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Plant with what kinda looks like powdery mildew...


Registered User
I think the dots were definitely part of the leaf. They came and nothing further came of them. I do not believe that they were anything other than the plant reacting to it's environment.

Not sure. The white dots definitely seem to be part of the leaf. My scope isn't working right so I can't get a close look at it.

I still maintain some hope that this isn't PM.

Other than looking at it, is there any way to test these dots to see if they are PM or not?

with a 60 power loupe you can easily see all the mold structures... whole bunch of super thin filament like structures criss-crossing all abouts.

dgr's first pic has a whole bunch of unstalked glands showing on top of the leaves... some strains are more pronounced than others, but all have them... along with fine 'hairs' all over the place as well. shit, some leaves, even have a bit of shimmer to em when you move them about, really closely looking at them.

i just see the glands... your mystery dots. just went into my veg room... yup, I've got em too... on all the plants... and i assure you, i do not have mold.

but wait a few days/week... you'll see it develop, esp if you are foliar feeding daily. but i really doubt you have mold with such small plants, and so few of them in there... and during early veg. when you get mold, there really is very little confusion over the issue.


Good call MIway. IIRC, that was Afgoo and she sugared a lot of the bud fans all the way to their tips.


Active member
There are no mites or thrips or bugs at all. I have looked under the leaves with a loupe. Nothing at all.

It doesn't look ANYTHING like the thrip or mite damage pics posted here.

I water just before lights out, and they're under T8s anyway so I would be surprised if that burned it.

why dont people fkin listen!ffs lol, chill! im glad you got the loupe & looked, always the first thing i do. glad your on it op! ha alot of top help come in to ya thread here! g'luck"!


Active member
Hammerhead: I have found a product called immunox from Home depot that erradicates PM almost overnight and havent had it since. organic milk works for PM as does 3% hydrogen peroxide and the baking soda. will dry out the surface tension so PM cant grow on and destroys the spores immediately.

As for the thrips or mites.. its either or.. or both. that or you foliar with the lights on and burn holes in your foliage...

have to check out the immunox, cheers my bro!


The Immunox I picked up was in a ready to spray hose end sprayer for grass. It's basically 1/4 or 1/5th strength Eagle 20.


Got my 60x scope working. White dots seem to be little white drops on the leaf (exudations?). Some of them were located at the base of the leaf hairs. Those hairs, by the way, are wicked looking at 60x.

Saw no pests or anything that looked like mold or fungus.

An interesting thing I did get to see: there are some places where some nutrient solution has dried and left that white residue. Under 60x the residue looks like a bunch of tiny salt crystals, which is exactly what they are. I have just never seen it that close. Funsies! I've never looked at the leaves at more than 10x-30x. I can go up to 120x with my scope too, will have to try that out. :jump:



Um...like this?



It was really hard to center on a white dot but I am pretty sure the dots were either hairs (lots of the hairs are kinda white to the naked eye actually) or white versions of what you just posted. I could be wrong though, as centering those tiny dots in my scope is difficult.

Um...like this?



It was really hard to center on a white dot but I am pretty sure the dots were either hairs (lots of the hairs are kinda white to the naked eye actually) or white versions of what you just posted. I could be wrong though, as centering those tiny dots in my scope is difficult.

Well, like I said at least 4 times now, spider mites.


Dude, there is nothing there. I've looked and looked. And looked some more, and since those dots have been there for at least 5 weeks, no increase or decrease in the amount of them, I'd think that I'd see an increase in population by now, as well as webs etc. or a dead plant, or something, especially when the plant was stressed from nearly dying when I dropped it and the stem broke. Since you keep bringing it up, though, I will go look again, because I could have missed something.

Oh and my cannabis plants without dots have those same things on them that you posted a pic of. So do my roses outside and most of the other plants. Also some leaves from my Oak tree. It looks like perspiration on the leaves to me. I swear we went over this in my college bio classes.

Well, like I said at least 4 times now, spider mites.


Ok, so just ripped a leaf off with lots of dots on it and looked. Nothing at all underneath. No webs, no bugs, no eggs, no larvae, nothing. No leaf damage, no holes, no nothing. In fact the leaf is super healthy.

