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starting seeds


New member
All of my previous grows have been in hydro and I have used the paper towel germination method. I always have had 100% results. The grow I am about to start will be in promix with fem seeds so I can find a decent mother. I have been reading about promix and I see people planting the seeds in the soil and just waiting for them to sprout. The only thing I can think of would be that the top layer of soil drys up faster and could potentially kill the seedlings if the tap root isnt long enough. Is there any reason to use one germination method over the other?


no reason you shouldn't stick with what works for you. if you are used to paper towel and get good results I'd keep it up. like you said you do have to keep the promix moist the 1st week or 10 days after you stick the seedling in there.


New member
I have found rapid rooter plugs to be my new fav for popping seeds its easy to keep them properly watered and if used with a tray i found i usualy have over an inch of roots out the bottom of the plug by the time the sprouts form there first set of leaves.


Active member
i hate rapid rooters ,overpriced garbage. and fuck paper towels too. start right in soil like mother nature intended why handle seeds twice.


i always use the paper towel too but like super said why handle them twice.iv always had awesome results in roots organic.


Active member
good ole dixie cup n water always works for me.

Yeah, me too, I used to do the papertowel thing and even rockwool and the like but all that stuff has proven itself to be more trouble than it was worth, now I just use a 9oz solo cup filled with coco and another solo cup on top, instant humidity dome, ...once the seedling emerges I pull the top cup off, ...hardening it off, as it were.

I've also had excellent results with soil using the same method so i'd imagine it'd work just as well with promix.

Peace, SOG


personally I feel either way has worked great for me. easiest being straight to cup. always seem to get good ratios either way.
Straight to dirt. Some beans like to get wet, then dry, then wet again before they pop. I have always had 100% germ rate straight to dirt with good seeds.


I have found rapid rooter plugs to be my new fav for popping seeds its easy to keep them properly watered and if used with a tray i found i usualy have over an inch of roots out the bottom of the plug by the time the sprouts form there first set of leaves.

i hate rapid rooters ,overpriced garbage. and fuck paper towels too. start right in soil like mother nature intended why handle seeds twice.

I could/would agree with both of these lol. I mostly use them for cuttings but since I wasn't cutting and I had them lying around I've used them for sunflowers, broccoli, cannabis, onions (bad idea lol) and all kinds of other things. They are great in that they are set it and forget it. I like to use them if I'm going to be using a soil-less medium otherwise I would probably just put them straight into dirt.

One thing that did happen to me recently though was that I was using these in little hempy-cups (not quite buckets) and I was watering the cube because I thought it was cool how it would distribute the water over the sides and into the perlite. It wasn't as cool when the stem rotted right where it met the cube.

Straight to dirt and paper-towels have never done me wrong either though.


Active member
its about space in those pics . if all them seeds were in cups it would take alot of space and not all seeds sprout.there was way over a hundred got from that tray. when i do less i just plant in a 16oz cup. i dont rip anything up ,i convince them that they need to relocate LOL


Those aren't seeds. They are seedlings. DUH ;)

The point he was making is why pre germinate them...it adds an extra step.

This method of pulling them out after 3 days of sprouting causes nothing but stress. As well as an extra step. So I just fail to see the point.

And as he mentioned in the last post...He doesnt like cups because not all seeds sprout...Well, thats why I use water/napkin...You can tell when and what popped. Plant them, then just wait till the truely need transplanted.

With the price of seeds I would never think of yanking a seedling out of the soil.


Active member
when you start popping hundreds of seeds at a time get back to me.using paper towels leaves you with a tiny sprout which is hard to handle for me . those seedlings are easy to handle and transplant. and most suffer no shock and go right under the light or outside.


when you start popping hundreds of seeds at a time get back to me.using paper towels leaves you with a tiny sprout which is hard to handle for me . those seedlings are easy to handle and transplant. and most suffer no shock and go right under the light or outside.

sorry, just a personal grower...dont need 100. but when you check every 6 hours you never have a long taproot jr...