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Urine thread


Active member
Man seriously, I knew those weren't your main projects :D had to browse through you gallery first :D Ofcourse you know what you did better than I do :) I just shared an opinion about what could have gone wrong ;)

Absolutely thriving plants you have in your garden, mate! I would definitely try some buds of yours, piss or not :) respect

and ye! you can call me dude :D that's what they all call me


I used it as you in veg but after 10-14 days decided to piss some U under the WNP plant again.Do not know why,but the plant still grow:) and will.We have got the table in the shed where I sometimes place the plant before put her in the darker part where the windows are covered.Before about 14 days I could easily touch the top of the plant by on tiptoes,but now not.She almost touch the roof,where I can only jump:)

Thanks.I dont know how strong my piss is but after yeastardays grandmas delicious soup,smells exactly the same.So there is some interconnection,hhehe.The tomatoes(-fruits from the garden bed) do not taste the best,but much better then the supermarket one

I have to search your galleries to see what I do better:D as you said.
Thanks:),but there is much to improve about plant-soil microbiology.I did not do nothing about it yet,thats true.
Just read some info about compost teas by CTGuy.It is very good read and I have nothing bad to point at.
Dont know if I have some main project.Maybe just grow some nice,big plants:)

hello!And sorry about how i bend the english.
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Guess I should go piss on this plant...


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I think "go piss on a plant" would be nicer to say than some of the junk in this thread. good idea!

now go piss on a plant.

try it, it feels good!

I piss in the yard. I would never want to piss on a plant and have it alter the ph around it. OR overdose it on nitrogen. Not worth it to me. I got the 35 cents it requires to feed it...



nice plants!Lets overdo them!

Yes,its not the best fertilizer for bloom.It just long-up the show of flowers.Mine are developing now,on wnp,after 26 days on 11/13.But I talk about the trichs,more then hairs.Smelling so fresh:)...Detected today.)

There is the photo from yeasterday:


The pot only(and hand.),still the same and not will be changing.You see,I have not the best soil.)


Again,from other look:

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Active member
about that ph thing.

the urine actually puts the ph right where you want it..

in containers anyway.

but personally, id want some year old or composted shit there too, specially for flowering or fruit.


How can you say urine puts the Ph where you want it?

Everyones urine PH is different for one. As well as peoples water sources.

This is why I speak out when I read bullshit. Dont need someone trying to correct a PH problem by pissing in their rez or pots.

Your telling me If I have a low ph, causing nutrient lockouts, and I use my well water with a ph of 5.5...And then piss into it with some urine at some random ph, that my ph problem will go away?

Because Normally what I would do is get some clean water. Rain/creek/R.O and adjust the ph to 6.5 (if it isnt already) and flush the fuck out of the plant. Hit it with some nutrients, and watch it recover.


Active member
yeah, id just piss bit into the pot then water then wait.

i really doubt your piss´s ph is that different from mine and thats what happens for me ;)

and, i dunno about low ph, mine is usually high.

maybe someone else can say something about that.


Active member
blood ph 7.41

urine ph 4.5 to 8

most accurate ph is in the morning's piss before you haven't eaten anything


Active member
How can you say urine puts the Ph where you want it?

Everyones urine PH is different for one. As well as peoples water sources.

This is why I speak out when I read bullshit. Dont need someone trying to correct a PH problem by pissing in their rez or pots.

Your telling me If I have a low ph, causing nutrient lockouts, and I use my well water with a ph of 5.5...And then piss into it with some urine at some random ph, that my ph problem will go away?

Because Normally what I would do is get some clean water. Rain/creek/R.O and adjust the ph to 6.5 (if it isnt already) and flush the fuck out of the plant. Hit it with some nutrients, and watch it recover.

you are forgetting that most organic growers use self buffering mediums. Does not matter what the ph of your piss is as long as it's not above 9 or below 4


Active member
dude, stoney, you are obviously interested, why dont you just try it sometime?

no one is forcing this on anyone, just relating experiences..

now we even have pictures of lushgreen plants.

why are you so deadset against this?


Active member
see i gotta stop calling people dudes, with you around dudeSOME it could get confusing :D


you are forgetting that most organic growers use self buffering mediums. Does not matter what the ph of your piss is as long as it's not above 9 or below 4

You must be forgetting UREA IS NOT EVEN ORGANIC>...PISS DERIVED OR NOT. lol

And SSO, Like I have said I have done it in the past. I asked YOU for pics grown purely off of piss and fish water. These few pics they posted were grown by real nutrients. Not Just urine.

Anyone know the NPK of urea? Look it up and tel me why in the fuck you would risk the chance of fucking your plants up?

Over and out.

LOL Organic growers using urea...Thats a good one. :laughing:

mad librettist

Active member
cows piss on the shit they make, and their piss has urea.

so by your definition,

organic milk farm
cows poop
but to keep it organic you have to catch the poop as it comes out so it does not get peed on.


cows piss on the shit they make, and their piss has urea.

so by your definition,

organic milk farm
cows poop
but to keep it organic you have to catch the poop as it comes out so it does not get peed on.

Yeah. Some cow shit might contain urea. But your using it for the cow shit.
The majority is NOT urea.

Why would you compare using piss for food to a little piss being in cow shit? You think UREA levels are ANYWHERE close?

And what about milk? Why did you even bring milk up? Organic milk farms? lol

Its one thing to use a product with urea in it. Its another to use 80 percent urea and nothing else.

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