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GT205 NFT setup and fertilizer questions


Active member
Nice to see things coming along man, lookin good. not sure about FIM on your secondary, thats unnessary imo. But soon to be a jungle either way! G'Luck
Sorry no picture update, been busy sawing, drilling, planing, gluing and putting pieces together. The expansion is ongoing and I just need to assemble it with the old, paint it and install the equipment.

I got a microscope and have checked the trichomes on the Blueberry - most are clear and some milky. I'm going to flush with RO water in 2 days and let them get another week before i cut them. But I will post some pictures of how it looks before, just to get some other opinions.
Just smoked a little nug of a little sideshot that I took off and checked the trichomes of (like a piece the size of a pencilhead). I had a headache, so I thought why not try to see the effect.
It has a nice head high with a good buzz to the mind at the start. I fell it instantly, and it kinda surprised me :), since the stuff I'm used to sneaks up on me.
The body feel is uplifting and very numbing, my arms feel very heavy but my mind is focused. After 40 minutes it just feels nice and numb in my body and my head is clear and active.
Definitely something to use against pains or recreational.

So essential just what I was looking for. Hope the rest is like this or better.
Day 46 of flower - New upgrade!

Day 46 of flower - New upgrade!

So - I'm finally done with the expansion of my cabinet. It didn't take me long since I already knew how to do all the work and details.

I don't have any work in progress pictures, but the thing was just to build a corner and fasten it to the old cabinet with dowels and glue, then paint it and add the hinges. It took me somewhat 2 days of work (like some hours every day).

The paint is still moist...


So there is a 40 cm high shelf with room for my propagator.

Underneath is the place where I want 4 mother plants in pots.

I made some big vent holes so that the heat from the light can heat the propagator.

Well - back to the old stuff:

The 2 Blueberry is almost finished, the trichomes are milky, some amber:




The Lala2011 Amnesia is filling out good.

This is only a temporary SCROG, since I'm going to move the plants again and rearrange the screen again.


New member
Glad to hear you got a nice smoke. It should even be better after you cure it for a week or so. was going really well for me but hitting the wall now as i approach then end of my grow. couple of big buds showing major issues. won't bore you with the details.

Also, you might want to add a layer of perlite or something to the bottom of your cloner that will allow roots to get out the bottom of the plug. and thats a big cutting, not sure how much that matters though.

good luck with the grow
I'm actually pretty surprised how well my first attempt at hydro is going. Not to say that it is near as I wanted, but I have learned a lot and can already improve a lot on the second run I am doing.

To summarize some of the points of learning from the first grow:
• Only use the same plants under these conditions, preferably the same clones.
• Don't move the plants after the roots have establishes into the spreader mat.
• Keep the roots healthy at all times.

Otherwise it's mostly how to keep the canopy even, which requires some experience with the plants growth and learning how to train them. This is why I'm making mother plants of these, so I can try them again and improve on growing them.
Is it time to chop?

Is it time to chop?

So they now had 54 days of flowering and 1 weeks flush with RO water.

Some has all brown stigmas, milky/amber trichomes. Some are still developing calyxes and has white fresh stigmas. Mostly the trichomes are milky. I just don't want to chop too early.

What you say? Give it one more week?







New member
Really nice grow man! I have somewhat similar NFT system running 6 plants in it and I`m in week 6 of vegging under CFL. But i have a major problem with the pH. It`s constantly rising to about 7,5 before it stabilizes. I`m using plain citric acid for pH controll but i have to adjust two times/day at minimum. EC value is 1,2 with GHE nutrients (15,10,5 ml/10 L). Could this be a problem with solvation of CO2 in the water(using air pump) or is it becuse of wrong pH down agent? Looks like you know your chemistry, maybe you have some answer to this?? i`m using membran filtered water RO.


Active member
Hey Whirly!
Wrong PH down man, citric dont cut it in hydro. get some nitric, sulphuric &or phosphoric, just read up on saftey usage before mixing it. ie never add water to acid, its always a little acid to water. if you use nitric for veg, just be cafefull with it man, i got 1 drop on my skin for all of 10 secs, washed it with loads of plain water & still put a hole in my hand like a ciggie burn(long time ago now), it was Canna's, strong shit, wear googles. sounds like you might have a couple of issues with buffers too, RO 'can' fk your PH about unless you add CalMag ime. maybe a 50/50 Ro to Tap might help ya case. whats the EC of your tap?
btw, id just use Phosphoric acid if i was you man, all hydro shops sell it, 1litre should last a long time! years if you run a little rig!
PH for NFT 5.5-6.0 is where you wanna be aiming bro! upward PH drift of around 0.3 per day is a good thing in NFT, shows its running healthy imo! G'Luck!(looks like you run off to buy some,-good man!)

Looking good Beeb, nice first run. the flush with the RO should improve things at the end, let the pistils receade back into the calyx, they'll swell a bit yet, looks like theres a good couple of weeks in them tbh! id give them lower EC nutes for another week myself then flush. just be patient, not long now! btw looks like you have a little Ca defic goin on there, maybe PH issue too?. do you ever flush/leach ya Rockwool? i always periodically do it, every 2-3 weeks in NFT, my RW is nearly as clean as when i started by the time its finished!

G'luck with the flush/finish!
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I been flushing with RO water for a little over a week now, hence the deficiencies.

The problem with these is that I didn't take care of the roots. They were all brown, short and covered with salts. I should have changed the reservoir more often than I did.

But I'm going to chop them when the G13 Haze seeds pops. Regular, but all I got right now...


