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Haven't smoked in 3 months and failed a piss test!! WTF!!??!!


i have been told that the synthetic urine is composed of the same shit that they use to calibrate the drug testing machines....

Not quite sure how it works but I do know that it does work. I immediately started interviewing after getting out of the military. Coincidentally, that is the same day that I took up medicating on a daily basis. Using synthetic urine products has helped me to land numerous jobs over the years and pass 7 and 9 panel drug tests. I would imagine that it is chemically engineered to be as close to human piss as possible. As long as the chemical make up is composed of the same ingredients and levels, it should be able to pass as real piss. After all, a synthetic is just a fancy name for man made remake of the real thing.

The shit works that's all I know. I don't even worry about piss tests anymore. Keep a bottle of Magnum or other brand of your choice on deck and get back to what is important in life.


Cautiously Optimistic
Yup, it feels good to get over on these bastards once in awhile.
I just noticed on Freakys that they have a new (to me) synthetic that automatically warms to body temperature!
That eliminates the issue of keeping the temp right. No more thermometers or IV bags.

Hmm. I saw that on Freakys but I can't find it anywhere else. It's not even listed on Spectrum Labs website.

EDIT: Hey OP, any update?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Call up the company and ask for a retest and say there's no way you could have tested positive and it has to be some kind of mistake. The worst thing they can do is turn you down.

Good luck.

unless you have an incredibly slow metabolism and have been smoking for years. THC binds to fat molecules.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
MagnumSU is not legal for sale and will not be made available to persons in AR, IL, KY, OK, NJ, NC, SC and PA


did they split your sample - you know, two vials that you have to initial?

if you are positive you can have them test the other one if you think that will help.

probably charge you for the test if it tests hot...

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Tell them to take it again !!! and then tell them to kiss your ass!!!

Seriously that is so fucked that you have to do that in the first place I wouldn't want any job that was all up in my business like that I would tell them to suck the shit from a dogs ass..Fuck I hate that shit!!
I just watched a show where the guy brought in a false penis and urine was in it and he passed the test...lol.. Headband707


Bent Member
If you use synthetic or someone else' pee you have to bother with heating it. I'd get a drink and you'll pass the test. If it's a lab doing the tests you don't want one that knows about fake pee.

They come with a gel warming pack, but ive never needed it the pouch against my abdomen is plenty warm to pass the tests.

Every piss test ive taken since being a teenager i HAVE fucked with from tap water to synthetics . and Nobody has ever said boo to me. just my experience. and only once has anyone ever needed to see my dick peeing....f'ing government.

fuck drinking something i dont know whats in it or what it does. Plus synthetic are totally clean if you have other meds/drugs you dont want anyone knowing about in there.


Wow, almost 3 months and still failed it?? Maybe i've just been extremely lucky.. The last piss test i took was when i was on probation almost ten years ago, and i passed no problems despite smoking FOUR DAYS prior to the test!


Wow im so fucking pissed right now. So I finally got a cool little job, good pay, chill atmosphere all I have to do is pass a background check and drug test.

For this reason specifically I quit smoking around the beginning of June. Not sure when exactly but somewhere around June 7-14.

It is now August 25th and I took my test on the 22nd. It was a piss test. I just got a paper in the mail stating they will be unable to hire me because I failed the drug test. I figure this must be a mistake since I've done plenty of reasearch and the maximum I've heard it can stay in your system is 30 days for a urine test. And from what I've heard 30 days is extreme circumstances such as overweight, smoking multiple times a day, and smoking very potent weed.

I call up the lab and Im like wtf! Whats the deal? They told me I failed for THC. I told the lady look, I'm not exaggerating or anything but it's been about 3 months since the last time I smoked, at least 10 weeks, so wtf?? First thing she asks if I'm overweight. I tell her I'm 6'0 160 pounds. She says hmmmm.. well if you dont exercise a lot and smoke very potent weed and are overweight and this and that it can stay in your system up to 3 months. Im like well its been 3 months! And I definitely don't meet ALL of that criteria. She says she doesn't know.

Basically this is just a rant to vent. But also I want to know how common this is because I've never ever ever in my life heard of someone failing a piss test after being clean for 2.5+ months??? It just seems fucking rediculous. What I gotta be clean for 6-12 months to get a fuckin job come on! If I did coke or heroine a week ago that shit would be out of my system already but the horrible marijuana stays in for months and months. Funny how that works.

Has anyone ever experienced this or knows someone who has?

they reckon if your a heavy weed smoker thc can stay in your system 2-3 months.
and yea im experiencing this at the mo.i failed my medical too cus of weed,and am eagerly awaiting a re-test but THEY are in no rush i tell you that.ssssss
I usually quit around 3 weeks before the test, flush a lot, give them my 10th pee of the day and have never failed once out of almost two dozen tests. Heavy smoker before the 3 week break, and 6 of the tests were done by GC/MS and detect trace quantities.

