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the Ultimate Reflector


those aquarium reflectors look good, but they lack cooling features with only a four inch duct connector. i am not sure about them being air-tight and all...
so, for 1000w hps growers who need air-cooling, a reflector which has a 6 or 8 inch outlets plus a gasket-ed glass is a much better choice.
if you have a very powerful AC and no need for air-cooling, then they really do look like the best choice.


The best way to go is to build your own, however there are a lot of growers who are not DIY types or would rather just spend the money to buy a premade. My self I made 22" reflectors and use water cooled lights. But I use 250 watt lights only 3" to 4" over the plant canopy and bud nothing but clones. The first reflector took me a little over 2 hour to make.
Now I have a set of templates to draw out the needs that need to be cut so it takes about 45 minutes to make a reflector.


Sorry guys but the reef aquarium guys have already tested all the supposedly best reflectors and the parabolic arc type reflectors such as the adjustawings are definitely not the best nor are the Hydrotek hoods.

did you read the thread? i am looking for an aircooled reflector..

those hoods you posted may be the best for reef aquariums, but for my needs they would not work. I have not heard of anyone growing ganja with them but please enlighten me.

The adjustawings are really just representations of parabolic reflectors. Parabolic reflectors are old school. They have a single focus point that varies in relation to the with and depth of the reflector.
actually, the AAW's use a horizontally mounted bulb underneath a massive batwing-style sheet of reflective aluminum.. nothing like a parabolic really.

also i didn't see the Adjustawings in those tests you linked to???

care to elaborate?....

The "Ocho" XXXL, with a light spreader works wonders for me. :tiphat:

i like the magnum XXL hoods but i feel the AAW gives an even wider spread without losing intensity. of course the AAW isn't aircooled so you ahve to spend the extra $$ on a cooltube, makign the magnumXXL a more cost-effective option.


guys how can the adjustawing be the best non air cooled reflector on the market if it doesnt even have any walls on the side to stop the light from going horizontally instead of on the plants?

im currently using a bell lighting reflector but after a friend of mine did some testing against the radient reflector, he found out that the radient was better in a 4' by 4' space. im looking for the best non aircooled reflector to light a 5' x 5' space evenly so in a space like that the bell will most likely beat the radiant but im not sure. i was also thinking about testing out a Blockbuster Reflector. im not sure whats best for a 5' by 5'


What's so great about adjust-a-wings? Anyone actually done a side by side against other types using a light meter?


the shit spoon
Everytime you want to clean the glass of a cooltube, you have to take off the ventillation and retape it... fuck that.

This is an inferior design.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
^^^^ That's why you use screw clamps for any kind of connection on the cool tubes. They're pricey, but worth the coin for the ease of removal/installation. I've used them for any air-cooling connection after having tape fail, never again.

This is an interesting thread, I think I might set up one room with the cooltubes vertical, and another with them horizontal, I'll just use the included reflector setup. An AAW would be nice, but I'm gonna be running everything as economically as possible this time. (read: CHEAPLY!) ;)