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YESCA'S outdoor grow 2011


water everyday for 20 min
ph is 7
ppm 300
have only fed with mex guano 10-1-1 top dress
gonna build alittle shade canopy over a couple of Afgoos and see if I see improvement


yesterday foliar fed with organic kelp also top dressed with 4tbs Mex guano 10-1-1 also 1tbs GH Rare Earth hoping this helps with the taco leaf issue im having on some plants. has 50% silica in it which is post to help with the heat



Active member
The leaf curl looks like over watering to me. If I were you I would throw 2-4 inches of mulch on those pots and water way less often. Mulch is key with large plants. I am guessing the top lair of your soil is crusty and dried. That is where most of your bio life is and they are dying when the soil is crusty. Mulch it and that top layer of soil stays evenly moist with the rest of your soil.

Other than that, they look amazing and obviously whatever the leaf curl is, it's minor. Great job.


Active member
Also, you say you water for 20 min everyday. Is that with rated sprinklers? In other words how much water per plant are you giving them? If you are using a 1 gal an hour sprinkler than you are giving your plants 1/3 of a gal a day. Ext ext.


bullfrog44 thnx for your help . It might be overwatering. I was doing 30 minutes a day and then cut it to 20min. might reduce it to 15 min a day. top soil is not dry it stays pretty moist. I did get some cedar mulch and will be applying tomorrow. the plants are wide enough were the top of soil does not get sunlight.
I have 4 bubblers per plant site . they are raindrip. I believe that they are rated 0 - 13 gph(they are adjustable from 0-2 diameter circle)so not realy sure how to figure out how much water i am giving em b but ther is some runoff. will try to do some math later


measurement is from top of pot
not to experienced with outdoor
does anyone know when plants should stop growing and what final height I can expect?
yep do you have white pistils forming yet or not?If you have white pistils then you may be starting to flower,so add 12 weeks to that and your pretty much done but watch them cause some finish faster than others.make sure you use alaskan fish fertilizer bloom you can get it at lowes and its cheap by the gallon 15 bucks.the fertilizer you used wasnt organic and caused all the problems with your bio life in your soil, always use organic other ferts have metals in them that cannot rinse out=harsh smoke .


Active member
Where are you from Yesca73? Can you give us location or lat and long to determine when you might flower. In the Bay area in California, 50 degrees, I start to flower the first week of August with most strains. That lasts until October. Outdoor plants are just like indoor, when you start to flower, they will grow like mad. I know you said you have privacy issues as do I. I start to tie down my tops about this time of year to gain width and take away tallness. If you wait until flowering you may loose a little yield, most plants like to be established before flowering begins.

As far as your mulch goes, that will considerably help with watering. You will find you can cut way down, and wash less nutes away. 2 inches per pot minimum. Good luck brother.

O yea, final weight. I can tell you I would be shooting for one pound per plant with those size bushes. It takes some skill, but you are looking at 6 ounces per plant no prob.

Couple other things to keep in mind. Come September you will want to buy up some Safer brand Caterpillar killer. This will help keep the Caterpillar from burrowing through your prize nugs. It is safe to use up to harvest, however I stop spraying with about a week or two to go. Maybe a little Spinosad around the garden a few times. Good luck.


your garden looks great

your plants will get much larger during their preflower stretch as well as during flowering itself.

nice garden!
Yes the preflower stretch is scaring me in my garden. I had plants go from waist high to 8 ft high for the month of august. Sativas.

Looking awesome!



46"tall and 4' in width


39"tall didnt have same start as others prob 2 weeks behind


32"tall . having probs with this one . not sure if ph issues or heat stress or both. any growth has slowed .


im in the san joaquin valley. about 2 hours west of da bay. I did notice some Hindu Skunk and Afgoo are starting to develope pistils. think this is kinda early but others are not. these are the 2 strains that growth has slowed on. not sure if the stress has help in the early flowering. the healthest plants like SD , BD , GC, CJ are still growing and no pistils.
I did mulch plants today with cedar mulch. also sprayed w/ Organicide.
I do have some cat killer. They reak havoc here in the valley. I rememberr a few years ago I was inspecting plants and noticed a dead leaf coming out of my top bud. I pulled it out along with a chunk of discolored bud. I was very suprised and upon futher inspection I noticed alittle green catipiller inthere eating and shitting away. I spent the next couple of hours looking through the rest of my plants and couldnt believe how many I found. Oh ya it was hella hot that day. no fun. anyway U would recomend start spraying n sept? guy at local hydro shop said he already started spraying. what is spinosad?? thnx 4 droppin in

thnx 4 compliment. your garden looks great . I do have some sativas Bluedream, Caseyjones,SourD they are about5' now. gonna start feeding this week. gonna chk out ur thread.