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Everything I grow just tastes like shit


As you see, there are many opinions about what makes pot taste good.

The answer is to experiment. Try the different things that have been suggested and keep careful records. When you find what works for you, refine it.

Never give up.
why not try growing a skunk or cheese cross, no matter how you dry or grow or flush you still end up with flavourful bud.

how would you know? you never grew a plant before according to your thread that you posted and never had the cheese so you bought ghs exo s1's for your first grow ever, but now you contridict yourself saying the above.........just curious bro please enlighten me.........heres your post

Replies: 39
my first exodus cheese run
Views: 758
Posted By Exo-Warrior
shit it looks like im the mug they speak of who...

shit it looks like im the mug they speak of who doesnt know what the real exodus is so buys the seeds, great


stone fool
The problem is you. You did not tell us enough to know which combination of mistakes you are making.

My minimum cure is 3 months now, some weed is ready at two months, none is ready before that, ever.

Try to learn and improve each crop and you will get there.


I'll mention it, since no one else did.


Are you sure what you've got has the potential to grow good tasting and smelling herb? Not all does. It's part of the search for keeper phenos.

I've run out seeds and had some that were bland, uninspired hay while sisters were stanky mcdank.


Active member
I've found, in my personal experience, that underfeeding can drastically reduce the flavor of a given strain. I steadily overfed a plant once, and it produced small but incredibly stinky and flavorful nugs. Next cycle, I tried to feed what I thought was correct for this strain, the nugs look great and are bigger, but the smell isn't nearly as strong. Could just be this strain but something to consider. Seems like the buds just aren't as oily.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I've found, in my personal experience, that underfeeding can drastically reduce the flavor of a given strain. I steadily overfed a plant once, and it produced small but incredibly stinky and flavorful nugs. Next cycle, I tried to feed what I thought was correct for this strain, the nugs look great and are bigger, but the smell isn't nearly as strong. Could just be this strain but something to consider. Seems like the buds just aren't as oily.



Well-known member
Lotsa variables to consider. Choice of ferts, flushed or not, how fast it was dried, how long it was cured.

I've had well flushed bud that tasted fine after it was dried with no cure.
I've had bud that was dried too fast that tasted like crap after 2 months in the jar.

I like about a 5 day flush, slow dry and two weeks to a month in the jar. YMMV.

joe fresh

Active member
Well let me say that bongstar hit the nail on the head....

The most occuring reason that ppl get hay taste is....

-They cut they're plants too early
-they over ferted they're plants
-ph being off locking out certain nutes but not enough to show in leaves

And ppl who quick dry(dehuey on), oven, microwave, or even just too much wind(fans)....

If you want your weed to taste good, low ferts, don't overwater, balanced ph, and a good slow dry(cure is not nessesary for good taste, but it will make it a bit better)....its all about the slow dry

My ideal drying room is: dark, rh 65%, temp 21C, and a light breeze...should be about 10 days before its dry and ready to be bagged


Your preselected, proven clone(s) taste good and your (randomish) seeds didn't turn out that well...I start a decent amount of seeds and smells that really translate into pungent flavors are far and few (at least those that possess that certain level of potency).
Growing plays a part, but a shitty grower can have ecsd or a good jack and it will still taste better/ more pungent than most other strains.


Lammen Gorthaur
Weed tastes like shit? Water cure it.

Weed isn't strong enough? Water cure it.

Want great hash weed? Water cure it.

And you thought liquid gold was a nutrient - ha!


I use the net hanging racks from ikea (like $5 bucks) I clip the buds off of the stem and let them dry for 6-8 days in my closet. After that they get jared up and burped 2x a day for 2 weeks and then stored until needed. I have never had the grass taste or mold. :) good luck...


Active member
Wish I kept it but got lazy of caring for the mom so it died.

this may point to half your problem, when you want quality, getting lazy wont produce it.

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