The white dots on top are nearly impossible to pinpoint in the scope. From I can see they are almost all at the base of the hairs, but some may not be.

The little globules you posted a pic of are everywhere. Way more today than there were last night. I also just watered everyone and the temps were up a bit today. From what I remember of bio 102 those are water droplets or whatever that the plant is expiring.

I should note that my little globules are not as big or yellowy as the ones you posted a pic of. Might be different. Mine are smaller and more clear/green in color, and way more numerous. There would be 10 or 15 in the same area as the pic of the 3 you posted, and might be roughly 80% of the size.

Argh wish I had a camera that took better pics. lol


Registered User
You can look em up & find some pics... but there are Capitate-Stalked, Capitate-Sessile & Bulbous glands on the plant... the sessile & bulbous form early on, whereas the stalked are the ones we are most interested in harvesting.

Likely, what you are seeing is the sessile glands, or possibly bulbous... both appear to lie flat to the surface, though the sessile might have a very short stalk.

Here's an interesting link I found... though not the best to go over plant biology & with multiple pics of the gland types...


And this one works with Sage, but the pic's could just as well be from weed... same plant structures up close... but good pics...


EDIT~ hey midnight, gland heads look a lot alike to the eggs... and depending on the species, they are about the same size, though the eggs tend to be larger. but check your larger leaf veg plants & if you have good eyes, when you move the leaf from side to side under the light, you can see the sparkle from the glands. scope em... they look like small eggs... I mean, I see gland heads, not eggs, but I know what I'm looking for. and considering everything mpl's posted, pretty sure he'd have found a live mite or two by now.


First, awesome links! Thanks!

Yes, as I said earlier, sometimes the white dots and other parts of the leaf will sparkle! Especially if you are moving it around in the light. It's the only plant I've ever had with this effect.

I too figured that I would have found some pests by now if there were any. I have been looking for 2 weeks now.

You can look em up & find some pics... but there are Capitate-Stalked, Capitate-Sessile & Bulbous glands on the plant... the sessile & bulbous form early on, whereas the stalked are the ones we are most interested in harvesting.

Likely, what you are seeing is the sessile glands, or possibly bulbous... both appear to lie flat to the surface, though the sessile might have a very short stalk.

Here's an interesting link I found... though not the best to go over plant biology & with multiple pics of the gland types...


And this one works with Sage, but the pic's could just as well be from weed... same plant structures up close... but good pics...


EDIT~ hey midnight, gland heads look a lot alike to the eggs... and depending on the species, they are about the same size, though the eggs tend to be larger. but check your larger leaf veg plants & if you have good eyes, when you move the leaf from side to side under the light, you can see the sparkle from the glands. scope em... they look like small eggs... I mean, I see gland heads, not eggs, but I know what I'm looking for. and considering everything mpl's posted, pretty sure he'd have found a live mite or two by now.


Well-known member
trichs on vegging plants in spiratic zones.. sounds like an egg of some sort if its not a bug or defic and it looks like a clearish glob..


spiratic? did you mean sporadic?

It's not trichs. If you meant sporadic, it's not that either. The white dots are very evenly spaced along the entire leave, with a bit more density on the tip of the leaves.

The clones from this plant also exhibits the same dots on the leaves. I have had this mom in my garden for almost 6 weeks and the ONLY place these dots exist is on this plant and her clones. I think if it were pests or mold or something then they'd have killed her when she was near death from having her main stem broken almost completely in two. I didn't think she'd make it. They would have at least spread to other plants by now. Also the dots have been consistent in their density, when they appear and how they look. I don't think bugs, mold etc. would be so careful. lol

The little clear globules come and go depending on temp, time of day and how wet the medium is.


Of course, and thank you. :)

I took a leaf to another grower I know and he's got no clue what it is either. He thinks it is where the hairs are growing out of.

The globules are water. I got my old bio book from college out of storage and there is a picture there exactly like the globs on the leaf. I knew I remembered them from somewhere!

picture says a thousand words. I'm just trying to help. :tiphat:

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