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Why are some strains harder to clone than others?


Enormous Member
Just as the title says. Lately, I've been having a REALLY hard time getting my Green Crack cuttings to root. I have the same problem with my Blue Dream (bean) cuttings. I've been getting a pretty consisant 5%-10% rooting rate. I've been using rapid rooters, and a bubble cloner, but both show the same problems. Even when they do root, it takes a solid 3-4 weeks to show.

On the other hand, I have a strain that will show roots within a week, GHS Lemon Skunk. I'm also choosing another mother plant from an Island Sweet Skunk (Afghani x Colombian Red). This is what got me started thinking about what makes a cutting easier or harder to clone. I have about 30 possible mother plants from the ISS, and I'm still waiting on the majority to root. I took 3-5 cuttings from each plant, and all #14 plants showed roots within a week, but most others haven't rooted yet. Why is it that only one plant will readily root?

I know through all of my research that Sativas are harder to clone than Indicas, but that's about the only variable that I know of that effects rooting time. What's going on here?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Same reason some folks have blue eyes, some green, some both, some brown.

I'll second High's question and (for now) refer you to the cloner sticky

That said, used "correctly" my bubbler has killed everything put in it, used "wrong" (I added rockwool, gel and a 1 minute soak in Hormex) 100% success.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
your clone methods need to be reviewed:

-watering timing
-actual cut when making
-methods of application of hormone if using
-mother health

I suggest you let your instinct guide you on what needs to be changed / tweaked. don't think, just let it come to you....


Active member
I am trying to expand my cloning techniques...as I am going from ez-cloner to coco pots...and there is like a 7-10 day lag on all of my vegging plants.

I would like to start utilizing another method..but thus far have been unsuccessful at anything else I try. I would really like to use the jiffy pellets...

I would wonder if anyone could guide me on cloning in jiffy pellets or coco pellets. This is the plateau I must get over to push my grows to the next level.



Enormous Member
As mentioned above, I've been using rapid rooters and bubble cloning. Here's some images of my problems from my other thread:

Water temps are 70f-80f
Water is changed weekly in the bubble cloner, and whenever the rapid rooters start to dry out and change color.
Lighting is ambient light from mother room, no dedicated lights for cloning.
Humidity is 60%-70%
No rooting hormones used, I've used them before, but no difference noticed.
Mother is actively growing new shoots.
Cut is made with sterilized pruning shears, at a sharp angle.

The last picture is of the bubble cloner, at about 3 and a half weeks. The Lemon Skunk plants clone easily at about one week. I've read the cloning sticky, as well as several dozen cloning threads, and I'm stumped.



just don't molest my colas..
It's a bitch. I'm having a hell of a time with OG cuts. The ghost is baffling me with it's inconsistency and Yellowing/curling leaves. Multiple cloning methods tried, no matter what theres some sort of problem. The sfv I've been gifted twice and couldn't even get it to root.

All I can suggest is keep searching til something works.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
No other area sees such disparate results from identical methods. It's Voodoo I tell 'ya. Keep trying new things till something clicks.

That said, I believe your cuts are overly large with excessive leaf material. Supporting stems and leaves requires roots and D'OH! Someone stole your roots!!! Try keeping cuts small with well trimmed leaves.

My biggest jump in success came with the 1 minute Hormex soak.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I can't help but wonder about your water..

I mean, you've got 2 methods, and 3 weeks in a water cloner and no roots... something is at play here, and I'm trying to put my finger on it..

also never let the rapid rooters dry out.. there a pain in the ass I think in the tray they give you.. I actually use rapid rooters in a jiffy peat sprouting kit.. it only holds 10 but keeps more moisture in, and I can visually see the whole rooter, I usually don't even have to re-wet them till I get roots.. anyways

I can't help but think it's your water.. I mean I've cloned in rooters and water with R/O and tap.. but very odd your not getting roots with the hydro, as I think it's the easiest system....

can I suggest some gallon jugs of "mineral" water at the store.. there not to expensive, like $1-$2 dollars a gallon.

also , you could cut the clones shorter, and not have so much leaf, but that's really just preference..

I also can't stress enough, mother health.. your clone will not be a good clone if the hosts is not in optimal condition

here is my simple cloner setup ( I've done them all .. water, coco, soil, rooters, hormones, no hormones ) ( taken right now.. twisted plants are DJ plants so... )

I'm wishing you good luck...


