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input of 80 watts it produced at least 15 kilowatts continuous, and sometimes as high


New cold fusion Reactor tech!!

Andrea Rossi is an Italian inventor that claims to have produced the world's first commercial ready "cold fusion" or "LENR" (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) reactor. Cold Fusion and LENR are terms used to describe nuclear fusion and other nuclear reactions at low temperatures. For 20 years or longer scientists have been producing nuclear reactions at low temperatures in small reactors that cost a fraction of what is used to produce "hot fusion." There have been thousands of successful cold fusion experiments in which nuclear reactions have occurred. But none of these experiments come close to the robustness of Rossi's device. Many cold fusion devices only worked intermittently or produced low levels of output. Andrea Rossi's device seems to work on demand and produces extremely high outputs. As an example, in a recent experiment over an 18 hour period with an average input of 80 watts it produced at least 15 kilowatts continuous, and sometimes as high as 20 kW.

Another interesting aspect of Andrea Rossi's technology is the materials it uses. Some cold fusion experiments have used expensive materials. For example, instead of ordinary hydrogen, deuterium has been used. Also, more expensive metals such as palladium and platinum have been utilized. Rossi's device simply uses ordinary nickel powder (but in nano-sized particles), ordinary hydrogen, and undisclosed (due to proprietary reasons) catalysts that are claimed to be inexpensive.

link with proof..


Steven B. Krivit, publisher of the New Energy Times, noted that Rossi and Focardi’s reactor seems similar to a nickel-hydrogen low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) device originally developed by Francesco Piantelli of Siena, Italy, who was not involved with the current demonstration. In a comment, Rossi denied that his reactor is similar to Piantelli’s, writing that “The proof is that I am making operating reactors, he is not.” Krivit also noted that Rossi has been accused of a few crimes, including tax fraud and illegally importing gold, which are unrelated to his research.
Rossi and Focardi have applied for a patent that has been partially rejected in a preliminary report. According to the report, “As the invention seems, at least at first, to offend against the generally accepted laws of physics and established theories, the disclosure should be detailed enough to prove to a skilled person conversant with mainstream science and technology that the invention is indeed feasible. … In the present case, the invention does not provide experimental evidence (nor any firm theoretical basis) which would enable the skilled person to assess the viability of the invention. The description is essentially based on general statement and speculations which are not apt to provide a clear and exhaustive technical teaching.” The report also noted that not all of the patent claims were novel.
Giuseppe Levi, a nuclear physicist from INFN (Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics), helped organize last Friday’s demonstration in Bologna. Levi confirmed that the reactor produced about 12 kW and noted that the energy was not of chemical origin since there was no measurable hydrogen consumption. Levi and other scientists plan to produce a technical report on the design and execution of their evaluation of the reactor.
Also at the demonstration was a representative of Defkalion Energy, based in Athens, who said that the company was interested in a 20 kW unit and that within two months they would make a public announcement. For the Rossi and Focardi, this kind of interest is the most important.
“We have passed already the phase to convince somebody,” Rossi wrote in his forum. “We are arrived to a product that is ready for the market. Our judge is the market. In this field the phase of the competition in the field of theories, hypothesis, conjectures etc etc is over. The competition is in the market. If somebody has a valid technology, he has not to convince people by chattering, he has to make a reactor that work and go to sell it, as we are doing.”