Active member
a week ago, far too early for flush(NFT-its not like flushin in soil!) judging by your pics imo, but im sure it'll still come ok for ya man!, i change out every 7 days in little tanks like yours, its bad enough having to top up & balance everyday in litttle tanks but essential. try some H2o2, that'll fix ya brown roots yp next time(or mold)! Gluck!

sorry i missread post #69man! id be gutted if i saw amber trichs & my buds were in that stage of development, sorry to say! by the time they come to being ripe n calyx swolen, they'd all be amber or pretty much! still for a first run good stuff man, well done bro!
i understand your hands are being tied if your seeing amber trichs everywhere. theres a few things that will do that/cause it. element profile, light all sorts of shit! be interesting to see how they look in another 7 days! G'Luck with it Beeb! k!
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New member
Thanks alot scrogerman, this was really helpful. I got some lab grade 85 % phosphoric acid and started adding it today. Noticed that the pH is actually dropping over time instead of rising but i looks like it stabilizes around 5,0 so i added some KOH to rise the PH to 5,5. My EC of the tap water is 0,133 but i thinks it contains some algae so thats why i decided to use RO water, i also measured my RO water to 0,008. What type of CalMag should i use and in what ratio/concentration. Could i use calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide or do i have to have something more exotic?

Sorry Beeb dont meaning to take over your post here. Really inspiring work you got going there ;)
I think the amber trichs is somewhat related to me moving the plants twice, damaging the roots and also neglecting to change the reservoir often enough. They were growing nicely until a few days after that, then they started to "mature" before the calyx's were fully swolen.

Anyways, they are going down as soon as my G13 Haze is coming out of their small grodans.

And all these errors will not be done on the ongoing Amnesia I have growing. They are already filled with trichs and the roots are nice white and growing like crazy!

No prob. whirleybird. If I can learn something from your posts we both benifit from it.


Active member
Thanks alot scrogerman, this was really helpful. I got some lab grade 85 % phosphoric acid and started adding it today. Noticed that the pH is actually dropping over time instead of rising but i looks like it stabilizes around 5,0 so i added some KOH to rise the PH to 5,5. My EC of the tap water is 0,133 but i thinks it contains some algae so thats why i decided to use RO water, i also measured my RO water to 0,008. What type of CalMag should i use and in what ratio/concentration. Could i use calcium hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide or do i have to have something more exotic?

Sorry Beeb dont meaning to take over your post here. Really inspiring work you got going there ;)

You might wanna refer to that link i gave you to give you a better idea. i wouldnt use the those hydroxides with hydro myself but idk im no chemist. epsom salt /or Mag sulphate & Calcium carbonate would be more suitable id of thought. to make things simple just buy a bottle of calmag from the hydro store, seems to be the general norm when running RO. like i said refer to that link i gave you on Basic Water Chemistry to give you a better idea. my point is RO has no buffering cap, so you PH can get fked about. most nute lines account for this anyway, but it was worth mentioning i thought.

Your water is soft, sounds ok to me, what makes you think it has Algae in it? have you tried running with the tap alone?

if your PH starts dropping, could be a sign your EC is slightly high, so just keep an eye on that, if its starts dropping daily, just adjust EC down a little, untill it settles over a day or 2. Its slightly upward PH drift your after really.

hope Beeb doesnt mind us chatting in his thread? maybe start your own thread man. get your post count up etc. G'Luck!


Active member
I think the amber trichs is somewhat related to me moving the plants twice, damaging the roots and also neglecting to change the reservoir often enough. They were growing nicely until a few days after that, then they started to "mature" before the calyx's were fully swolen.

Anyways, they are going down as soon as my G13 Haze is coming out of their small grodans.

And all these errors will not be done on the ongoing Amnesia I have growing. They are already filled with trichs and the roots are nice white and growing like crazy!

No prob. whirleybird. If I can learn something from your posts we both benifit from it.

Thats a downer mate, ive seen something similar myself, but usually from light timer error in mid bloom & nute profile fk ups.
ill have to check your Amnesia's out, sounds good. G'Luck with the G13'-H's man. keep us posted on progress bro!


When adjusting the pH be careful not to overshoot (in either direction) as compensating with the opposite pH-adjuster will take away the buffering abilities of your water (carbonates) more and more and pH swings will appear even worse. In such small tanks it might be better to refill than to adjust if you went <3 or >9 pH.
Today I cut the Blueberry's and moved the Amnesia to their place. The G13 Haze were placed in the left room.
I left the lowest buds on the blueberry's and replanted it into Biobizz lightmix soil in a 2.5L pot. Now they are under 20/4 light 24WCFL 10000K. Hopefull they will grow to be some good mother plants.

There are a couple of good buds, a lot of small thumb size buds and a whole lot of trim. I left them on a mesh to dry in my loft. There's good ventilation, not too hot and decently dry. In a couple of days ill check them and then the curing will start.

The Amnesias are really smelly and filled with trichs compared to the Blueberry. It's a very hashy smell.

Ill update with pictures ... when I get to it :)
Picture update on some of the various things...

Here's the Blueberry just before I cut it. The obvious deficiencies is due to the 2 week flush with RO water. Some of it was finished; white/amber trichs. Some was past their time, but still developing... I mistreated it along the way by not taking proper care of the roots, moving the plants and not changing the reservoir often enough.


Here they are re-vegging after the cut.



And the clone of the Early Durban I took 5 weeks into flower, before I tossed the plant. This was my first ever attempt at cloning and re-vegging.


It has big strong roots and are already developing new shots.

Now the Lalandia 2011 Amnesia:




They are covered in trichs, and only a few weeks into flower.

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