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Dry Ice cooling question???

not sure if this is possible but figured id see what ppl had to say:

Right now my room is running at 80-85ish degrees n id love to get it to 75ish and i cant run a AC due to electric cost going up and looking sketchy so my theory is:

I take dry ice in a bucket, drop it in front of my fan to push it around the room and add a little water: this in theory should keep the room colder if used in small amounts and also release carbon dioxide and help the plants:

any thoughts??? lol:blowbubbles:


Well-known member
if it is a small enough room for dry ice to cool, then your co2 will go up to unsuitable levels. there should be no problems at 80 - 85 depending on what type of grow system you have. using dry ice to increase co2 is problematic because you cant regulate the amount easily and it is almost impossible to keep dry ice for much more than 72 hours, regardless of the type of ice chest, so that is a lot of trips to the icehouse.


Senior Member
lol ya dry ice is expensive and wouldn't last for crap...also, 86ish is the ideal temp for pot, so your in that area already, no real reason to go any lower than that, certainly not if it's going to cost you a whole lot of money! lol


Active member
Good thinking but in practice it will be roller coaster levels of CO2 that will end up messing with your plants.

Get a bed sheet and soak it (just before its dripping) and hang it up in the air and put a fan on it. This will lower your temp..

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