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Cooking to cover smell?


Does anyone make thier house smell like something strong when the harvest? im thinking of throwing together a slow cooker ( crock pot) meal to so the smell will last all day. any ideas on what to cook that will overtake the fresh cut ganja smell?


yea i do love bacon but, im trying to cook something passively over most of the day. the only way ive ever cooked bacon, frying pan and oven ,are both active.

although i suppose the bacon smell would linger all day


3 crisp strips bacon, lettuce tomato and mayo spread onto fresh bread


keep a dead body around! they let jeffrey dahmer do his thing for years ......... way less work than lighting some insense.


get some cheap neck bones at the butcher or meat section of your grocer to make 'beef stock' for a soup. Or get a bread machine. ideally, carbon is king.


Well-known member
Nothing is going to mask the smell of cannabis beside a good carbon filter. I've identified grow houses from the street by the smell.

Smell is one of the main reasons people get busted.


should always have a carbon filter BUT if you want extra protection, garlic in boiling water on the pan all day works a treat make sure to stir every now and again, this takes care of the inside and my favourite if you have any decking or wooden fences get CREOSOTE" paint, this shit stinks all day, this covers the outside.


yea that's what i have to do sometimes just so i don't offend my landord/owners sensabilities...garlic will reek the whole place up.


I know something that will cover the smell. CABBAGE in a crock pot, fry some bacon and throw that in it. That is some great smell and powerful. Cut the cabbage head into quarters and put it in the cooker. You can put in some corn beef and half a great meal after you are done with your trimming. Damn I'm hungry! Put your crock pot on low and you can leave it over night if you want. Trust me I'm a doctor! Good luck.

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