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Soil beds?


ICMag Donor
The state of the art thinking on beds to mulch heavily, re-use the medium, and not to till between crops.

So after the 1st run, you reuse the bed, without disturbing the soil? Just chop, then plant new clones in the soil?



that is correct. Think forest; debris (nutrition) builds up on surface but never gets tilled or turned. When combined with a proper living mulch, you begin to come close to a closed circuit system or ideally anyway. Minimal impact when transplanting is good too, empty cups make a good place holder.

If you move with any regularity then a bed would be out of the question but otherwise a bed could be establishing while you run through a cycle or 2 to get back where you need or want to be. :joint:


ICMag Donor
9 out of 10 times I end up taking the advice I read on these forums from a specific handful of members and considerate to be divine revelation...

However, I think this time I am going to break the trend, and actually go with my original idea. Rooted cuts into 9oz solo cups for veg until they hit 10-12", transplant to a shallow soil bed, veg 1wk then flip. Full organics, just adding water the entire grow...

Will post an update when construction is done...Thanks for all the pointers!



Sounds like a good deal, Frank!

Don't forget to tear that bed apart and take some pic's of the roots! Can't wait to see how much they have filled.


ICMag Donor
are you adding a drain or no run off like my bed?

I spoke with member Trinity Gold a bit about his bed designs and will be taking a few pointers...

The general sides will be heavy plastic and the bottom of the bed will be black landscaping fabric. This will act much the same way on the bottom of the bed that a smart pot would.

So while I'm not draining for say, I will have a permeable bottom that will allow air in and moisture out. Typically when I water in pots I water to have zero run off...rather saying keeping the medium at that sweet point of moisture...but I'd assume a bed can be maintained and watered accordingly as well...



Hey dankfrank! Are you considering a myko project for your dream soil?! Multiply living mykos from other 'weeds' or related plants in nature... This will expand your rootsystem and add life to the ecosystem, allthough Cannabis actually grows fine without, but why not?

:lurk: Show!!!
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