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1st Bagseed Grow in 8"x17"22" Subwoofer box

This is my first grow since 2004. Back then I grew in a 4'x6'x8' closet, using 2 150w diy hps's and 6 2ft t5 for side lighting would yeild 25grams per clone x20 clones.

HERE GROWS.....uuhhmmmm....HERE GOES.

Cab Specs: 8" wide, 17" deep, 22" tall

This is an old surround sound unit with the subs built into it. I gutted it and used 2 26w cfls for lighting untill I can make a final call on what I will use. I took the tuning port for the subwoofer and cut is down leaving 3" that will later be used for a carbon scrubber. Mounted a 80mm cpu fan to the tube and wired it up with a walmart ac/dc voltage selectable converter.


Unknown bagseed from a ounce of bud my buddy had. There were 6 Seed in the total zip.


Cheap potting soil wife had for her flowers. I baked it @ 350* for about 10min to kill any hitchhikers. Its also fertilized hopefully they will survive.


Also wife's leftovers, 5"x5" pots. Only had two so 2 seedlings had to share until I could come up with another.

No nutrients or other goodies at this point. Also using well water to water with for now. I ordered a ph and pmm meter just waiting untill they arrive. I will be making a trip to the garden center about an hr away when I make sure I have any survivors.

This is Day 14 from sprouting. I lost the first week pics. I also seperated the 2 plants in the one pot into two pots so each have thier own now.






Day 21 Update

Day 21 Update

Took some pics today. I decided that I would use a 70w MH in this box. Mainly cuase a Lowes in my area had them on sale for $9.99 per light:jawdrop: so I bought 2 of them. If anyone in interested I made another thread about them with details in the mirco forums and in the lighting forum.

I also decided to do a little LST on them. Also got to the garden center yesterday. God damn I could spent every penny I make there. I only did this to 2 of the plants since one is a lot slower than these two. It has a nutrient diffency that needs to be corrected. Damn Cheap soil.....:wallbash:

Anyway Here's some Pics. Enjoy!! Feel Free to comment. Make suggustions, anything.








New 70w MH:groupwave::groupwave::groupwave::groupwave::groupwave:

Got my PH meter in and Some goodies I picked up at the Garden Center
cover the inside in white or foil to maximize the reflective surface. nice stealth box.
I planed on painting the inside but just havent got around to getting the paint. Its in the works. Thanks for the comments.

Here is some more info. I plan on using the k.i.s.s. nutrient method. I ph'ed my water and its at 7.0 at room temp. Once I add the 1tsp maxibloom it drops to 6.0. Is that okay for a cheap soil grow. this is also the first soil grow I've ever done. I am working on another cabinet using my 150w hps and maybe 2 70w MH's. I think with the space involved the the hps and maybe some cfls should be enough. the new space will be 26"x30"x32"(WxDxH)


Looks good sucks you cant smoke but at least the wife gets to have some good smoke for cheap. What are you catching with that spider wire? lol

I really like that LST to that plant you bent the shit out of her. how are your temps in that box?

Thanks for the comments. I have some flat white paint already. Just been neglecting to paint it. There is a thread about the light in the micro forum and the lighting forum. There is all the info you'll need there. Thanks again.


Well I bass fish also and that's my heavy cover line. You can't break that stuff. Thanks for the comment. As for the LST. I didn't plan on tying them down at all but started and couldn't stop. My temps in the cab are actually only 1 or 2* above room temp. Completely sealed and fan running at 6v it max's out at around 74*. The exhuat is right at the back of the bulb and socket. It works awsome. Thanks and Good luck with your grow.

Little update today. I decided to take clones from them. I don't have a big enough shoot on the plant in the black container but got one from the other trained plant. I also topped the sick one. It hasn't had any nutrients since planting but had some in the soil. I repotted it into the juice carton and watered it then. It's kinda pulling out of it but grow has really slowed down. The clones were dipped in cloning solution and placed in water bottle cut into half filled with coco. I then took the top half and placed it over as a dome. Hopefully it works. As soon as these are rooted I will flower them and move the others to a computer case mother camber. If anyone wants pics of the bottle cloners I'll be happy to post'em. Thanks again guys.
So.... Would 2 70w mh be better? I have the other one and was pondering installing in the cab. The total sq. Ft. Is .94 Would that be two much light? I think they are 5,100 a piece. So that is more than 10,000 lumeins a sq. Ft. Is this doable. If I can cool it.
I went ahead a installed the other 70w mh in the cab. The temps are relatively the same about 4-6 degrees above room temp. I started 12/12 right after the last post. First plant to show was male and was pulled and destroyed. Next plant to show was female and last is now showing female as well. 2 females so play with is not bad.

One female is not streching at all. And with the bud sites set is I dont think it will yeild very well. This is the plant in the black container that was lst'ed. But it is producing hairs rapidly. I cant wait.

