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Vick on dogfighting in GQ: ‘People act like it’s some crazy thing they never heard of

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Oh yea, poor Mike Vick, let's all feel bad for they guy; he was so ghetto, he had to put food on his fams table by organizing dog fights, just like NWA rapped in "straight outta Compton". If only he had a sports career and a multi-million dollar football deal, he could have avoided all the bad press. Cause seriously you guys, he wasn't doing it just cause he's a terrible dude and has a taste for this old skool cruelty. And all the bad tongues about him.. Well, they are just racists and don't know better.

Check it out, i heard this on the streets, after Angelina Jolie retires as the UNCHR goodwill ambassador, they got Mike Vick picked to follow her, cause he's superduper awesome! Such a kool kat, wouldn't harm a fly.

Who said he was a kool kat? Or that he deserves a humanitarian award for killing dogs. Or was that just another pointless hate rant?

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Vick was an idiot for doing what he did... the man did his time... let it go..... if you have enough time to think about this topic then you could be doing so many other things...

Vick is a superstar...sorry for all you haters...but then man is Gifted :tiphat:

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
Killings dogs is so inhumane but dropping NATO bombs is OK?? get the point....you people are just socially engineered to feel and think a certain way....thats why your so insentive to human life but a stupid animal makes you wanna lynch somebody???? lol If you eat any sort of meat ..please dont even reply

h^2 O

My idea of a dogfight is watching that hobo Kimbo Slice fighting a dude in a backyard next to a swing set for six dollars


Active member
Storm Shadow. I eat dogs.

But I don't beat the shit out them and fight them.
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i love dogs but it's kinda weird how America worships dogs so much these days and treat them as good or better as their own kids/family.

doggie treats at the drive-thru bank window? dog cafes... giving the dog a treat every time it goes to 'potty' ..brushing their teeth and giving them daily baths... online doggie dating.....all the little doggie outfits...

vick didn't grow up seeing dogs get glorified in his area as much as other areas, so it wasn't so abnormal to dog fight. I doubt he feels a lot of remorse. It's more of a culture thing to some people. He said he likes dogs and enjoyed having a pet dog. He said he always had one. He didn't see all dogs as the same though... so he felt it was ok (in his world) to breed dogs for fighting purposes. Not everyone forms attachments easily, especially to just any random dog that's been bred specifically for dog fighting. It's not like he is breaking in your homes and taking the toast and jelly out of your sweet pit bulls mouth and putting it into a fighting cage.

I personally don't care for dog fighting myself. I don't hate vick or think he's scum though. He realizes he is a public figure and kids look up to him all over America, not just the hood; plus it has hurt his career a lot. So I feel he is sorry in that aspect.


I know for a fact that one person's actions shouldn't define the image of a whole race...

Yet strangely enough you believe he does in fact gives black folk a bad image or did I misinterpret your rep message of " yeah he does " ?

My eyes are open wide enough to see right through gobshites who say one thing in public and another in private.
No point saying one's actions should not define a whole race if you dont even believe it yourself now is there??

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Killings dogs is so inhumane but dropping NATO bombs is OK?? get the point....you people are just socially engineered to feel and think a certain way....thats why your so insentive to human life but a stupid animal makes you wanna lynch somebody???? lol If you eat any sort of meat ..please dont even reply

I used to use this argument with my parents.

"It's just a bag of weed! It's not like I am stealing cars".

Vick is still a cruel human, and nothing will change that. Are there worse things in the world than torturing dogs? Yes.

BTW. The topic of the thread is not "NATO bombs" whatever the fuck that means. It is actually "Vick on Dog Fighting..." . So most people would think that the discussion/posts, would revolve around the actual topic, and not on random atrocities around the Earth. :wave:


Cannabrex Formulator
Black, white green, red or purple.....who cares what fucking colour Vick is.

He is a arrogant, obnoxious, conceited and self-absorbed egomaniacal fucking moron (not to mention almost illiterate) who happens to be good at throwing a football, and he seems to think this makes him something uber-special.

It is a very very sick society that values and rewards a total fucking tool like Vick but marginalizes people like teachers, educators and the like. A very sick society that will spend 100 million dollars paying a fucking asshat like Vick so he can fight dogs and be a navel-gazing sybarite, while others starve, cannot be educated and have no hope of ever changing things.

mad librettist

Active member
i love dogs but it's kinda weird how America worships dogs so much these days and treat them as good or better as their own kids/family.

doggie treats at the drive-thru bank window? dog cafes... giving the dog a treat every time it goes to 'potty' ..brushing their teeth and giving them daily baths... online doggie dating.....all the little doggie outfits...

vick didn't grow up seeing dogs get glorified in the hood so it wasn't so abnormal to dog fight. I doubt he feels a lot of remorse. It's more of a culture thing to some people. I believe he likes dogs and enjoyed having a pet dog. He said he always had one. He didn't see all dogs as the same though... so he felt it was ok (in his world) to breed dogs for fighting purposes. Not everyone forms attachments easily, especially to just any random dog that's been bred specifically for dog fighting. It's not like he is breaking in your homes and taking the toast and jelly out of your sweet pit bulls mouth and putting it into a fighting cage.

