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effects on short-term memory


h^2 O

Yep. What? Uh huh we daily smokers get it. I can be thinking of something on the brink of genious and think about poptarts all of a sudden then forget my idea. Just now I went to watch a movie, and hit play, and 3 seconds later for the LIFE of me couldn't remember what movie it was. I'm not a hard science dude and would like to know what what benefits that may have or why it happens and what part of the brain is effected and why. :dance013:

edit: the movie is SUper 8


Those exact moments are why I got a phone w/ a qwerty keypad. Kept forgetting my notepad and pen

I think it also has something to do with MJ's ability to ward of Alzheimers. Forces you to exercise your brain.


Feeling good is good enough.
"Shaaaron... Shaaaaaaaaaarooon...!!??!!!

But I guess his poison was booze and pills... LOL

Now and to the topics:

The good part is that I also forget about negative stuff and those obsessive thoughts... mixing cannabis with alcohol tends to make this "lapsus mentis" worse.

Try smoking cannabis and drink coffee... you'll be surprised how much it helps with this issue.



on the other hand maybe stoners are more in the present moment

as what happened earlier is not important, it's gone/i'm high and don't care (what's important is now)


Active member
Its not the short term loss that you need to worry about today. Its the long term accumulated loss you will face after a decade or so of smoking.
It may not seem like an issue now but wait till you have a family and a mortgage to support.
A time will come when you are to old or sick of a manual job and need one that requires you to use you brain and the lucky ones will have enough of it left to pull it off.
Just look at Ozzie Ozbourne.
You may think I am talking shit but I have first hand experience.
Due to my mental impairment I have limited my future career prospects.



Its not the short term loss that you need to worry about today. Its the long term accumulated loss you will face after a decade or so of smoking.
It may not seem like an issue now but wait till you have a family and a mortgage to support.
A time will come when you are to old or sick of a manual job and need one that requires you to use you brain and the lucky ones will have enough of it left to pull it off.
Just look at Ozzie Ozbourne.
You may think I am talking shit but I have first hand experience.
Due to my mental impairment I have limited my future career prospects.

Are you fucking serious???

Mensa member here - waaaay smarter than the average picnic basket, stoned nearly 100% of my working/waking day, been smoking for over 35 years...

I run mental and physical circles around kids 1/2 my age, I am father to 2 award winning athlete/scholars, and one of the best "talker/thinkers" you'll ever run into.

Save your "DARE" speeches for the ill-informed and gullible...

IMVHO - either you are leo, or a complete fucking poser...

Enjoy the "ignore" list - I don't care to read another word from you...




Its not the short term loss that you need to worry about today. Its the long term accumulated loss you will face after a decade or so of smoking.
It may not seem like an issue now but wait till you have a family and a mortgage to support.
A time will come when you are to old or sick of a manual job and need one that requires you to use you brain and the lucky ones will have enough of it left to pull it off.
Just look at Ozzie Ozbourne.
You may think I am talking shit but I have first hand experience.
Due to my mental impairment I have limited my future career prospects.




Well-known member
Really hoping some sarcasm was missed back there.

Taking a multivitamin with cod liver oil and doing a brain training game like the free Brain Workshop (google it) has helped with my short term memory. Just a matter of flexing that memory muscle a bit.


Yep. What? Uh huh we daily smokers get it. I can be thinking of something on the brink of genious and think about poptarts all of a sudden then forget my idea. Just now I went to watch a movie, and hit play, and 3 seconds later for the LIFE of me couldn't remember what movie it was. I'm not a hard science dude and would like to know what what benefits that may have or why it happens and what part of the brain is effected and why. :dance013:

edit: the movie is SUper 8



I can say from personal experience that studying at the college and post grad level is not best done while high. Like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it.


What were we talking about?
Its not the short term loss that you need to worry about today. Its the long term accumulated loss you will face after a decade or so of smoking.
It may not seem like an issue now but wait till you have a family and a mortgage to support.
A time will come when you are to old or sick of a manual job and need one that requires you to use you brain and the lucky ones will have enough of it left to pull it off.
Just look at Ozzie Ozbourne.
You may think I am talking shit but I have first hand experience.
Due to my mental impairment I have limited my future career prospects.



First off, Ozzie's problems are not from cannabis. That guy is a living pharmacopoeia . . .

Thanks for playing . . . :tiphat:


Stop smoking herb for a couple weeks and everything in your brain goes back to normal. Can't say that about other drugs including alcohol.

The effect of cannabis on intelligence depends on the individual. Strong minds can stay sharp while smoking 2+Ozs a month.

The absolute worst thing about weed is smoking. Carcinogens. Vaporize or ingest and you have virtually no long term side effects/ damage.

4TOKIN: is your firsthand experience only with MJ? Or have you done other drugs?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah this one is a hard one for me as I know this is effecting me lol.. There are two things that effect the brain well more then two but the immediate two things are age and were are talking 50 and over and then drugs and alcohol... I am aware of cannabis's effect on the brain when I needed to study for college and just couldn't remember the work if I kept smoking bud. I still smoked a lot but I did need to cut back to finish the courses.So there is a definate correlation between short term memory loss and cannabis smoke. peace out Headband707