Second female just showed hairs yesterday. Lots of side branching with her. This one was also topped and lst'ed.

All clones prevously taken failed. This is the first time I have tried to clone straight into coco. I dont know what caused them to fail. I am used to using a bubble cloner. Once cuttings failed I pulled them from the coco and checked them out. Coco was still wet but not soaked. The stems where inserted turned brown and black. This is also the first time I used the cheap cloning powder.

I pulled one more clone from each plant I am trying two differnt cloning methods. First is straight water, dipped it is the "cheap" cloning powder and insert it into a piece of styrofoam and placed in a cup of water. Then I went and bought some Clonex gel. I dipped cutting into clonex and inserted it into, flushed and lightly water with 1/4 teaspoon/gal maxibloom, coco. Both cuttings were placed under 13w cfl 24/0.

I will post pics later tonight. Thanks for looking.
Any advice with cloning would be appreciated. Thanks again.
Pics as Promised

Pics as Promised

Day 26 Veg.
Turned lights to 12/12 Today







Heres pics of the girls. Male was already gone.

Day 10 of Flower.


Day 15 Flower









Got these in the mail today. Couldnt get my cheap point and shoot camera to focus on the labels but its Nirvana Silver Pearl, DP's Green Spirit, and Sam's orig. Haze x Skunk #1(Freebie).
Thanks Broniasty and Gb420

hey Gb420,
Did your plants pull thru. Here's some + vibes for you and plants.

Just sent payment for my new beans. Got some House Of Love "Sour Dog" (Lime Rush (CDSDxCDSD bx1) x NYPD) and some Angel4Us AK47 x SSK (Serious' ak47 x Bogs Sour Strawberry Kush), plus the silver Pearl, Green Spirit, and haze x skunk1. I think I got some good genetics to play with for awhile.


Its not going good with the girl, I dont think she is going to make it so im going to cut the little buds that were forming and smoke that bitch in a blunt and start over and not give so much nutes.

I guess it was a good learning curve.
Well, I woke up this morning and looked at the girls and one little fucking nanner burst on the one more mature female. I gently took it out the the cab, then proceded to throw it (actually) outside. So I am now down to healthy female. I recently sprouted 2 more seeds. I put them directly into flower. I've still got the one clone of the healthy female struggling to survive. I put 2 silver pearl and 2 haze x skunk1 seeds in water so hopefully I can get them to pop. I think I might try to get some pollen off of the hermy bastard and seed a bud of the healthy female later on. Hopefully the offspring work hermy without any major stress.
Hope to have a update very soon. All's still green and healthy. Last female just starting to really produce hairs. The two sprouts are rock'n it in the coco, kinda funny cause they are only in the probly 8-10floz worth of coco(bottom of water bottle). I am having trouble with the orig. haze x skunk1 seeds, no germ as of today @ day 10, also the Nirvana is cracked open but kinda stalled no exposed taproot. I guess thats my fault for being a cheap fuck and buying the end of the line seed stock. LOL, just couldnt see spending so much for genetics if they were to get taken(first time ordering seeds). Live and learn. I'll get some pics up soon. 600w Hps will be here Friday. I think I'm going to just buy a 3x2x4ft tent and use the 150 in there. Then split the amoire 4x3x4ft top flowering and Bottom 4x3x3 into veg with the 2 70w and a couple of CFL's.


Discovery Requires Experimentation
Hey DnB,

Just thought i would stop by to see how things are going. Very excited for you to be getting tents!!! looking forward to these photos your promising :)

Hey DnB,

Just thought i would stop by to see how things are going. Very excited for you to be getting tents!!! looking forward to these photos your promising :)

Thanks B-light

Heres some pics I snapped with my piece of shit camera earlier. I didnt get to take them out of the cab so hopefully you guys arent to bummed with them. I will be getting a new camera soon I hope cause I cant stand this pos.





So my new lamp came in the mail today. Brand new hydrofarm phantom 600w dimable ballast w/ open air reflector and New hilux optimized red spectrum hps. Now when I get home from work I stick the larger plant under my 150w hps rigged up in the bathroom to give it some more lumeins. Can't wait till we move so we can get the 600w up running. Repotted the two sprouts into 16.9 bottles filled with pure coco. Been watering large plant everyday, doing nutrient, h2o, h2o, repeat cycles. Came home the other night and found both nirvana silver pearls and 1 orig. Haze x skunk1 seed had sprout nice taproots. All three went into coco in 1gal pots. Now just waiting untill the hit the surface. Also bought a new camera. So hopefully I'll get the lens by next week. It's a Nikon D70s SLR, got it for a steal, came with all box stuff 3 batteries, home and car charger, nice bag, shutter release, and 2 sandisk extreme III 4gb cf cards. I can't wait to play with it. Going to get a tripod and see what it can do.