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First grow......looking for advice


Hello all! This is my first indoor grow and can always use tips and good advice from veterans.

10 Brain's Choice by KC
10 Brazil x KC by KC
1 G13 Pineapple Express "Freebie"
1 Bag Seed "Mids"

600 Watt Digital Ballast
600 Watt MH/HPS Bulbs
6'' Air Cooled Hood
6" Vortex Duct Fan

I bought some things to do a soil mix but am not sure on the exact measurements so any advice would be great. Unfortunatly things like Ocean Forest and Happy Frog are unavalible anywhere around me. So I went with the best stuff I could get.
Jungle Growth Pure Organic Potting Soil
Jungle Growth Pure Organic Vegitable and Flower Mix
Blood Meal
Bone Meal
Epsom Salt
Organic Seedling and Cutting Mix

9 out of 10 of both stains fully germinated and where placed in natural fiber seed pucks. Today will be the third day since placed in the seed pucks and placed under light. Any advice on a soil mix using what Ive purchased or attitives is greatly appricated. As well as any general advice.


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Sorry for the sideways pics I'm not sure how that happened but here's a pic of the seedlings at 3 days.


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Senior Member
looks like you have a good start!

a few things, you should make a grow log, and keep it updated, this is a good thing, especially for your first grow, because you can always go back to it, like a note system, but all time stamped and with color pictures! also you will get constant feedback on your grow, often times avoiding problems before they start and solving them quicker than you would without an extensive grow log full of regular viewers.

something i always warn people about when using those jiffy pucks you have there is to never water from the bottom, they become too saturated and can starve your expensive seedlings of oxygen. i have been telling people that since my last grow, when i almost knocked off about 500 bucks worth of seeds because i did this. lol

and finally, if you want to do this organically, as it seems you do, by amending ahead of time for the whole grow there are several recipes out there, very good ones, but i can't recall the names of them, a few guys here should though. one thing to do is to check the N/P/K rating of your particular soil, and take that into account when adding amendments, bone and blood meal are pretty hot, so you want to be sure not to burn your plants, and better to transplant those jiffys into solo cups of strait potting soil for a week or two before going into anything amended. i don't do the blood and bone meals, never tried them, because ive used them outdoors and the smell is pretty gross...plus i think they need to break down a bit before you use them, but again i have never used it indoors and i don't even grow organic right now so i am no expert! when i did go organically(and i plan to again, eventually)i preferred guano, kelp, and worm castings mostly, bat poop doesn't really smell and neither does worm poop but it's a lotta work compared to my beloved lucas formula!

*edit* i found one recepie, it's a good one, lol, uses blood and bone meal...i would think subcool of all people knows what he is doing...


Looking good Bully. Check out the organic soils forum, there are many very good soil recipes https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=53792 Be really careful with the blood meal, it's a quick release N source and can very easily burn your plants. And one thing I noticed missing from your list that is ESSENTIAL is earth worm castings (EWC). Not sure how easy they are to find in your area, but find the best ones you can.
Also, do your bags of soil list ingredients? By letting others know what's already in your soil, it will help us give you better info on how much of what types of amendments you should add.

Since it looks like you're trying to go organic (gave you a +rep for that), maybe you should have a Mod move this thread to the Organic Soil forum.


Thanks for all the input, babies are looking great today. The seed starter pots are starting to show root nubs poping out so I'm prolly gonna throw them in solo cups tomorrow. Containing the organic seed strting potting soil with perlite and vermacite so it's light for easy root growth. Also mixed up another soil mix for later on. I found a soil mix that contained everything I had minus wormcasting since I haven't found them yet. It also said to let it sit wet for up to 30 days to set up, am still looking for worm castings and or guano. The seedlings are a little flimsy cause they shot up so quick. Should I use a tooth pick to hold them up or should I bury them a little deeper to stiffin them up? Computer is down right now but when it's up I'll update pics and give a detailed list of soil ingredients. Thanks again for feedback.


Getting bigger every day! Transplanted two days ago and I think I over watered a bit because of the yellowing leaves. I also raised them case the light was too far away and they were really stretching. Stems are getting thick and strong too. I transplanted into just organic potting soil with added perlite and vermiculite for now and have the big pot soil mixing. I was also able to find worm castings and coco coir that i added to my soil mix for later on. The first two pics are from the day of transplant and the second two are from today which is day 10 that I sowed the seeds. All tips, comments, advice, and concerns are greatly appreciated!


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ninja bud

Have patience, its a long time from seed to harvest. The more grows you do time will pass more quickly. Dont forget its weed and a pretty hardy one at that.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
You don't really need to have a fan blowing on your plants. They'll get stronger as they grow bigger. Some studies suggest that plants subjected to wind will become male or herm in larger proportion than plants that are not. (Less wind = more girls)

I have run small cabinet grows for 2 years without ANY wind blowing on my plants and they've always done well without it. My mother plants that also get no wind have main stems thicker than my thumb (and I have large hands.)

The only air movement you need is good extraction in your room. Aim for 2x per minute and you'll be giving your plants lots of fresh air and no wind stress.


I have a very small single speed desk fan that lighty blows across the leaves and a duct fan that sucks throw the hood exiting the room. The stems are becoming very thick and strong.


Looking good so far. I'm definitely subscribed to this. I just flipped 15 NL #5 into flower, hoping to finish sometime in October. I'm excited to see how this goes, especially as it is your first grow. Good luck and hope your harvest yields many many pounds.


Thanks for all the compliments....... Its amazing how fast these things grow, everyday I check on them I get more and more excited. Where I'm from most erb comes from Mexico and our high quality stuff doesnt compair to anything I see on here, so I'm hoping for something delicious! Congrats on the NL do you have a thread I can look at?


I wish I did, I would have to borrow a buddies camera if I wanted to start one. Seeing as he lives ~3 hours away, I can't be bothered going and getting it every week or so. Either way, I'm content with watching everyone else just grow grow grow. I might try and pick up a camera after I pull down the harvey that's going now.


Very nice stuff you got there...I think you will have a lot of fun growing these strains,you got pretty much everything for your plants you need,remember to be gentle with your plants,dont rape them with too much ferts,flush them on a weekly basis with
6,5 ph water and you can add some H2O2 3% in a dose of 5-6ml/1liter of water,it will clean your substrate and create massive root growth pretty fast,without hurting the microbacterial lifeforms in the soil...best stuff i ever used on my plants hehehe :)

Keep it simple and train your plants by feeling and you will surely have a great harvest...keep your grow room clean thats preety important...and yes be sure to use a big ass fan to blow at your plants canopy all the time,it will greatly strenghten your plants branches and give you massive stems for upcoming buds,and pests dont like wind so it is a great preventative measure if you dont want spider mites!

Every plant you get will grow in a slightly different pattern and not every plant responds well to all kinds of training methods,be observant and look at how your plants respond to the training you are giving them and if you find the best method for every plant it will be a great harvest for sure!

All i can say to you my friend...Good luck and have fun!


Thanks for the words of encouragement 4herb! i just wanted to share a few pics. The first one is from sunday and the next is from monday. Its amazing what kind of growth can happen in 24 hrs. The others are just a few I thought Id share. Babies are alot greener in person just the camera and light make them look kinda yellow


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Im not sure, maybe in a week or so. I transplanted into the solos no even a week ago. I was thinking about waiting to transplant until I was able to determine sex but they will prolly out grow the cups before then. How soon should I be able to pluck the males?

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