Sure you didn't sneak a puff or two? Unless the testing methods have gotten dramatically more advanced in the last couple years and they did a GC analysis of your pee, I find it real surprising you failed.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
There is a story of a 65 year old woman that was crossing the boarder and she had some old oil in her car and it tested positive for "HEROIN "LOL LOL she was thrown in jail for 16 dayz till they retested it and seen it was OLD OIL!!!!! really what assholes these turd sandwiches are. She said if this can happen to me it can happen to anyone . AMEN to that.. peace out Headband707


Well-known member
I used to take Losec and the pharmacy fact sheet said it can cause a false positive for thc.


Active member
"Sir, I have some good news and some bad.

You passed the drug test but your wife's urine showed positive for gonorrhea."


Your shopping list:

1 Unlubricated condom
1 Pair of boxer briefs
1 Sewing needle

Take clean pee (if you can't manage it, you have zero friends, and I feel bad for you) and funnel it into the condom. Tie the condom. Tuck the condom in your briefs, aside your badder area, as to keep your sample at body temperature. Use the needle to puncture the condom, squeeze piss.. voila.

..and no, it does not matter if the urine is from a guy or a girl. It will keep for up to a week in the fridge, possibly more. I've passed MANY tests this way. Forget quitting for three months, I'd never.. lol


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
It is now August 25th and I took my test on the 22nd. It was a piss test. I just got a paper in the mail stating they will be unable to hire me because I failed the drug test. I figure this must be a mistake since I've done plenty of reasearch and the maximum I've heard it can stay in your system is 30 days for a urine test. And from what I've heard 30 days is extreme circumstances such as overweight, smoking multiple times a day, and smoking very potent weed.

I was reflecting on the discussion going in this thread and got to wondering about these "extreme circumstances" that can increase the length of time THC stays in one's system. Mainly what I'm wondering is what exactly are these circumstances? Since all of them can be rather subjective. Who did you hear them from too can make a big difference in what qualifies as each of these circumstances. For example someone into fitness or who goes by the ranges established by insurance companies (which is what most official definitions go by) would have a very different opinion of what constitutes "Overweight" when compared to what the average fast food eating American might think is "Overweight" Like obesity for example, the official definition is anyone who is more then 30lbs above their ideal bodyweight yet many people think of people that are like 500+ lbs when they think of obese. So someone who thinks like that might be say 30 to 50lbs above thier ideal bodyweight and not think of themselves as overweight. To complicate things further what about people who are say 50lbs above their "official ideal weight" (Insurance company standards) but it's all muscle?

Moving on what constitutes multiple times a day? I mean technically anything more then once a day is multiple times even if it's just twice a day but I've usually heard this circumstance as being people who are "heavy smokers" but again what is considered heavy? When I bought weed I could usually only afford a quarter ounce at a time and out of necessity I made that last by doing bong hits. Bong hits that I'd do 2-3 times a day, most every day and that quarter ounce would last on average two weeks. Now that I grow my own and have a virtually never ending supply, I smoke joints and can go thru an ounce in a couple of weeks smoking 2-3 joints a day, Each case I'm smoking the same number of multiple times in a day but one way I'm smoking 4 times as much. Also comparatively speaking, I smoke alot less then what I hear many people here say they do and so based on that I'd not think of myself as a heavy smoker yet if I compared myself to someone who only smokes occasionally I am a heavy smoker.

Finally there is the circumstance of smoking "Very Potent Weed" What constitutes "Very Potent" what's the baseline to compare to? I've heard it said all the killer weed of the 60's and 70's only had about 7-10% THC content. Today however, thanks to selective breeding we have weed out there with more then twice that potency. So does that mean "Very Potent" is anything above 7-10% THC content or would "Very Potent" only apply to strains with say 20% or more THC content?

Then there is also the issue of who you're hearing this from. Is it someone who actually works at these labs that do the testing and has a solid understanding of human physiology or is it some dude who also failed a test after more then 30 days without and this is what he figures was the likely causes? It's important to have a solid understanding of all these things because it's possible someone might think in their opinion that none of these "extreme circumstances" applies to them when in fact one, two or all three of them may apply.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Governments should not possess instruments of coercion and violence denied to their citizens. ~Edgar A. Suter

Our government... teaches the whole people by its example. If the government becomes the lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. ~Louis Brandeis

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. ~Barry Goldwater

Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe. No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise. Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except all those others that have been tried from time to time. ~Winston Churchill


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
hey oli's comment made me think. would it be possible to piss clean then freeze it for future use? would the freezing affect it?

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