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plants in veg are gettin too big


Speed of Dark
I feel your pain, too many plants in veg stage, getting bigger every day. I squeeezed 1 more into the budroom, no more will fit.
Cut clones last week, got roots and transplanted today. The oversize veg plant is sitting in the hallway, on its way out the back door to the brush pile. I'm still putting off the trip, but it cannot go back, new young plants have taken the spot.
Time, effort, care, all is lost due to bad timing. Before this I have saved plants better lost, ugly, ugly, ugly. Better this way, new life with accompanying death.


Well-known member
i let these get a lil bigger than i wanted to but not much i love growing big bushes like these.


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ghost in training
There's alot of great info in here. Any method would work with great results and whatever u choose remember you own those bitches dont let them walk over you.


Start the girls on their flower cycle. You wont get the biggest baddest bud from them but you will not lose 60 days of time and investment that you have in them. Take the whole top half of the plants off. And strip all of the shade leaves. The light will have penetration and you will be smoking by time time your flower room is ready. When you harvest them just snip the flowers off then re vegetate them them a couple of weeks or until they show new growth and re flower them in the big lights.


Whatever you think of the "defoliation" technique, this is a perfect use for it.....remove nearly all fan leaves to stop growth for up to two weeks. When the plant starts to bush out, repeat the procedure. Trim extraneous branches as necessary. This allows nearly unlimited veg time with minimal upward growth..
Whatever you think of the "defoliation" technique, this is a perfect use for it.....remove nearly all fan leaves to stop growth for up to two weeks. When the plant starts to bush out, repeat the procedure. Trim extraneous branches as necessary. This allows nearly unlimited veg time with minimal upward growth..
thanks for bringin that up.have always been curious about defoliation. one thing for sure is i'm goin to learn somethin..might not be what i want but i will learn somethin..


Tropical Outcast
Check on your electricity bill how much you are paying per kw/h.

Multiply that by the hours you are running your light per month.

That's what your bill will increase by.