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I want to collectively see how people on ICMAG think- Part 2!

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Which is worse?

1. Animal Cruelty
2. Rape

Let's get to the underlying issue in the other thread and throw away individual celebrity cases.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Ok but you still haven't added alleged..... if you want to get to the underlying issue.

F. Dupp

Active member
Rape is a form of animal cruelty. Humans are mammals. Mammals are animals.

Find another subject to obsess about. Rape/animal cruelty isnt healthy.


in the thick of it
I thought there were only two topics at hand....animal cruelty and rape. Here's a third...if you were looking for one....animal rape.
The fact is, that both are wrong, evil and self serving. None are beneficial in any way, shape or form. Which is worse? It depends on who is asking....an old lady who had her home invaded and was raped or the dog that someone hadn't fed in a long time or hadn't cleaned up after them or given them needed medication...whatever. The rape victim was violated. Her person was violated, her security, her privacy, her sense of comfort in her home her faith in humanity was violated....everything she holds dear is now in question. If she lives through it, the memories and feelings will be with her to the grave. The dog on the other hand will not carry this kind of emotional burden. Once the dog is nursed back to health, cared for and loved it will resume a normal doggie life. The question is kind of odd to me.....where one instance is toward a human and the other to an animal.


May your race always be in your favor
Two completely different actions. Both deserve to spend long amounts of time in prison sitting and staring at a wall, knowing that karma, and a big mutha named bubba, will take care of them.

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
I think both rapists and animal abusers should spend at least a few min in a cage with this little lady -


lost in a sea

who cares which is worse and why in whos opinion,, both are simply deplorable and stem from someone either not learning a certain lesson at an earlier point in their lives or not having the gene to be able to learn empathy at all,,, either that or their conscience should eat them up till the grave which is the worst and best punishment,,,
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I can guarantee you a gazillion percent that the people on ICMag think every which way, and if you make a 3D graph of our answers, it'll tell you exactly nothing.


I think people should eat. I support that 100%. I also support toilet paper and running water. I'm not sure where I stand on electric dog polishers.


It should be closed wasn't thinking when I made this topic not relevant in anyway toward cannabis ~ I apologize!



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Which is worse?

1. Animal Cruelty
2. Rape

Let's get to the underlying issue in the other thread and throw away individual celebrity cases.

bro, you'll never get or find vindication for Vick this way; only Vick can attain it by his behavior which will now always be under a microscope.

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