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Which synthetic cannabinoids are now banned in Oz?



common sense says let the desperate risk their own health on unproven chemicals, and let us growers enjoy the real stuff. :tiphat:


That's a fair call, and like I said I'd rather smoke pot any day, but would you risk 2 years in jail for possessing 10 grams of 'the real stuff'? :)
Unfortunately this is the Nanny State that is WA ... :(
Even these synthetic cannabinoids ... they're not being banned for any health-related reasons, but because "they mimic the effects of cannabis". It's a sad joke.


That's a fair call, and like I said I'd rather smoke pot any day, but would you risk 2 years in jail for possessing 10 grams of 'the real stuff'? :)
Unfortunately this is the Nanny State that is WA ... :(
Yeah i forgot about being the nanny state, i think a few states are intent on stamping the fake stuff out. The laws are now similar if not worse than pot, the same as heroin in NSW i think.
Its tempting to try it to see what the fuss is about, but its a leap of faith in the people who spray the chemicals on the herbs.

Even these synthetic cannabinoids ... they're not being banned for any health-related reasons, but because "they mimic the effects of cannabis". It's a sad joke.
If they mimic the effects of pot, why should it be legal to use at work or driving a truck etc? With no repercussions from the boss who sees his productivety dropping away. We know how pot effects us, so we know why the boss would be pissed if everyone had couchlock lol
All the pot dealers would be pissed too, but i spose demand is such that we havent heard from the weed sellers union yet. :)


Yeah this is WA, so it's no surprise that the mining industry (which does have a few bucks to work with! lol) is pushing strong for the bans, because they simply don't have the technology to do on-site tests, the only cannabinoid they can currently test for is THC. However, the federal government then followed WA's lead by banning the same 8 synthetic cannabinoids that'd been found in Kronic-like mixes.

ps. How about we play a game ... Spot The Wanker

^ WA's beloved Premier, Colin Barnett ... god thank him for saving us all from the demon that is cannabis, and relaxing alcohol laws so we can all get shitfaced outside of licensed premises, knowing we're safe from this evil herb. Decrim or legalise herb and NOBODY would be bothering with synthetics, BUT BEING A POLITICIAN HE MAY NOT BE ABLE TO CONSIDER THINGS LOGICALLY.


Can get 25 for just about any drug (cannabis included, although it's 15 years in some states if it's only cannabis), but obviously that's the maximum penalty and you're never going to get that for possession ... that's for kingpin-level manufacture and distribution, and you'd already have serious priors. Keep in mind that 25 years is also the maximum you can get for murder.

But just for possessing 10 grams ... not even half an ounce of bud, you're looking at 2 years here in Colin Barnett's Wonderland.
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From the news article - "The patients suffered severe heart palpitations and high blood pressure."

Interesting - I've had the same affects from drinking one can of Red Bull/Mother, and anyone of any age can buy this ... :) ... I've also had it from one too many cups of coffee ... :) ... and one too many cones of Sour Diesel ... :)

... but I've had much, much worse affects from drinking too much ALCOHOL ...

... and all you need to do is look at the front of a pack of CIGARETTES to see what the government themselves tells us tobacco can do to us. It's interesting they don't show the same warning images on alcohol, as alcohol phyically destroys the body more than tobacco, but again that's just more bias from the government - who would've thought!?!?
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Kronic 'Black Label' minireview - This is the most recent blend, created with different synth cannabinoids than the 8 which were banned in Oz.
I heard on the news tonight that some stores were still selling the new Black Label mix, and they showed a foody type place not far from my place, so because I was starving for a burger I went down and ordered an amazeballs burger and 1gm of Black Label. There were 5 guys standing around just talking, which was odd, and it was raining, so i wonder if they were just there as security seeing as they knew they'd probably get an influx due to being on the news? lol

Anyway i hit 1/4 cone in a bong and went off to grab a cup of water and check my email. Could feel it coming on quite quickly after a cpl mins.
After another 1/4 cone i was already at a level where you say - yep, i'm perfectly comfortable here and really wouldn't wanna go too much further. Same reason you only smoke x cones of bud.

So it's the strongest mix by volume of all the Kronics i've tried so far - all of them I think. It's a real head in the clouds kinda high. Appetite stimulation is pretty good.

So those 9 ppl that were hospitalised, I have a feeling they were all <21, none smoked pot often, and that it was the Black Label mix - simply because its more potent by volume. They probably just packed a full cone, hit it in a bucket and blew their heads off, silly kids :)
It all happened on a FRIDAY NIGHT too, maybe just maybe there was alcohol or energy drinks involved!? I wouldn't want either at the moment... might be a good way for people to lay off the booze for a while lol. I didn't mind a few drinks with the other Kronic blends, but just because of the type of high the thought of even a single beer isn't appealing, it's just perfectly comfortable to enjoy on its own.

As with any new smoke - buds or otherwise, start off slowly and you can enjoy it more!

ps. yes my heart is fine, my blood pressure is fine, i feel perfectly relaxed, healthy happy, im farting rainbows and all that, thankyou :)
I'll still be steering clear of Red Bull/Mother tho ;)

Update - long legs on this one, still quite a distinct buzz 4 hours later. The first hour or so is head-in-the-clouds kinda stuff, then settles into a more normal stone but fades fairly slowly.
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How does it feel to be a guinea pig?

This wasnt you Phenomenal?

POLICE probe whether the death of a 38-year-old man is linked to his smoking of the synthetic cannabis product Kronic Black Label.

The man, from Hillman in the city's south, was rushed to Rockingham Hospital at about 6.30pm (WST) yesterday after suffering a suspected cardiac arrest, but he later died.

A police spokesman said it was believed the man had been smoking Kronic Black Label and investigations were under way to determine if that was linked to his death.


come on clowd il put my life savings on that linked you posted up is just media hype. also interesting to note nz jumping on the banning wagon.sigh our government love's to ban things like that ever fixed anything.


There are many complaints about heart palpitations from using this stuff, why is it so difficult to believe untested shit can cause problems. How do you stop using 8 ingredients overnight only to add different(yet to be banned) chemicals(black label) which seem to be stronger and have full trust in its safety?


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
yeh sounds abit oddd, but also maybe thbis guy choked to death on trying ti rip like 1 ounce in a cone at once lol.


and we've also all heard of perfectly healthy young people dying from heart attacks for no apparent reason. If he had a glass of wine by his side does that mean the alcohol or the kronic killed him? Heart attacks happen for a number of reasons ... speculations, meh. btw, google "red bull death" ;)


Red wine killed a 38 year old, quick ban that shit!
Get fkn real!

So you obviously know wtf chemicals they are using in black label and know the health risks associated with burning and inhaling those chemicals.

Good luck with that!

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