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Non-Germinating Seeds From Reputable Seller


About a month ago, I bought some seeds from a reputable seller in the UK. The seeds arrived in 11 days and I put some on peat pellets and kept them damp and in a dark place free of drafts. I have always germinated seeds this way.

I am NOT a new grower. I have been growing pot for myself and my friends since 1967, bot indoors and outside.

None of these expensive seeds would germinate. I tried the damp paper towel method and the seed in water method. No joy. A few of the seeds in the damp paper towel sent out a short root (1/4") and then just stopped. So I put them in small pots in potting soil, but none broke the surface. After a week, I dug out the seeds and the short root had shriveled to nothing.

Just this morning I read on another forum that another grower had the exact same results from the same seller. That seller guarantees delivery, but not germination. In fact they say on their website that they will not respond to emails that mention germination.

The seeds were from 3 different breeders, all with excellent reputations.

In the 1980s I took good seeds from Mexican Sativa, Afghani Indica and Colombian Gold. I had no problems with germination or cultivation with any of them. I am out of the pot business and have been for about 14 years. I no longer have any connections in this country.

It's really hard to grow pot if the seeds won't germinate.

I will try the Seed Boutique next time. I need suggestions for a good Afghani Indica and a Mexican or Colombian Sativa.

Any help?

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
It's not only finding a good company to sell them but also a good breeder that has new stock that is fresh.
If your seeds were say, DJ short or maybe Soma, well, I think most know by now not to buy as their stock is sinking fast(old).

Get you some Dutchgrown(DGS) seeds from seedbay or seed boutique. All will be well.
Did you contact them and let them know you had issues with there seeds? If they get many complaints about non-germination they may replace your seeds.


I have been thinking about why these supposed good seeds would not germinate.

In coming here from the UK by International Mail, the seeds are in a mail bag in the luggage compartment of a jet airliner. These planes fly at altitudes around 35,000 feet where the temerature is about 50-60 degrees below zero F. Then they are sent, again by jet airliner, to Southern Arizona where the temperature this time of year is around 100-110 degrees F. and the temperature in my mailbox is 130-145 degrees F., on the hottest days.

I doubt that the freezing hurts the seeds, but the heat can kill them very quickly. I try to get the mail as quickly as possible, but 5 minutes at 145 degrees can kill any seed.

Bottom line, I won't be ordering any seeds from Europe until after November, when the heat is gone.

I will get some starts for Purple Urkle from a friend in Northern California and some pure Mexican sativa seeds from a friend who will be going to Central Mexico in December.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
i have popped schwizzy bagseed that i didnt think would ever germ. getting ready to tear into some DEEZ x Kyle Kushman"s Strawberry cough


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
These planes fly at altitudes around 35,000 feet where the temerature is about 50-60 degrees below zero F. Then they are sent, again by jet airliner, to Southern Arizona where the temperature this time of year is around 100-110 degrees F. and the temperature in my mailbox is 130-145 degrees F., on the hottest days.

Interesting theory. Not sure it's the answer.

My first ever seed order was Sensi Seeds Silver Haze. I was hovering around 90% germ success when I went 0-16 with the Silver Haze but 4-5 with the freebie Thunks which came in the same package and endured the same shipping.

John Deere

Active member
Same here. I never have problems with germ and I frequently run a lot of really old bagseed. But I only got 2-10 on my last BOG SB order. It sucks.

I haven't tried my freebies yet. Hope they do better.

What seeds did you order?

The Bulk

Old seeds and mold are the biggest germination problem there is.If seed breeders/sellers would put a born on date on the packaging you could eliminate one of the biggest problems seed buyers face.

Mr Eckted

Maybe try the paper towel method? I order them and have them shipped overseas, and get almost 100%

All we do is soak and wring out a paper towel, place the seed in and fold it over, and put the paper towel in between two saucers for a day or two. Works every time. You could even pop them into your pellets once the roots showed.


New member
Having the very same problem and did the same as you. I thought I'd done something wrong and I'm trying to germinate the rest of the seeds. I have two out of 24 sprouting in soil at this time. Watching and waiting. I have always had a veggie garden more than 30 years now so I am not new to gardening but new to growing my own pot plants. I live where temp. get very hot in summer and thought perhaps the seeds became too hot in shipping???? Expensive loss with no germination guarantee. I think I best hold off on my orders for a few months. I haven"t contacted the seed Co. yet. Spent alot of money on seed and hadn't thought of temp. in shipping. Thanks for the info.
Old seeds and mold are the biggest germination problem there is.If seed breeders/sellers would put a born on date on the packaging you could eliminate one of the biggest problems seed buyers face.
Hi Bulk,
With a born on date who's to say that the date stamped on the package is accurate. Any breeder and/or reseller that overstocks would be stuck with product that they know few would buy with an accurate date stamp.
I'm a firm believer in doing business with the most reputable business people even though it might cost a little more. Those kind of folks know that taking an occasional loss is part of the game & most won't screw over a client for a dime.
Just my two-bits.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I paid about $200 5 years ago for a pack of 10 seeds from a reputable seed company.

I used 6 of them right away and kept the other 4 for a rainy day.

2 years ago (3 years after I got them and threw them in a closet) I popped the remaining 4.

I selected a female from the 4 remaining and that female is the only thing that is currently growing in my space...

After the first harvest (from seed) I revegged that plant and then got lazy about watering her and came back to find her looking DEAD. (dried out stems, nothing but brown leaves. NOTHING green.)

I figured she was dead and I had totally blown it and I felt terrible, but with nothing better to do, I watered her anyway for a whole month and then there was a tiny spark of life. One branch never recovered, but another went on to grow into a massive bush. (It was weird seeing a dead branch and a thriving branch.)

I eventually replaced that original (from seed plant) with one of her clones. And I have underwatered those clones at times, kept them under ~50w of CFL at times, let her dry out and wilt several times....

That clone mama of the original seed is STILL putting out viable clones to this day.

NO NANNERS, high potency, never had an infestation.

I think that I got my $200 worth.