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How many gallons to flush FLUX from new copper pipes?


Active member
Just had some copper plumbing put in. Maybe 15 soder weld points (joints).

How many gallons of water should I run through it to flush the flux out before it's safe for my plants? I don't want to harm them or get sick. This is the same as drinking water pipes. Same copper, same welds, same flux.



From my understanding rosin flux is organic made from pine sap. It is acidic but but dilutes and breaks down easily. The best way to flush it to use many cycles instead of just running the water. You may be able to tell the difference of the line in question by using a PH test on that line and a older established line.


Kester paste is the most popular brand-is that what you used?

here are MSDS sheets for their products


When i had to flush piping for sensitive projects-we used chemicals designed for it so I cannot say how long with just water.I WILL say that I have cut open pipes that are over a month old that still had some flux deposits(1000's of joints though not 15 which should have next to none inside unless you went crazy with the flux) (usually because someone used WAY too much) If your filtering you water-I would not worry about any in the end product.You can taste it as well-very bitter

Look on the container you used and see if it is a no-clean or water soluble flux

Most plumbers solder paste contains organic acid and is water soluble
solder .


as a metal worker I have the expoerience that you will not flush out excess flux with water BUT neither will residual flux effect yr water quality.