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Why We Dont Post More.....

While on another thread I got to thinking about this as sometimes I delete a large comment under several different guises. Sometimes its as simple as "Oh why bother" So I submit to you, yet another list. Chime in, give an opinion, whatever. Mine range, not in order, from mild to fairly absurd, hopefully with some comic relief.

1) Cant type
2) Cant spell
3) Why bother, they seem to know it all anyway
4) Laxatives
5) Oh, they'll figure it out
6) Let 'em drown in their own swill.
7) Supper
8) Someone may have said this already
9) I may have said this already
10) I have said this already
11) they just need some more experience
12) Some secrets ya gotta keep to yourself
13) I'm to stoned, I'll post it tomorrow
14) Darn it, I hit the wrong button again........
15) Endless pissing matches
16) Laxatives

When I get those issues outta da way I do chime in and post something once in a while


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
maybe I don't know what your talking about at all, but where's

17) you just don't know


Active member
Sometimes I feel like I post too often and that no one really cares -or else my posts are really mundane and stupid which is a real possibility :(


19) F5 on my nudie sites takes up a decent amount of bandwidth :jerkit:


Active member
Yeah stoned is often a reason -I´m fixing to make some Green Dragon this evening and after that...well you know.
why so many laxatives?

Ha ha, just another reason to get up quickly, grab some refreshment, check in with the wife and kids and by the time I get back I forgot why I had written what I did or why I even started. So I delete what I've written and move on.

Guess I shoulda said prune juice???

Repetitive Humor
Repetitive Humor

Whos got #20????????? or I drink way to much Iced Tea???

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Ha ha, just another reason to get up quickly, grab some refreshment, check in with the wife and kids and by the time I get back I forgot why I had written what I did or why I even started. So I delete what I've written and move on.

Guess I shoulda said prune juice???

Repetitive Humor
Repetitive Humor

Whos got #20????????? or I drink way to much Iced Tea???

#20.....may be, some people have a real life....I do


#23) there is no # 23, writer busy on the toilet, see #16.
#24) to get to 50th post.