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Sarcasm Thread


Crotchety Cabaholic
Our Pres is doing a great job.
The economy is ticking like a fine Swiss watch.
We need more illegal immigrants to fill all the jobs in my area.
My house is worth 2x the value I paid.
A college education is a great bargain.
3D TVs that require glasses are a smart investment.
An iphone make you cool.


Well-known member
Death is life's way of telling you that you've been fired.

Oh, and by the way, your village just called, and they're missing an idiot.



Well-known member
Why no, I do not think spandex pants should come with a weight limit.

No, those jeans don't make you ass look big. Your ass makes those jeans look small.

I'll take schwagg over good organic bud any day.

Of course politicians have your best interest in mind.


Freedom Fighter
Of all things I cherish, it is Independence that i cherish most!!
The Independence to choose Hillary or Bill...GW or McCain...or the longshot...Obama!!
Or....maybe the Independence to chose the weird guy...Dr Paul--
Orrrrr...maybe being an American, is realizing that the Rants of Dr Paul...are Fanatical Ravings of a Madman!!!
I mean...I, I, I mean....how does any Sane Person think...that we can achieve the Radical Change needed to Revive this Great Country....if we strive to elect a "Radical" President??
I mean...Really!!!!:noway:


i think we could actually agree about global warming if we just keep talking about it

i think the mods are out to ban everyone who is not on their friends list .... they love to oppress stoners

i think you can please all the people all the time

i lose sleep if someone does not like what i have to say

i think the next guy who gets elected is going to turn things around


“He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.”

- Oscar Wilde



I have never used steroids. Period.


Registered User
I'm going to keep posting the same thread over & over & over again until a mod finally see's it my way... and lets me do whatever i want... and this most certainly will be the outcome, as long as i keep pushing, harder & harder & harder.

h^2 O

my ex is such a sweetheart...I was simply ecstatic when she contacted me to tell me we had a baby and it's now 3 years old. I hope I get to pay child support.

lost in a sea

yeah the future is really bright,, i think humans will definitely sort out their problems and stop being tricked into killing each other,,, its not like we've sold our souls to the devil and our culture is a complete mess or anything...

if we just keep believing in abstract ideas like democracy and freedom, policed by psychopathic snakes in suits, then we will be just fine, just fine i tells ya..

what a caring world we have built!

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