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General question about RO water



so...if I RO water, is there anything else in it that could be no-go for plants and its eco-system ? I had some water issues that stuttered my plants and its growth and I kno it was water since everything else in my house wouldnt develop nice (cactus, bonsai, avocado tree...). So I bought RO and I filter the water.

My assumption about RO was always that it cleans everything out of tap water and from this point on nothing could be questionable about the water

well ?


thats good to hear. Anyone else to share his experience ? Im thinking of switching to GHE AeroFarm (aeroponics)


Buxxy Do you own a PPM meter, check it out yourself.. my RO puts out around 6-15 ppm from tap that is at 270 ppm whatever is left is so small it will not matter..

Secondly I hope you own a pre filter that removes Chlorine.. or that will eat up your filter fairly quickly..


Go Advanced or Go HOME


Is there anyway to clean anything else from water beside RO ? Ive seen some UV cleaners and stuff. What do they do ?

I have EC meter yes and RO does clean water really nicely (from 0.45 tap EC to 0.01 RO EC)

PS: who should I PM to have my nick changed ?


UV kills living bacteria and viruses but when you remove them via RO the organic matter they attach too is no longer present so neither are the things your trying to kill with a UV .. so I dont see it as a need.. and I am a Water Treatment Spec in real life.. we use Chlorine for that..


New member
UV kills living bacteria and viruses but when you remove them via RO the organic matter they attach too is no longer present so neither are the things your trying to kill with a UV .. so I dont see it as a need.. and I am a Water Treatment Spec in real life.. we use Chlorine for that..

So with everything being said about R/O and uv. ive been using ozonation for sanitization with everything from my ph ppm pens to measuring cups and resovoirs. with great results. has anyone else used o3?
a. It wastes a lot of water and is not eco-friendly. It creates waste water 3to1 over clean.
b. It's slow. Would take 24+ hrs to create 40gallons

RO systems include pre-filters to remove sediment and chlorine. This is all that's needed to clean your water ! They're also know 2-3 stage system. 1st stage sediment and 2nd stage carbon.


I found the black duckling. I had softener as the last stage (4stage RO) on my system. I removed it now


Active member
Make sure you monitor your pH with RO water

The pH buffering capacity of RO water is much less than tap or spring or well water, so if
you were to add liquid fertilizer to RO water, you will notice the final pH to be much more
acidic than if you were adding the same amount of liquid fertilizer to tap or spring or well

Write "I Love You" on your jug of water and tell the water that you love it and appreciate
all the help it gives you. I realize that sounds crazy but try it anyway.

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:


Active member
ro needs calmag and what guineapig said, never worked good for me I like my hardwater tap!

ro really shines when you drink it!
saves filters too.

chlorine in tap helps in cloning too


Ive read that RA water isn good for drinking yet some say it is.

Ill keep in mind to love my water moar :D
Everything too good in time has proven to be false.

RO Water contains none of the minerals our body needs for it's daily function. It's a theory that your body would pull the minerals needed from other sources i.e. your bones

I've come to love my 2 stage carbon filter system. It used to be a 4stage RO system, but after learning more about it and how much wastes it produces; I've unplugged the RO filter and just use the first 2 stages.

Best damn filtered water I've ever had !

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