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Plant with what kinda looks like powdery mildew...


I foliar feed almost daily, so that would seem possible except none of my other plants have this. 4 are just out of the seedling stage and are part of a breeding project, and I've got a couple of other mother plants in the same room.

. any chance some spreader/surfactant is leaving residue?


Should I kill this plant and her clones and just get rid of them? None of my other plants are showing the dots (except maybe the one that was behind her). Cleaning the whole grow area is not practical, especially not with bleach.

I'll get a dehumi today and set it to max and keep the RH around 35%-45% from now on. Will this be enough to kill/control it?


For what it's worth, this is the plant about 4 weeks ago, right after I got her. She's on the right. The dots were there then, and there were neither more nor less of them than there are now.

Ignore the second pic. That's a BB clone. Lemme find the right pic.

I still can't scrape the dots off, which I thought was part of IDing PM is that the white stuff comes off easily.


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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
not if there worth keeping. You can keep PM under controll as long as your not in flower.

Spray a 0.5 percent solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon to 1 quart or 1 liter water)

Spray with Neem Oil

Spray lime-sulfur or spray or dust with sulfur weekly. Never use sulfur on muskmelon (cantaloupe) and test sprays on other squash or melon plants first to check for leaf damage before spraying entire plant

Treat them as much as possible before your 2 weeks into flower and then stop. She should finish with no recurrence. Make sure to keep RH low 40% is good.

Good Luck


=The leaves are a vibrant green, if a little bit dark.

DGR, the dots actually seem like a part of the leaf/plant. Did you notice that as well on your plants?

I would say that my plants were also too dark on the green side of things. Are the bumps a pre-cursor sign of pending N OD? Who knows but I'll file it away for later.

I think the dots were definitely part of the leaf. They came and nothing further came of them. I do not believe that they were anything other than the plant reacting to it's environment.


Not sure. The white dots definitely seem to be part of the leaf. My scope isn't working right so I can't get a close look at it.

I still maintain some hope that this isn't PM.

Other than looking at it, is there any way to test these dots to see if they are PM or not?

I would say that my plants were also too dark on the green side of things. Are the bumps a pre-cursor sign of pending N OD? Who knows but I'll file it away for later.

I think the dots were definitely part of the leaf. They came and nothing further came of them. I do not believe that they were anything other than the plant reacting to it's environment.


One time I was trying to be cute by having a humidifier billowing atop a tray of clones instead of using a humidity dome. I got PM soon after LOL. I just took the humidifier out tossed the worst of the clones and that was the last I saw of it. i.e. I think if your humidity is in check you'll be fine.


My dots don't look like these. They have a yellowish tinge to them (under 6500K T8, not HPS), and actually appear to be slightly UNDER the skin of the leaf. Also pretty much my whole plant has these dots, with the same density everywhere. It's very evenly spaced, no heavy patches of fuzz or concentrations of the dots.

I have to scratch hard enough on the leaf that I can smell it very strongly and the dots usually will still remain.

Blargh I'm so perplexed!

Not arguing with you mate, just trying to reason this out.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If its pm it will wipe off very easy. Those whit dots dont look like pm. The other pic that has the area circled with red is PM.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If that plant is male it will drop yellow pollen. Thats the only thing I know of thats yellowish you can still wipe this off.


Got what you're saying now. I don't have any of the fuzz parts circled in red. Just the dots.

So the dots AREN'T PM.

That's a relief!

Thanks to everyone for the help! Now to find out exactly what those dots ARE. :D

If its pm it will wipe off very easy. Those whit dots dont look like pm. The other pic that has the area circled with red is PM.


Like I said the first three times, looks like mites to me. But hey, you guys spin your wheels while his plants croak. To the OP...Before you posted your pics I said it looked like mites, now, after the pics you posted, I'm telling you it's mites for sure. It's your choice what you do with that info! YOU GOT MITES, THAT'S A FACT!


Well-known member
Hammerhead: I have found a product called immunox from Home depot that erradicates PM almost overnight and havent had it since. organic milk works for PM as does 3% hydrogen peroxide and the baking soda. will dry out the surface tension so PM cant grow on and destroys the spores immediately.

As for the thrips or mites.. its either or.. or both. that or you foliar with the lights on and burn holes in your foliage...


There are no mites or thrips or bugs at all. I have looked under the leaves with a loupe. Nothing at all.

It doesn't look ANYTHING like the thrip or mite damage pics posted here.

I water just before lights out, and they're under T8s anyway so I would be surprised if that burned it.

Like I said the first three times, looks like mites to me. But hey, you guys spin your wheels while his plants croak. To the OP...Before you posted your pics I said it looked like mites, now, after the pics you posted, I'm telling you it's mites for sure. It's your choice what you do with that info! YOU GOT MITES, THAT'S A FACT!