do.

first ease him into it all, catch up on old times, walk down memory lane, talk about whatever mayhem you guys got into.

ask him what he thinks about the whole MMJ scene, and all the while, never pass that shit to him, dont pass it until he asks for it!

he'll turn . . . they all do
It's hard to say just based on the anecdote, not having been there, but I see quite a lot of people getting unnecessarily butthurt here, calling him out on all the prescription meds he "definitely" uses and all the alcohol-induced domestic violence in his life.

If he was being really judgmental, then fair enough - he's probably a douche.

If he just said it kind of matter-of-factly, then it probably just means toking was never a big thing for him, just part of the whole "teenage/20s party-experimentation-shebang" phase or whatever you call it. Just like drinking used to be for a lot of potheads. Doesn't make him an idiot or anything else, just means he grew out of something he liked to do when he was younger.

As a side note, this thread is kind of a representation of the entire public discussion on cannabis - as soon as someone says anything slightly negative about weed, a barrage of comments about alcohol and prescription drugs ensue, despite them having nothing to do with the issue in the first place. :D
Not that it's not a valid point in many cases; it just gnaws away at our credibility when in every single discussion we go "Oh yeah but what about alcohol???"
Growing up according to most people= "marrying the first mediocre broad who didn't embarrass me in front of my mother, becoming sexually bored in 2 years max., get an awful 9-5 but progress to 60-80K a year, and have her queef three kids out of her now-ruined pussy to give me a reason to get out of bed in the morning. But I fit in at the gym and at the coffee bar, people think I'm normal. So fuck it. I'm grown up now, right?"

In a never-ending search for self-justifying being miserable, sad and weak but fitting in, they use non-quantifiable filler words like "stable," "career-oriented," etc.

Forever young ftw.


Active member
I really hate squares.
Nothing sounds dumber to me than someone explaining why they don't smoke weed.
It is unnatural and even though I am an atheist I believe against god.