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Well´s medical grow


Here´s my medical grow. I´m a old member here that lost my inlogs, so here i am again with a new membership :)
For starter this is my veggroom under 200W CFL
When i bloom i use a growtent DR90 from professionalgrow i will also use smartpots as always, and they are also from PG,
to that i have 400W hps (hopefully a have a real badass 600W soon.)
I would like to ad that IF i get the hold of the monster 600W light kit my new mission in life will be to reach the lovely 1g/W.
i think i could do it with my Monstrous Heavy duty fruity. So,, let´s see what happends. :)

About nutritions then I use Gold Label´s Soil Kit + cannaboost all the way and the last 6 weeks or so i ad Bloombastic from Atami.

RED is Lowryder X From NordenSeeds ( will stay in under the cfl)
BLUE is cuttings from a Hindu kush

In the box i have 2 (reg) Heavy duty fruity and 3 (reg) Durbantopia.

I´ll be back tomorrow with a update from the bloom tent. (lights are out right now). In there we have Hypnotic (WW x Chronic) that im flushing right now, maybe harvest tomorrow or the day after.
With that there´s 2 K2 x Super skunk crossings that i´v havent given any name yet, it´s just a test cross so, it is what it is.

Well thats al for today foks, i hope for a lot of followers.




Sorry that theres no update´s but i screwed my camera.
Have to get me a new one this week.

In my vegg room 2 HDF are up and 2 Durbantopia (Durban poison x Utopia Haze)

well thats for today.



Hi again, sorry for the wait.

Here are some update´s from today

White is a Emerald from NordenSeeds.
Green is a home made cross of K2 x Super Skunk.
Brown is a White Rhino that is in bad shape.

My heavy Duty fruity and Durbantopias are up and im hoping for females :)
I´v also planted some noname seeds, all i know is that they come from a guy that emigrated from San Francisco US in the 60´s, and then he´s been grow these every year since then.
I´m very grateful for these seeds, gonna be a blast to grow em.

Lot´s of love from well


looks like you got a nice mix going on here.Im pulling my seat up.

Thanks my man,,,btw i liked your youtube link. :)

but i must say that i have some problems with my White Rhino since i Supercropped her, she looks like she has a nute-burn but she don´t, the leaves are brown/yellow just like a nute burn.
Don´t know if it´s the SC that srewed her,
I can ad that i harvested a WW today :) Soon i will plant some Aurora Indica and some other funky strains. :)



I gave away my Hinsu kush´s,
so now i have some more space to work on.
Have to do some more work with my cross (K2 x Super skunk).
As far as i can se by now my cross really love´s being topped.
she grows really great even when i hade some heat problems (~35 C) it didn´t bother her.
Here´s you all have a lite pic from today, to wasted to take more pics right now. :)

In the back there some Chili handcollected from asia and also handcollected seeds from Adenium bonsai.

The LRX is a cross of LR2 x White dwarf
Durbantopia is a cross of Durban poison and Utopia Haze.



Just find out that my White rhino is in bad shape, more for every day so i took her down today, couse she´s in that bad shape and i need the space.
So time to make hasch. :)

Here you all have a pic of one of my own crossings (K2 x Super skunk)



Just moved my crosses to 10 L pots today.
Here you have what i have in 12/12 for now.

White is Emerald
Green is my cross of K2 x Super skunk.

In about 2-3 weeks it´s time for HDF (Heavy Duty Fruity) and Durbantopia to move in under the hps.


BLUE is a "noname" i´v got from a old hippie that brought this to europe from San Fransicso in the 60´s. Gonna be fun to see what it is.
RED is Golden diesel from Nordenseeds

My LRX are growing fine and has been topped 4 times now. At first a thought of just let it bloom in the veg room couse it´s a Auto but since i have 2 right now i thinking of 1 under the hps light and 1 in the 200W cfl veg room, just to see the differens on them.

HDF is just topped once and are 1½ weeks old, maybe i set her in bloom in another 1-1½ week.

Thats all for today foks, but one thing, about my K2 x Super skunk cross, i don´t have a name for it yet, maybe someone here have any suggestion´s? :chin:


I was told that Durbantopia is extremely stretchy, so today 10 days old i moved them under the 400W and 12/12,
i thought that with ~2weeks before they switch to bloom + the 10 days old they are thats a ok veg time, right?
i can only grow my plants ca 100 cm tall in my tent so i think longer veg time gonna give me problems later on the way.

The HDF is alreday 2 weeks old so a moved that one today as well,,man the last days has just flown away.
So hopefully HDF is a girl and at least 1 Durbantopia.

I hope you all can understand my english, pretty fucked from i white rhino today ^^.



Here you have 2 pics of my K2 cross again. I have some deficiency pretty sure it´s lack of Mg, so i´m gonna try with nettles water, which I heard should help with the Mg.

One more

Have a good day everybody



Hi Again.

Here is the veg room from today
RED is Golden Diesel from Nordenseeds
BLUE are my "nonames"
"DS" are Darkstar from TH Seeds thats gonna be a mum.

Here´s my blom tent
BLACK is LRX from NordenSeeds
BROWN is my cross now called "Lance A´lot"

Lance A´lot

Emerald from Nordenseeds in a smartpot from professionalgrow

LRX also from Nordenseeds I´v topped this one 6 times

Well thats all for today


I hade to close this one down sadly :(

But in this moment we are up n running again,

These are the strains growing right now;

Super lemon haze
Golden Diesel
Durbantopia (cross of Durban poison x Utopia haze)

Northern light
Aurora indica
Pineapple express

I don´t know if i´m gonna keep it goin in this one, or start a new thread, what would you peps think?



Too bad you had to shut it down, problems with the law?

How is it with the law in sweden? Is it normal to grow pot? I have a friend living in stockholm and hes saying they swedish police are pretty hard on stoners actually.

Why not just continue with this thread :)

Good luck!


Hi Loki.
There were acctully no probs with the law, but better safe then sorry. ;)
Swedish police acts like it was coke,,all f*cked up about it.

Lets keep this thread alive then :)
Nice to here you have a friend in sweden :) been here anything your self?



Lets do a update right away.

This is what i´v been up to :)

durbana.jpg This girl has about 3-4 weeks left :)

10104106.jpg This one has been in flowering for about 1-2 weeks

brainu.jpg Just started to flower

Golden Diesel
goldendb.jpg ~2 weeks in flowering

Super lemon haze
slhw.jpg Waiting for this one to start flowering

Well i dont have anything special to say today, hope you enjoy it and a blessed day to all of you.


You shut it down early, but did you finish the plants off? Everything looks healthy and happy, a shame you had to put it on hold ):


You shut it down early, but did you finish the plants off? Everything looks healthy and happy, a shame you had to put it on hold ):

my own strain made it to the end, some of the others didn´t :(
always sad with an early stop, but sometimes there is no other way.


Always better safe then sorry, hopefully in a little while once some heat dies off you'll kickstart off strongly with more knowledge about how you can keep your grow "cooler".

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