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Conspiracies theorist social club....


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I know people don't like to hear about thing like this like that don't want religion shoved down there throats, but if possible id like to start a social group geared towards these ideas...

Id also like the people that disagree to join as well... People that are into government politics (spactis(SP) gramps and others).

i dont want to shape people view id like to shape my own. The only way to do this is to look at all sides of the arguments, which means we need non believers.

all i ask is you bring something to the conversation other then hate. i love to learn the other sides other wise how do you know your own?

if anyone would like to join pls PM me and ill have it up in the next week.

thanks again.

lost in a sea

just dont put "theorist" in the title,, its an insult, if we were talking about theories then there wouldnt be people dying as a cause of them..

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I'm having trouble understanding what you're advocating here. Examining conspiracy theories? (which covers a lot of ground, you do mention government) Analyzing religious beliefs? .. You mention people not wanting religion shoved down their throats, and mention nonbelievers. I can't grasp the focus of this.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I'm having trouble understanding what you're advocating here. Examining conspiracy theories? (which covers a lot of ground, you do mention government) Analyzing religious beliefs? .. You mention people not wanting religion shoved down their throats, and mention nonbelievers. I can't grasp the focus of this.

i would like to have a open debate or idea sharing on EVERYTHING.

what i was trying to say is we cannot have a open conversation a real one on a open forums. People look at it like your trying to shove religion down there throats. which is why the social group will be formed so we can freely talk without upsetting the rest of ic mag


Active member
often when the op starts a thread wanting something to be discussed but doesnt give a focus or start it off, it dies off pretty soon.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
i would like to have a open debate or idea sharing on EVERYTHING.

what i was trying to say is we cannot have a open conversation a real one on a open forums. People look at it like your trying to shove religion down there throats. which is why the social group will be formed so we can freely talk without upsetting the rest of ic mag

This is an incredibly diverse community with some really interesting people. An open discussion where the only rule is that you don't push your trip upon others sounds good.


I'm in!

I'm also with lost in a sea with regards to the word "theorist".
Many times in which I've mentioned some facts to people, suddenly they bring up the words
"conspiracy theorists" and bump up a few notches their tone of voice.

How the heck ever did talking about those who've conspired against good people get to be a bad thing anyway?
I guess it takes a certain amount of will to put aside what you think you know, when you're trying to learn more.
Facts are facts, everyone can look into these things.
There's no need to get all upset, sling mud and insinuate that we're less than intelligent or crazy.

These topics can get very weighty, I'd like to add that I wish all of you the best. Even those who don't agree with me.
Im in! I'l pm ya in a minit!

So far as I'm concerned this world was formed by Yashua and decieved by lucifer. I think Yashua left some of His angels here to guide us while He traveled away. Far as I can see, we'r under the power(threw all our governments)of lucifer and his minions.

I think Yashua is the mightyest entity ever and He's VERY capable of delivering on His promis of eternal life. The devils just want us to have death.

UFO's, theyrs 2 kinds. The ones we commonly see are the products of the govt's and demons teknowlegys. The others are Yashua's. I dont think we see them too often. The Bible says God dont respect time. I think that meens God's ships.

I think the great "conspiracy" is just keeping this from us.


Rubbing my glands together
I'm out. Over the years here I've found 1 thing that can always be counted on. You can't open controversial topics for discussion for those with differing opinions here on ic. either in the forums or in private. Just look where the political threads go. Feelings get hurt, names get called, sides get taken, site moral suffers. Even tho we expect others to be tolerant of the views we have about marijuana, some of those here are some of the most intolerant, disrespectful, incapable of actually having a discussion, towards others points of view I've ever seen anywhere. Not saying that necessarily is a bad thing but it is what it is.
What you're asking for is a 24 hour dick measuring contest. Good luck with that.,

All Bud

New member
What you're asking for is a 24 hour dick measuring contest. Good luck with that.,

in this respect all are equal....the rubber ruler rule.:ying:

I would like to see how far this goes into nomans land.

Could we skip politics and religion? No, those are rife with conspiracy.

UFOs are good fodder, especially when piloted by Josh on his frequent trips through the grip of time the eternal.

What about the Police State? OH YEAH...that is'nt actually theory...

Well this is fun so far...:bump:


You can't open controversial topics for discussion for those with differing opinions here on ic. either in the forums or in private. Just look where the political threads go. Feelings get hurt, names get called, sides get taken, site moral suffers.
I think that's in part because people are attached to their ideas/opinions/beliefs. They take attacks/challenges to their I/O/B as personal and can't separate the two.

What I strive to do when dealing with someone is say something like 'that's a stupid thing to believe' instead of saying 'you're stupid'.

For sure though when the topics of politics and religion come up oh my look out. I talk about that stuff with friends. When I see someone set in a particular way I just stop and move on to another topic. Fortunately most of my friends are pretty open minded.

I just love debating, not arguing, though...fun stuff!


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
I'm out. Over the years here I've found 1 thing that can always be counted on. You can't open controversial topics for discussion for those with differing opinions here on ic. either in the forums or in private. Just look where the political threads go. Feelings get hurt, names get called, sides get taken, site moral suffers. Even tho we expect others to be tolerant of the views we have about marijuana, some of those here are some of the most intolerant, disrespectful, incapable of actually having a discussion, towards others points of view I've ever seen anywhere. Not saying that necessarily is a bad thing but it is what it is.
What you're asking for is a 24 hour dick measuring contest. Good luck with that.,

if this turns to be itll be shut down i dont have time to argue like that. Mature adults should be able to disagree in a conversation and keep things civil but who knows.


What you're asking for is a 24 hour dick measuring contest. Good luck with that

I hope you change your mind and consider joining. :)

I see taking part in these sort of discussions as learning and acquiring more truths and understandings.
It's best done when putting aside ego, it just gets in the way of progress.
The path to enlightenment isn't about measuring dicks, ego, knowledge, or anything.
It's the humble state of wanting to know more and appreciating others while doing so.

Love casts light, hugs, words of encouragement and peace.
Hate casts darkness, stones, words of ill and feud.

It is only called the rabbit hole, inside is love and light.