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MMAR said renewal does not have to be filled out


I,m gonna be the DG for a sort of friend.What with the change over from him as the grower to me as the DG about 6 months has passed but apparently he was talking to someone at MMAR today and they said the forms have been sent out last week.
Problem: He is up for renewal on Sept 1 and as I told him by the time we send in the renewal we,ll be over the time limit necessary to do a ten week grow,what with setting up a room.
This card holder tolde me that the guy at MMAR said he doesn,t need to fill out a renewal since he has been a card holder for a couple of years and never had much luck growing on his own...thus forget about sending in the renewal as it will only slow things down....This card holder is biting at the bit for me to start producing and has a tendency to stretch the truth....My first thought was this didn,t happen and he just don,t give a shit if I get busted.....Has anyone ever heard such a line of BS before???
good for a laugh
I may toss the guy but he has a card for 50 plants and I have the know-how.

thanx for listenin and comments are appreciated



Trust a sort of friend and get your rear cored open by a skinhead named John Wayne Nasty???

If it ain't on gov't issued paper - tell buddy to go f himself...



Trust a sort of friend and get your rear cored open by a skinhead named John Wayne Nasty???

If it ain't on gov't issued paper - tell buddy to go f himself...


I know what your sayin Classy.
I won,t see the guy for a few days but it,ll give me time to lay the law down....When you got so called friends like this guy I don,t need any enemies
He is quite smart but has a rattle for a brain sometimes.I also think he is harmless and probably mis-understood the guy from MMAR.But I will lay the law down and if necessary put the run to him.I,ve been surviving for almost 62 yrs so I really don,t need ppl. who don,t appreciate what you are willing to do for them.
Just wondering if there is any way I can find out officially if the guy from MMAR said something that the card holder might have taken the wrong way....but it is right in the renewal form that it needs to be sent in every year.....
I even went in last week and got a criminal report done on myself plus pix for the forms.
Sometimes you just can,t do your best without getting kicked in the face..
anymore comments appreciated so I can show my so called friend what the truth is.
Have him call again.....with you there listening! Put him on the spot!
The only reason I say this is cause of the changing medical pot rules to come....could health Canada be slacking on the old rules before the new ones come in?

And let the grow happen at his place if possible...if not! Don't do it!

If we didn't have to get papers to renew our licenses Health Canada I believe would have sent us all notice!

Let him take the risk!


Have him call again.....with you there listening! Put him on the spot!
The only reason I say this is cause of the changing medical pot rules to come....could health Canada be slacking on the old rules before the new ones come in?

And let the grow happen at his place if possible...if not! Don't do it!

If we didn't have to get papers to renew our licenses Health Canada I believe would have sent us all notice!

Let him take the risk!

Thats what I was gonna do...Have him call them back from my house and listen in.I,m his DG so don,t think he can do a grow at his place in short time.Like you said ..I think everyone would have been notified if you didn,t have to do the renewal.MMAR called me last week just to double check my address and if in fact that was where the growing would be done. Sounded like he was gonna send me my necessary paperwork,which I thought would go to the card holder,so don,t know if this was always the status quo.
Still sounds fishy to me....I,ll keep an update when I get this straightened out.



Genetic Resource Management
An easy solution would be to call the Marihuana Medical Access Division (Toll-Free Number: 1-866-337-7705) and ask them directly if they are no longer requiring renewals.



An easy solution would be to call the Marihuana Medical Access Division (Toll-Free Number: 1-866-337-7705) and ask them directly if they are no longer requiring renewals.


Thnx Chimera..I called a minute ago and YES you need to renew yearly as per usual.
That was easy enuff....Thnx for the Ph #.
I,m on the war path now with the guy who said it,s alright to start up right away..he has been waiting for awhile but why get me in shit..i,ve been clean for almost thirty years now.
Just another lesson in people.



Thnx to everyone with the good advice,even tho I knew something was rotten in Nova Scotia...sometimes these ppl. want others to take the shit for them.But whereas this is a legal set up the card holder is gonna go a long ways backwards.He has had several ppl. grow for him and with 50 plants most of the time he may get a single pound.When he ran into me he thought he struck heaven as I have been at it many years illegally.
So for about a two month wait for a renewal he just can,t wait.....I,ll never get over how stupid some ppl. can be.
He doesn,t have a computer and doesn,t realize the info I can find out in a matter of hours.I find out with ppl. who aren,t computer literate that they usually say ...that can,t be true or somebody is steering you in the wrong direction'
ICMag is my bible....and I genuinely appreciate all the feedback you folks send back when a question is asked.



As an update,I seen my card holder today for whom I.m the DG.He had the temporary paperwork saying,he is good til July 12/2012.I still told him I don,t believe him....then an hour later a package came for me with same paperwork with me as DG until,July 12/2012.Never said anything bout renewal etc. which is due in Sept /2011?
He told me he had called the MMAR office a half dozen times,even crying at one point and said he worked out a deal with one of the head ppl there and they said since he was so close to renewal and this was paperwork we got today was basically to put me down as the DG and in his case (which was filled out twice due to a mistake on the first forms in March/April 2011)they would not require the renewal in Sept 2011 but will in July 2012...almost as if they were starting him afresh since hes a three year card holder wirh MS and has never had a crop of more than 1/2# since he was signed up by his Doc.
I said why didn,t you tell me you had worked out this outlandish deal and of course he said he did tell me ??He is screwed up and his mind doesn,t work the best at times.He is coming over tomorrow and calling MMAR from my phone and giving permission to allow the person who gave him the pass on renewal to speak to me as the guy is very poor at speaking to ppl. on the phone due to his lack of knowledge of how the law works.....
He told me today that the person who set it up this way for him told him this iwas the first time they ever did this for anyone (not needing a renewal for this year)...Funny thing is I almost believe the guy.WE almost came to blows today and he was adamant that he wouldn,t do this to me.When you think of it he has waited three years so why screw things up over a couple more months of waiting.He also has a good name in our small corner of the world for not saying anything to the authorities,cops etc.
It would be a first I believe that in fact they may have given him a pass on renewal...will let you all know when I get it confirmed or otherwise.Funny things may have happened,but it kind of a game waiting to find out if we are legal to start up without worrying about sending in a renewal and waitin another three months or more.

With HC about to shut down the mm program in the next year or so it may be possible....no matter though,play out your plan of caution cause soon we all may be getting visits from the po po ! I don't trust HC!
Consider recording the call and ask the name of the worker....protect yourself!


With HC about to shut down the mm program in the next year or so it may be possible....no matter though,play out your plan of caution cause soon we all may be getting visits from the po po ! I don't trust HC!
Consider recording the call and ask the name of the worker....protect yourself!

The card holder had to go to the US on work so never really hooked up with him agin yet.
I was checking my DG production liscense temporary paper again.(until I get a laminated one) it says
Expirty date

This DG person production liscense expires on July 22/2012
If you should wish to renew the DG card pls. submit application at least 8 weeks prior to expirty date
It doesn,t give expiry date unless it isn,t until July/2012??
I,m confused

__________________________________________________________This almost looks like it is in fact in affect? anyone with any knowledge of this jargon? info would be appreciate
sorry for so many ???,s but maybe MMAR did pass on the renewal which should have come due Sept 7/2011

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