I personally don't care for dog fighting myself. I don't hate vick or think he's scum though.

excuse me but in vick's hood the social norm is dogs as pets not as gladiators. you sound like a white guy who lives in the suburbs who thinks he knows something about culture in the inner city.


excuse me but in vick's hood the social norm is dogs as pets not as gladiators. you sound like a white guy who lives in the suburbs who thinks he knows something about culture in the inner city.

then why did he say he was brought up so much around dog fighting in his area? You sound like you think you know what every hood is like.

You are going to say drug dealing and drive-by shootings weren't common in his area next? Look it up. You are a fool if you don't think underground dog fighting was prevalent where he was brought up. This has nothing to do with black or white, or inner city culture. I'm going off of what vick has said and the area he was brought up in, specifically. There can be underground dog fighting in white suburbia too just like there are pet dogs in every area. But some areas and ways of life it is more common for underground dog fighting. I said he had a pet and liked dogs growing up as a kid... but there's an underground aspect, which involves money and competition, that you don't seem to comprehend. Not everyone looks at dogs as humans.


It's not like he is breaking in your homes and taking the toast and jelly out of your sweet pit bulls mouth and putting it into a fighting cage.

No but I'm sure his dog fighting buddies have stolen dogs to be ripped apart to blood the fighting dogs.
You dont just throw 2 dogs in the ring and expect them to fight..dogs are trained to fight by fighting dogs that dont stand a chance.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well the way I see it, the whole deal with Michael Vick has nothing to do with race, at least as far as the public's reation to him. Rather it has everything to do with him being a rich famous celebrity of sorts. If the bust of that dog fighting ring netted a bunch of average joe's nobody heard of it would have barely made a blip in the news and would have been long forgotten by now. Over the years I've heard of other dog fighting rings being busted and cock fighting rings being busted and it gets a mention in the local news and that's it. Nobody remembers the people involved and holds them accountable years later after they served thier time and got thier punishment.

Being that Vick is a Celebrity people hold him to a higher standard and they like it when Celebrities fail to live up to the high standards placed on them because it makes people feel superior about themselves because they would never do something like that. I wonder how the story would have played out if Vick got injured in College and never made it to the Pros and then went on to be involved in a dog fighting ring?

The only judgement I place on Vick really is that he was a moron for continuing to do something so many people would be judgemental about after having elevated himself to a very lucrative start to a promising career. That and continuing to be stupid enough to act like he doesn't understand why people got so pissed at him over the matter. All he'll succeed in doing with comments like the one that started this thread is make people continue to judge him for it. His best bet would be to keep his mouth shut and do what he can to become like a Roethlisberger where he's so good people forgive him of his fuck ups.


No, bullfighting is just as bad...as is any 'sport' that forces two animals to fight to the death with extreme violence for the entertainment of humans.

Totally barbaric, unnecessary, cruel and sick, IMHO.

And trying to fob it off on 'culture' is a total cop out and a crock of shit......it was part of Cossack culture to have pogroms in Jewish villages where they would rob, rape and kill for fun. Might have been a cultural thing, but that in no way validates it....fucking right you can judge someone's culture...if it's cruel and violent, call it what it is.

thats not true not everydog fight is to the death and its actually rare when they do go to the death


No but I'm sure his dog fighting buddies have stolen dogs to be ripped apart to blood the fighting dogs.
You dont just throw 2 dogs in the ring and expect them to fight..dogs are trained to fight by fighting dogs that dont stand a chance.

wrong bro dont spread info if you dont know what your talking about your dog is either game or its not


You're so sure huh? Why?

Because I used to volunteer at a few no kill shelters and have seen the dogs seized by the cops from raids of fighting rings.
I've also seen the photos taken of dumped dog carcasses from the same locations.....they were not all fighting breeds unless you count a JRT or King Charles as a fighting breed.

Obviously they were dogs used to blood the fighting dogs.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Because I used to volunteer at a few no kill shelters and have seen the dogs seized by the cops from raids of fighting rings.
I've also seen the photos taken of dumped dog carcasses from the same locations.....they were not all fighting breeds unless you count a JRT or King Charles as a fighting breed.

Obviously they were dogs used to blood the fighting dogs.

I'm not sure if they count as fighting breeds but I've heard it said that JRT's can be quite fierce. Not necessarily on par with Pitt Bulls but not ones to be underestimated by thier size.


dog fighting is a black / hisspanic ghetto culture thing , man I wish he would just breed his own children to fight , jack them on steroids/ beat, molest them ....now that s a sport 2 ghetto year old baby fights
I hate anyone who can be so ignorant as MV ,

I hope some buddy went atm on him inside..... fucking douchebag

LOL how fuckin dumb is this comment I bet there are more white dog fighters than black or hispanic
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