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Looking for guerillas with leaf spot diease experience.

You forsure need a good mask, i sprayed once or twice without one at first this yr...

I could taste that shit all day, and wen i smoked j's it was even worse, i got a particle mask at lowes and so glad i did

D.S i assume im in the same 30 day range as you, shud be close..Only thing noway i can treat all my plants, so im treating the VIP females only at this point now, but all girls were sprayed a few times so far
Is liquid copper and greencure safe to spray in full sun?...
I've been spraying in the evening but like to do it during the day if it wont hurt my girls.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I spray in the early mornings StrapA. I have sprayed on sunny days that were cool. If its below 82 or so, i dont think there's a problem. If its a little cloudy i wlll spray, but from my perspective, spraying plants midday of 90 degrees would be risky.
Sounds good... i appreciate your input.
I'm sure glad i found this thread before my 1st outdoor grow...(this year).
My efforts would have been a total loss....
Special thanks to the Doc (D. S. Toker. MD)... your info has been epecially helpful.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Hey guys. Im not going to complain about the abundant rain we're getting, but it sure makes it difficult to keep the plants treated with the Lcopper. Im on my 3rd bottle and it rained last night. Im treating every week becasue of rain.

But i have tomatoes in the yard and ive sprayed them as well, and then examined the treatment closely with my jewelers loupe. The copper sticks to the plant pretty good even during rain. I estimate that 70% of the treatment remains on the leaves after a rain. Of course, the harder and longer the rain, the more that would wash off but with moderate rain, the plants do retain some degree of protection.

I also checked the undersides of the leaves and much of the copper remained after moderate rain. So, the moral of the story is that the entire treatment isnt negated just because its rained. In fact, iits my view that each additional treatment per plant increases coverage and protection.

The biggest problem anyone will discover is the ability to treat large plants. You need to pack a lunch because it takes a while. A big plant takes a good 15 minutes to treat and a lot of liquid. 1/2 gallon per plant. Its working me to death but im determined to seen Aug 15 disease free.
The biggest problem anyone will discover is the ability to treat large plants. You need to pack a lunch because it takes a while. A big plant takes a good 15 minutes to treat and a lot of liquid. 1/2 gallon per plant. Its working me to death but im determined to seen Aug 15 disease free.

I agree with u here buddy, shit is taking its tole on me aswell, plus im having to water..No rain here in 2 wks, 95+ for high all week with 80%+ hum.

Im seeing no leaf spot or blight watsoever, i mean none on my girls..Ive got all finger's and toe's crossed :laughing:

However i had 5 semi auto flower's that all caught it and 1 comply died in less then a week( i never treated them) i chopped them yesterday

It's taking me 10-15 mins on each plant also..The 6-7 footer's that are 4-5 ft wide are very tuff to treat, but im getting them best i can:tiphat:

Are u seeing any infection D.S?

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
No Tots, but we're entering the hot zone in my opinion. In past years, ive had a few plants that had the disease early to mid july but most seemed to have caught it in the last weeks of july to the first week of aug. So... i consider the real battle is beginning.

Im having rain, in fact its hurting the effort bad. Im getting 1/4-3/4" every single day. Every day has been the same for the past week. Temps hit 95 until 4pm and then here comes the thunderstorm. It last about an hour, the sun comes back out and its friggin jungle humidity!!! At daylight when i go out to work my plants, its 80 degrees and because theres so much moisture on the ground and in the air, its foggy until 10 oclock., Then the 95 comes back and it starts all over.

I sprayed sunday and it rained monday and every day since, but tommorow and friday its supposed to be clear and then saturday, its back to jungle land. Im spraying every 3-4 days. Its hard work..
Damn i see what u mean, thanks for sharing info , on how the LC is sticking to plant's so well... I never plan to grow again and NOT use this product

Its also 80's here at night, i choose to work at daylight also...Noway i can treat all my girls in 1 day, si i split it up over 2-3 days

Im all treated up for next 12-14 days unless we get heavy rain, i would rather have the rain in a way

Doc how many oz of LC are u mixing with gallon? im using 1 oz rite now..ive been thru 1 bottle and started using 2nd..

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Im using 1 1/2 tablespoons per gallon. From last year i know that once the plants get the disease, it takes 2 tblsp per gallon and they have to be sprayed every 4-5 days, but im hoping it takes less to prevent it.

It takes 2 full days to treat everything for me too.


Can't post pics due to laying very low right now but the leaf spot came back big time in the same spot as last year but has not affected a Haw origin sativa; everything else has it and is toast, because I can't go back to spray anyway... This year's weather is as bad for fungus/leaf spot than last, it seems, with high humidity every night, and blazing high temps (except for one nice week recently); the dog days, as they say. If it rains, it ALWAYS rains in the evening, so the plants are wet all night. Welcome to Dixieland. Yuk.

