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:-) Today i was shoping! AUTO FIRE EXTINGUISHER


New member
given the aftermath

given the aftermath

of one of these systems discharging, I went with a slightly more expensive solution designed for the marine industry from my main area. I did get a 12k defender for my storage room, since a fire in there is going to mean a big mess anyway. A ballast smoking off and totally snarfing my pump room and all of my perfectly good ballasts and timers with a sticky residue isn't my idea of a good time.

the marine system was under $300 and covers 3000 sq feet...it's meant for an engine room area and uses some type of new halon type gas.


the marine system was under $300 and covers 3000 sq feet...it's meant for an engine room area and uses some type of new halon type gas.
I would MUCH rather have a halon gas extinguisher than the nasty ABC dry chemical ones. As somebody who has used both CO2 and ABC Dry Chemical extinguishers several times each, I can say that the chemical ones are really really awful. The powder will sting your eyes and burn your throat, it will choke you and it will not be pleasant. I have used them in fairly open manufacturing environments with pretty good circulation and it was bad enough there. I would hate to have to use one in a room the size of a bedroom. Even in a big open basement it would be pretty bad. They are more effective at putting out fires than the CO2 units though, at least the fires that I have put out. I've had one fire where there was something basically hotter than its own flashpoint. I could hit it with the CO2 until there were no flames, but as soon as I took it off the thing would just re-ignite. It took a dry-chem extinguisher to put that fire out. Much like CO2, halon is residue-free and is also unlikely to put out certain extreme fires like that.


New member
Automatic extinguishers are a must. The cheapest best insurance ever.

www.sea-fire.com this is the marine unit I use, it uses FM-200, which is a replacement gas for halon.
*edit* check out the pre engineered systems.

The most important thing when using a clean agent such as FM-200 is concentration. Your room must be able to support at least an 8% concentration of extinguishing agent for at least 10 minutes to be totally effective.

That means your room must be air tight, no open vents entering or leaving the area. Also door sweeps and weather stripping may be necessary to help seal the room.


Great post!

A must have for all indoor growers, in my opinion. Preserve your home, your family, and quite possibly your freedom.

Two thumbs up.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I dig those halon-type marine systems, those look like the cats meow!

Yeah, I've used the dry chemical ones before, and they DO have a nasty residue that is UGLY if you accidentally breathe it (I did, and even outdoors, still made my lungs/throat/nose burn). This reminds me of a rather interesting story:

Years ago I used to commute daily 50 miles up north, and I would gas up daily first thing in the morning at the north end of town, at a Sam's Club gas station. Anyhow, this morning was just like any other, filling up my tank, nice and high from a real nice AK cut (pre-97). I had just finished filling, replaced the nozzle and closed my tank.

As I was getting into my vehicle, I see a flash from a fire a few stalls over, (I think he allowed the gas to overflow and it either hit the exhaust or a spark ignited it), he grabs the gas filler nozzle, pulls it out of his filler neck and throws it, with the gas still pumping. He jumps in his van and drives away! He didn't even bother to come back, I figured he was afraid they were gonna charge him for it, or he had warrants.

By this time I've already turned on my vehicle and drove it a good couple hundred feet away from the pumps, and I'm running back. Two people already have used up one larger (I think 30 pound) extinguisher each, to no avail. The reason why? The gas was STILL PUMPING!!! :yoinks: Add to the fact they were not using the extinguishers properly, and the fire was getting large FAST! :whee:

I hit the emergency shutoff button, grabbed the extinguisher that was next to it, and ran over to the fire. We had just did a fire-safety drill at work days before, & it made a difference in my reaction IMO. The guys who had wasted theirs were trying to shoot at the flames from the top, which is inefficient. I used like 15-20 seconds worth of short controlled blasts, sweeping at the base of the fire, to completely kill it. Hell, the extinguisher didn't even feel like I had used hardly anything!

It charred up the overhang and the pump pretty good, but I and the 2 other guys who reacted (out of the 10-15 cars that were there, most everyone left except for the 3 of us) probably prevented the whole damn place from going up! I had to get to work, so I left before the cops or firemen showed up.

I was pretty damn pleased with my reaction and proud of how I stepped up in an emergency situation. :ying:

I considered that day my good deed for that year, haha! :laughing:



bud, that is some story... i would of probably gotten the fk out of their since i dont kno how long it takes from when the fire starts, to when the whole freaking gas station blows up !!!

also i just wanted to point out with the flame defender there is no need to worry about them going off from smoke. they work based on a heat probe inside of the unit... if it reaches above 140 degree's it goes off.... so no worries about a little fire setting off the entire unit!
Maybe there is a large model for gas station canopies..very large tomato like thing.

I have 3 of these units ( very much over kill ) and of course there is nothing to report, as one cannot say they are "working well." If they were working they would either be putting out a fire, or dumping high velocity yellow goop on your head, after you hit the spray head with a sativa.

but they are working well.

could get one for the toaster


I your using Halon (now banned from production 1994 US/total ban UK/Canada - currently phasing out) in a room that is sealed enough for it to be effective-make DAMN sure you can get out unimpeded in case of a malfunction caused discharge -not even remotely a life supporting atmosphere!!! We used to put large systems in car paint plants/computer bank areas and the doors had to have time limit closers on them to allow human evacuation....otherwise perm sleepy time

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