Active member
It's a bitch. I'm having a hell of a time with OG cuts. The ghost is baffling me with it's inconsistency and Yellowing/curling leaves. Multiple cloning methods tried, no matter what theres some sort of problem. The sfv I've been gifted twice and couldn't even get it to root.

All I can suggest is keep searching til something works.
dont feel alone, og's as a rule are a pain to root, i have lost the valley, the sfv, tahoe because they just wont root for me. i have tried the ezy cloner, rock wool, rapid rooters , bubblelers, every other strain i have will root within 12 days in my home made bubbler.

i have no idea why some strains are so hard to root but they are and its not because we are doing something wrong, there just stuborn bitches.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Did you slap those bitches around? If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it.

Grab the mother, smack her around a bit.

Maybe pull one of the sickly, runty clones and then rip and crush it to death right in front of all the other ones. Then let them know they'll be next unless you see some roots, ASAP.


Active member
Did you slap those bitches around? If you haven't tried it yet, I highly recommend it.

Grab the mother, smack her around a bit.

Maybe pull one of the sickly, runty clones and then rip and crush it to death right in front of all the other ones. Then let them know they'll be next unless you see some roots, ASAP.

lol. yeah your right, but those bitches take a beating and laugh at me,
hey cannabunker, I use to have this very same problem with my purplekush x bubbakush x sour d(bodhi). An old organic grower past this advice to me and so I'll pass it on to you. Kushes are very fussy when they start from old seeds and grow really slow in veg, but really pick up right before flower(leaves start to turn dark green). With so much nitogen in the plant leaves the clones have a hard time undestanding they need to make roots and continue to convert sugars to energy for the plant instead of becoming a plant it self.so right before you take clones(2 to 3 weeks) cut back on the n then before you flower take clones.some straines like to store n to use in flower when others eat n up,you'll need to add extra time to flowering(1 to 2 weeks this could also effect yields) but hey you'll have clones of your favorite plant. hope this helps you?

pine boy

I am gonna agree with moundstomper.Don't feed your mom for a week or two before making cuts.Flush her and trim the fans.:good:
I only have trouble cloning if I feed before taking cuts.
Good luck and make clones even if you dont need them untill you get a good process down


Cloning is all in the TEMPS.... Done.

75-80 colder and no go, hotter and it rots

Goodluck... TEMPS man think TEMPS I never use a matt.. just keep them in a warm part of the room.. Done.. winning


Enormous Member
hey cannabunker, I use to have this very same problem with my purplekush x bubbakush x sour d(bodhi). An old organic grower past this advice to me and so I'll pass it on to you. Kushes are very fussy when they start from old seeds and grow really slow in veg, but really pick up right before flower(leaves start to turn dark green). With so much nitogen in the plant leaves the clones have a hard time undestanding they need to make roots and continue to convert sugars to energy for the plant instead of becoming a plant it self.so right before you take clones(2 to 3 weeks) cut back on the n then before you flower take clones.some straines like to store n to use in flower when others eat n up,you'll need to add extra time to flowering(1 to 2 weeks this could also effect yields) but hey you'll have clones of your favorite plant. hope this helps you?

Thanks for the advise Stomper. This is one avenue that I haven't tried yet. I usually keep all rooted clones and mothers on the same feeding schedule of about 800ppm. I've started watering the mothers with no ferts, and I'll see how that goes.

Cloning is all in the TEMPS.... Done.

75-80 colder and no go, hotter and it rots

Goodluck... TEMPS man think TEMPS I never use a matt.. just keep them in a warm part of the room.. Done.. winning

Hey LocalMan, This is right about where I'm at, about 75-80 degrees, and the cloning trays are off the ground, so I'd assume the water temp is about the same. I've tried warmer and colder, but I didn't have any luck.


idk maaaaane that sounds like trouble I would just keep trying, I had a spell last summer when i couldnt get shit to root, may ten years ive been on this game.. sometimes its just not in the cards.. i have heard things like if you flush the mother the watering cycle before it helps root develpment form due to lack of nutes present or something like they shoot faster.. idk bro goodluck, just remember the basics O and I DONT trim the tips off leaves found it stunts them after they root.. idk my experience.. hope they go for ya!
Some strains are harder to clone than others, and I know from experience that Green Crack is harder than most. We did a run of GC and Lambs Bread and took cuts for the next run before we turned the lights down. We got 100% rooting on the Lambs Bread, but only got one GC to root out of 50 or so cuts. All were handled in the exact same manner.

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