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air conditioner needed that exchanges air with the outside?



anyone know a good ac that does this? preferably one that keeps the most noise from outside. thanks


Active member
most window bangers and a/c units you'll find at walmart/home depot will air exchange with outside.

to have a truly sealed room with no air exchange you'll need a split unit where the compressor is separate


most window bangers and a/c units you'll find at walmart/home depot will air exchange with outside.

to have a truly sealed room with no air exchange you'll need a split unit where the compressor is separate
RubeGoldberg thats not true. those ac's are made to not exchange air. i have an lg window ac that i got at home depot and it doesnt exchange air and you can tell theres no fresh air in the room. i even talked to the guy at home depot about this and he had no answers on something i can buy. i need fresh air at all times fellas. this has to do with my health to breath fresh air and growing at the same time. i currently have asthma from breathing stale air constantly. someone please help me out


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
some units will have ducts that you can open to let fresh air in. Im not sure if there are any units that exchange with the outside air. This would make them work much harder cooling the room thats why they just recirculate the inside air. My home central air has a fresh air intake but this is not standard if im not mistaken its a option.


I am an HVAC guy and will offer what ever I can. First ? do you have a central a/c unit. If not and you are using window bangers you options are more limited. They do sell window a/c units that have a small fresh air door that allows the fresh air to be cooled before entering the room. Maybe not at lows or hd but they are out there. More info needed before I can offer more :tiphat:


I am an HVAC guy and will offer what ever I can. First ? do you have a central a/c unit. If not and you are using window bangers you options are more limited. They do sell window a/c units that have a small fresh air door that allows the fresh air to be cooled before entering the room. Maybe not at lows or hd but they are out there. More info needed before I can offer more :tiphat:

no central ac. this has to go in the window for just 1 medium size room. this is the only option i found so far after googling window air exchanger.
theres 2 windows in the room. i have a window ac in one and i would put the bionaire in the other. im hoping i can find something to just replace my ac so i dont have to put something in both windows. tell you the truth it doesnt really mater i just want to be able to breath some fresh air and use an ac at the same time


I know that Friedrich make a unit with a recerculate/ fresh air switch. Seen one just the other day. Not sure of the mod # but you can call some appliance repair shops, They should be able to point ya to a unit the will let in fresh air. With asthma I would think you would need to filter the air tho. :tiphat:



I know that Friedrich make a unit with a recerculate/ fresh air switch. Seen one just the other day. Not sure of the mod # but you can call some appliance repair shops, They should be able to point ya to a unit the will let in fresh air. With asthma I would think you would need to filter the air tho. :tiphat:

thanks, i got a $800 filter and it doesnt seem to do anything for me but when i open the window im fine. i dont know i cant explain it. that sounds like a good idea, il call some appliance repair shops tomorrow


Air-Conditioning does not work by cooling outside air.

That would take way way way too much energy to cool down 85/90+++ degree air to something comfortable like 75.

In basic terms, what an A/C unit does is transfer the heat of the inside air to the outside. In effect, you're making the outside-air warmer, and the inside-air colder.

You can't simultaniusly add fresh (hot outside) air to the equation without a HUGE commercial A/C unit.



Drift give us the scoop on Cetral a/c. The fresh air intake where is that located

If you'll notice in a house with central A/C there is no fresh air intake. The house is it's own fresh air intake. Doors, windows, cracks.

There ARE return registers around the house. They're bigger than the vents that spit out the cold air. Sometimes they're higher up on a wall - closer to the ceiling. A lot of times they end up behind a couch. In my house there's one in a main hallway. Usually about 3 or 4 of them on a houses main level.

These return registers are where the HVAC (heating, ventilation, & A/C) unit gets it's air from.



Air-Conditioning does not work by cooling outside air.

That would take way way way too much energy to cool down 85/90+++ degree air to something comfortable like 75.

In basic terms, what an A/C unit does is transfer the heat of the inside air to the outside. In effect, you're making the outside-air warmer, and the inside-air colder.

You can't simultaniusly add fresh (hot outside) air to the equation without a HUGE commercial A/C unit.


that makes sense twelsch24. ok so lets say i want to put something in the window that has nothing to do with ac to exchange the air constantly, what could i put in? it has to be something where you never have to keep opening and closing the window and also something that doesnt let insects in. do you know something like that? just to add the more noise it keeps out the better


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If you'll notice in a house with central A/C there is no fresh air intake. The house is it's own fresh air intake. Doors, windows, cracks.

There ARE return registers around the house. They're bigger than the vents that spit out the cold air. Sometimes they're higher up on a wall - closer to the ceiling. A lot of times they end up behind a couch. In my house there's one in a main hallway. Usually about 3 or 4 of them on a houses main level.

These return registers are where the HVAC (heating, ventilation, & A/C) unit gets it's air from.


My house A/C has a fresh air intake witch was a option that was added. My returns are the same size as all the registers. Its passive I cant feel any suction on any of the returns. There is one in every room one blows cold air on one side of the room and the other side has one that neither blows or sucks.
As buildings become more sealed up and energy effecient, there are more and more AC systems with a fresh air in. It is usually an option that is controlled by a Co2 sensor. That's what these devices were originally made for.

I'm still not sure why you would want a fresh air in? to refresh the room? sure make your AC work double duty.


As buildings become more sealed up and energy effecient, there are more and more AC systems with a fresh air in. It is usually an option that is controlled by a Co2 sensor. That's what these devices were originally made for.

I'm still not sure why you would want a fresh air in? to refresh the room? sure make your AC work double duty.

im not always gonna have the ac on. even when i do i dont care about it working double duty. also if i have an air exchange type system in one window and an ac in the other window then i can alternate between the 2 as a choose

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