[SIZE=+1]Investing 400 million in Xanthi for "cold fusion" of hydrogen[/SIZE]
| June 23 2011 |
Thursday, June 23, 2011 11:30:41 AM
Presented on Thursday, finally, officially, the energy investment project of the Greek company Defkalion Green Technologies SA on the industrial application of scientific discovery of the famous "cold fusion nickel and hydrogen" Italian professors Sergio Foccardi and Andrea Rossi has created great interest internationally.
Investing a total budget of 300 to 400 million, includes three industrial units, which will settle in Thrace.. This will produce a massive reactor nickel - hydrogen, the second, based on the reactor will produce household units for heat energy capacity 10 - 30 KW and the third will produce large units 1 - 3 MW. Based on the timing of investors by the end of July we produced the first laboratory reactors, and since November there will be regular industrial production. In January the planned market introduction of small household units. Funding is completely private and comes from Greek Canadian funds through the Cyprus company will participate by 64%. The remaining 36% belongs to various Greek investors, none of which has not been up over 4%. The product
. The starting point of the matter is the revolutionary invention of fusion reactor Hydrogen and Nickel (cold fusion in a controlled environment), made by two Italian scientists from the University of Bologna, the Sergio Foccardi and Andrea Rossi, which was officially presented on January 14 in Italy. Based on this discovery can be produced cheap energy, with very low, almost negligible compared with the current data, since the reactor can produce more energy than it consumes in its operation. The rights to use and industrial use (for non-military purposes) of the invention of the Italians for the whole world except the United States took the Greek-diversified company Defkalion. The company took care, supported by Greek scientists, to "translate" technical scientific results and create a device that after initial activation, generates heat without need for additional power and without creating pollution or harmful radiation to humans The thermal energy that can be used to produce hot water and space heating and a rate of around 40%, be converted into electricity through a common converter (inverter). According to company officials, the cost for acquiring the device will not exceed 4,000 to 5,000 euros, while around 500 - 900 euros is the cost of the converter to produce electrical energy. The excess electricity, as with domestic PV systems can be fed into the electrical system and is bought by DEI, providing income to the producer The method, apart from domestic use, can be applied to energy production in agriculture, livestock, crafts, businesses, public buildings and, under conditions in industry. The scientific basis of unit
. The cold fusion process that is underlying science unit, is a "hot" field of physics that has caused heated debates in recent years. It is a reaction that occurs at room temperature, in which two smaller nuclei together to form a larger simultaneously releasing great amounts of energy. During the 80's Pons and Fleishmann claimed that they had reached a cold fusion reaction, but their experiment could not be repeated. Από . Since any theory and hypothesis of cold fusion was rejected, thus creating a stream of scientific reticence on the subject . Despite this skepticism a small portion of scientists continued to investigate the matter.
. The last new subversive came from Italy and are those which have started to create the specific application . Two scientists, engineer Andrea Rossi and Prof. Sergio Focardi, University of Bologna, was demonstrated publicly on January 14 of this year's time, a cold fusion device capable of producing 12.400 Wh heat entering only 400 W power. . The Italian scientists showed that a new production of green energy with common materials (Nickel and hydrogen catalyst), with little cost and without emitting air pollutants or radioactive waste. Their results were confirmed by independent measurements already third and receiving positive reviews from physical size first as professor at the University of Uppsala Sven Kullander, president of the National Academy of Sciences Energy Committee, the Hanno Essén, professor at the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology, the Dr Edmud Storms etc. There are few who argue that the specific effect of Engineering and Natural Rossi Focardi creates the need to ... . rewrite certain chapters of physics

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
If you thunk that is cool Goggle plasmerg or the papp engine. After that think how big your grow could be with a papp generating power. One papp engine could generate all the power a grower could want for $2-$3 a month.


Sounds familiar, but I am pretty sure this is the guy who will let people test his machine, but won't let them look inside of it to see what is going on.

Sounds very fishy to me since no one has ever been able to prove that sustainable fusion can even happen at room temperatures (or anything near them).
There's a scam like this every year... linking to a page about the scam doesn't prove it. I can write you up a fancy page about how to grow plants in ONE WEEK.. if you like...
these scam artists will talk and talk and talk and give you everything, except show you the product at work and actually functioning.

Seriously such energy is not possible and won't be for a long long time... think of the implications of having such power... everything would become obsolete, like gas/steam turbine engines. Planes that can travel around the world non stop, solving world hunger and other huge problems.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Yes but the gas engine was a scam at one time. If you watch the space shuttle come down from space you will see nitrogen ignited by plasma and have a after glow. NASA has know about it for 30 plus years and still can not explain what it transitions to to cause the glow. Does this mean it has no use. No that would be like Rockefeller saying that we might as well keep pouring gasoline down the drain because it has no use. Or we can say the world is flat. Point is we don't know what we don't know. Some day we will replace fossil fuels and who knows where the new source of power will come from yet. Interesting to look at but we don't know if it is a scam till it has been proven to be.


Active member
Oh, I don't know...

Having a 4K grow run from 2 d cell batteries worth of power might be somewhat useful to some folks...

If it isn't total BS. We shall see.

Ichabod Crane has a good point. At one time there was absolutely no real use for that dark sticky crap oozing up from the ground in Pennsylvania.

Until someone remembered that it burned pretty good and figured if he could tweak it a bit he might be able to use it for something and sell it.
Totally crazy idea...
150+ years ago.

The whales were happy about it too. They were the original bio-fuel.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Hope this technology is soon available on the shelf right next to the ballasts at my local grow store. Then I will get excited. :biggrin: :canabis:


Registered User
Hope this technology is soon available on the shelf right next to the ballasts at my local grow store. Then I will get excited. :biggrin: :canabis:

Once I'm done building the flux capacitor in my garage... i'll hit Future Hydro & grab us a couple of units... this route might be sooner. ;-)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I live in Italy but this news never comes on mass medias, I just found some articles on secondary newspapers but never seen on an important one or in television.This is not strange unluckily, as this country information is deviated and I think this thing should deserve at least 30 seconds in any transmission.
However for what I've read these two scientist discovered the method but they still don't know how,for their own admission.
And regarding the power....they estimated that with 600Wh the ''machine'' give an output of 12.000Wh ( 1:20 )

Hope this thing give us all a new and better method to produce energy...hope....