Also its back in my home garden all over my tomatoes starting on the lower branches working up so I must spray them soon.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Strat, its exploded on me in just the last 48 hrs. On sunday, i had no plants with the disease and now i have 4 and ive been spraying regularly, but like you, its 95 until afternoon and then it rains everyday.

I live in a small rural agricultural area and i have lunch at a local country store where the rest of the farmers around here eat lunch and yesterday, the county extension agent was in there talking to the tobacco farmers. He said that because of the high temps and humidity, blight was infecting tobacco, corn and soybeans. He instructed them to begin applications of Acrobat(systemic) immediately. He said the Dept. of ag was going to issue a state wide ag alert next week.
Holy Shit! I guess if money really does grow on trees it can't be easy. I haven't been out to see my girls in about 10 days... going today....hoping and praying for life! Dew points have been in the 80s for the last few days.
I wish i had the balls to be out there often enough to keep em covered... October can't come soon enough! Harvest and Hunting... can't wait!
Guy's we have had no rain in 13 days, not a drop.Not even any dew really in the am, if so its gone by 8am.

temp is 98 today for high, grass is starting to die..My girls are all treated up with no infection as of yet..

D.S which of the strains your growing have it? Im like you and will treat and take care of all my plants no matter what..

Just picked up 16 oz of greencure to get me started, since several of mine are already into full flower

Goodluck to you guys!
Just got back from spraying and watering...
All is well! All of them have it to some degree but for the most part they are healthy...
I was prepared for the worst with the humidity as of late but to my relief they look better than last time i was out there.
Hey doc, would you believe me if i told you one of my healthiest plants is a white widow?
Can't explain it... every other widow i put out died almost immediately...
Idk.... maybe i labeled the bitch wrong! lol (doubt it, i'm pretty meticulous) just very random and unexplainable...
What are the logistics of cloning her? Never taken one from outside.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Yes i would believe that strap, because 2 of my plants that have it are Sensi star, which seemed to be the most resistant to it last year. Although i have a homemade WWXBlueberry that has it. The WW mom was GH. Im glad yours are generally healthy.

Hey Tots, I would wish for drought except that last year, we had drought and i was attacked all the same. Plus, packing water is hard fukin work.
It hit me like a bat out of hell. I checked everything Monday and all was well. My mouth fell open this morning. Ive stepped up to 2 fulll tablespoons now.

Ive abandoned the Greencure aspect of my plan. My area is in full blown plague and im going to feel lucky if the LC kills it or keeps it at bay. Last year during the hottest part of the infection, i couldnt tell that GC had any effect at all, but with the LC, you could see iimmmediate results.
Sorry to hear about your girls doc... i hope they all make it.
I agree about the greencure... I have noticed similar results with my issues inside.
Results are minimal with gc but with copper the plant is almost immediately healthier.
Reminds me what you were saying weeks ago about the tobbaco fields... sprayed with the right stuff the entire plant is simply stronger and healthier.

Fat Tone

My best year outdoors and my plants are completly affected but healthy. i've been spraying for a month of the pre mixed Ortho LC. But i guess i wasn't spraying them enough I bought the concentrated stuff and sprayed the hell out of them yesterday.

Is everything a total loss? Should i concentrate on the new growth to make sure it dosen't get the disease? Like i said. These are the best outdoor plants i ever had. And leaves look healthy other than the light brown spots on it.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Fat Tone, my experience has been that if you use 2 tablespoons of LCopper per gal/ and get good coverage, it will hold the disease at bay. Check with one plant, but i found that i could apply about every other day for 4 applications and nearly killed the disease. It was over 3 weeks before it reappeared on the plants treated with that approach.

Mix a good strong dose. Do a test app - spray 1 plant every day for 3 days to make sure you dont hurt the plants, and then blast the bitches head to toe as often as possible for a week or 2 and you should be ok. Make sure and get the underside of the leaves good too.
Ill plan to step up to 2 tbs also, still no rain, makes 16 days..Its typical waether for me tho

Doc yes hauling water is a B, it gets real fun after a 70 gallons in a few hrs(yes i need a pump, but dont have balls to run one cause of houses)

Said to hear ur SS have it also, things must b very bad like u say

I got greencure so i can mix things up a bit and start spraying the AK's that are 2 wks into flower

Keep it green guys


Dang that stuff is all over my girls. The kushes got it worse than the others. I went on vacay aand missed two weeks of spraying which didn't help. Stepping up to 2 tbs per gallon this week and also using greencure. Good luck everybody

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