Max Headroom

Well-known member
the basic currency of the planet is energy.

as long as the global power-structure is built around greed, exploitation and profit, there will never, never, ever be an overunity ("free energy") device on the market. it would collapse the whole system.
(imagine africa being able to desalinate vast quantities of seawater with cheap/free energy. the colonial powers of the west would never allow that)

those who have power never give it away willingly.


Active member

The EU is screaming "Those fuckin' Greek goofballs are buyin' WHAT?"

Put a hold on the check. NOW."
Well if he wants to sell the tech, big oil will have no problem buying it up and tossing it in the trash. Entrenched industry stunting human technological development, most shameful thing anyone could ever do.


the basic currency of the planet is energy...
That's why I think 2012 will be an "end of the world" of sorts, an end to the ridiculous world of the past where fat rich assholes control things by controlling their stupid energy sources.

This kind of device is perfect not only to rely less on traditional energy sources, but to reduce pollution and all that too


PlasmERG website said:
  • Power Density:
    The PlasmERG engine produces massive amounts of mechanical power. A two cylinder engine with 1000 cc or one liter of displacement can produce hundreds of horsepower, with all the torque present even at low speed (just like an electric motor). Hence, a very small engine could power a very large vehicle, boat, or plane.
  • Fuel Efficiency:
    The PlasmERG engine utilizes very little fuel. To fuel an engine, you simply fill the cylinders with a mix of gases, and seal them. Additional fuel does not have to be continually added, like in a traditional internal combustion engine. A single charge of fuel can last an engine for months before another charge is needed. Although some small quantity of fuel is likely burnt (through a fusion or fission process), the main reason the engine needs to be re-fueled is due to gases leaking out. As the technology advances, better sealing technology could prevent the gases from escaping, and a single charge could last for years.
  • Cheap, Plentiful Fuel:
    The gases used as fuel are cheap and plentiful. In addition, the noble gases used as fuel can be found everywhere on the planet, because they are present in our atmosphere. No country has a monopoly on them. Also, because such small quantities are used, and the gases last so long before being consumed, the annual fuel cost for an engine would be almost nothing. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on gasoline, you could spend less than a hundred dollars a year for a continually-running genset, for example.
  • No Pollution:
    The engine emits no pollution or exhaust. This would allow someone to operate the engine indoors (for example to power an electrical generator) without worrying about toxic gases being produced. Also, even though a "fusion" process may be occurring, no radioactive waste is created. The lack of CO2 production would also allow for a "green" running engine.
  • Inert Fuel:
    Because the fuel is an inert gas (doesn't combust), storage canisters could be shipped safely with no regulation or hazards involved whatsoever.
  • Catastrophe Proof:
    If the engine were damaged somehow, from a force majeure incident such as a collision, explosion, earthquake, lightning strike, landslide, asteroid, volcano, flood, or sabotage; it would not blow up in a chain reaction or go into runaway meltdown. It would simply stop running. The worst case scenario would be that the pistons might fly out and hit something.
  • Runs Cool:
    The engine does not heat up, so there is no need for a cooling system.
  • Few Components:
    The engine does not require many the various components of ordinary internal combustion engines. This saves space and weight. Many other components are also eliminated, such as the exhaust system, gasoline tank, and cooling system.
  • Few Moving Parts:
    The engine uses few moving parts, so there is less complexity, and fewer parts to wear out. The 5 moving parts are: crankshaft, two connecting rods and two pistons. This allows for the engine to be quickly manufactured, and it reduces the maintenance required.
  • Scalable:
    The technology can scale up to be used to build very large engines, or be scaled down to produce very small engines. Anything from a gigantic locomotive to a tiny model car could have one of these motors designed for it.
  • Optimal Versatility:
    The technology can be used anywhere, because the cylinders are sealed and the reaction does not require oxygen. It could be used on land, underwater, or in space.
  • Governable:
    The engine speed can be throttled to basically any speed up to 3,000RPMs. This allows it to have a variable output, which is vitally important for automotive and electrical applications.
  • Super Cheap:
    The engine is expected to be very affordable. The price for a two cylinder engine producing hundreds of horsepower (and lots of torque too!) is expected to only be around $500 (five hundred dollars)! Remember, too, that the fuel cost is nearly negligible.
  • Quiet:
    The engines are very quiet too! John Rohner has said if a running engine was placed in a box composed of one inch thick wood, you could not find it in a darkened room.
:dance013: think of the applications, you could put a self powered grow room in the middle of nowhere that would be practically undetectable...

you could build an elaborate tree house grow room! that would be so cool

With the PlasmERG engine (once widely adopted by the world) energy costs could go down dramatically. As an example, John Rohner communicated to me in a private email that a one liter (two cylinder) engine has turned a 300 kW electrical generator at full load. This is using an engine with an expected $500 dollar cost, and a few dollars worth of fuel every three or four months. The electricity from such a system would not just be cheap, but almost free.

This is so great, so apparently they found a sustainable energy source, why is this not the #1 story everywhere?