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Reefer Madness reborn

has anyone else seen this shit? National geographic channel just ran an episode of their drug series "Drugged: High on Marijuana" and it is so full of crap. Here it is on Youtube if you want to watch it in it's entirety. http://youtu.be/T0EHSnGYPTY

Anyways, they are smart in this one and aren't telling bold face lies like normal, but they are finding obscure examples and jumping to lots of conclusions. there are many times in the show when they say "It has been estimated" Which is obviously a way to make up statistics when you don't want to acquire or quote the real ones. In one case they throw in "It has been estimated that after only trying marijuana one time 9% of people are addicted"! Holy crap, yeah right. Now pot is worse than crack? OMG is this a load of crap. and on their 9% I didn't even here it clear enough to know if it was 9 or 90% they were saying. I had to rewind the dvr! I think that was an intentional long 9 in there.

They had some guy talking about how he was terribly addicted to marijuana since he was 13, and had to resort to dealing and how he lost his first wife because she didn't smoke and he still wanted to... sniff sniff blubberfest!

Another point they are talking about how marijuana breeders are breeding for more thc and less cbd. Great, I think we all know that. Then they take some bi-weekly pot smoker who claims that sometimes she gets psychosis depending on the marijuana she uses. They have her smoke hers and she is good to go (7% thc and .4 cbd), and then they have her smoke some synthesized pure thc and she is feeling different and showing signs of psychosis. But they sneak in that she is now smoking synthesized tch and not even natural cannabis!!!! UGGG this is such bullshit and people who are curious and want to hear how bad marijuana is will gleen a very bad message from this video even though, again, the facts are heavily manipulated to push an agenda. They rag out mmj, recreational, you name it. when they talk about how the tch molecules attach to the brain receptors they actually compare the thc to terrorists attacking the brain! They take the littlest negatives about mj use and try to make them seem like the crack epidemic of the 90s. At one point they follow these 4 kids around as they walk through the woods after eating some pot cookies. At one point they are trying to cross this little ditch with a trickle of water running through it and the narrator makes it seem like these poor delusional lads see this as the grand canyon! If you look at these fucking dorks for one second it would not seem a surprise that they may have a hard time jumping across a 3' ditch! But no, its the pot!

This is a fully laid out gameplan for the opposition. In this video they are laying out all of the current anti-pot arguments and giving us the ammunition we need to argue them. They make it look scientific with inner body computer graphics and people in lab coats. Anyone who has anything good to say about mj is edited out of the film. The only somewhat positive thing is the person testing for addictive quality (people only ever had a hard time falling a sleep for a few days in the test) did manage to say "obviously these effects aren't life threatening" and a psychologist stated that is was absolutely non toxic, but that is it and they were certainly not highlighted points. This literally made me sick to my stomach watching this crap last night.

We are so in need of a pro-pot use, mainstream video now. Woody? Where are you buddy! Time to do another documentary.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Wow, I love Nat. Geo.....I'm thinking I won't be watching that channel anymore. Well, fuck you National Geographic, you took away my nature shows, don't you know us potheads watch your shit for hours? Put PTB and Miss Blunted on the fuck you list.


Active member
i watched it 2 times. i got more angry each time. if i watch it again i am afraid i will throw my tv out the window. those kids were pussies . when i get stoned in the woods and find a creek i dont bother trying to jump it . i just walk right through it LOL

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
ya I saw this and was very disappointed nat geo would disregard science and spread fear propaganda. It is impossible to tell which party bought them though because they are all fucking thieves.


My Thai sativa sends me onto psychosis, spiraling creative mindfuck. I know as all members at ic that you would have to smoke 15,000 lbs of mj to actually die from mj itself. Try drinking 10 gallons of booze and see if you can still live.

I wonder if you could drink 10 gal of wine coolers and die? Just one epic headache.
My Thai sativa sends me onto psychosis, spiraling creative mindfuck. I know as all members at ic that you would have to smoke 15,000 lbs of mj to actually die from mj itself. Try drinking 10 gallons of booze and see if you can still live.

I wonder if you could drink 10 gal of wine coolers and die? Just one epic headache.

Ha ha! well they aren't going to compare pot to booze or cigs because next to booze or cigs pot is absolutely harmless. Obviously they couldn't get their hands on any of your thai weed because they had to use synthetic thc to produce the effect. What a fucking joke this is... so sad that it will be seen by so many and accepted as gospel. Pretty soon people will be randomly quoting this crap as fact. Just burns my ass. Well, obviously!


I also like nat. geo & nat geo mag. but that program was full of crap & lies, I even wrote them an e-mail to put in their mag. about med MMJ. no response & nothing in the mag. all they want to publish on the subject is lies & propaganda!


May your race always be in your favor
Nat Geo is owned by Rupert Murdoch, perhaps that says why the channel put out some it crap.


Nat Geo is owned by Rupert Murdoch, perhaps that says why the channel put out some it crap.

Its absolutely why Nat Geo has gone to crap. Its all pseudo scientific religious bullshit and conspiricy theory crap. History channel is about trucking, Discovery channel is about fishing, and TLC is about breeders and midgets.

The BBC is about the only channel putting out decent science programming anymore, its fucked.


Active member
its only going to be listened to by the morons.

this is called catering to the lowest demographic lol or whatnot.

the deathknell of nat geo.

evolution takes care of morons ;)


Registered User
Well... I for one am officially done jerkin off to their mag. This is the final straw, I tell ya... ;-)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I think all of these documentarys that come out of the UK regarding cannabis are very similar. They shed a very bad light on cannabis use. The ones I have seen produced here in the us are not like that or at least not as bad as the UK.


Get two birds stoned at once
This is just like how the history channel runs prophecy BS... Any science/tech type show is suspect IMO unless its from PBS or BBC.

Cable channels like them just piece shit together that is just good enough to air... not nearly the quality of Nova/Nature/etc


I wonder if Nat Geo got in hot water for airing some very fair pieces about marijuana, one they aired like 3 years ago, basically how my friend found out about Nirvana, was extremely fair and informative, interviewed Marc Emery and talked about what bullshit his extradition would be...
pearlemae said:
Nat Geo is owned by Rupert Murdoch...
That explains it, but we better not start talking about him unless we want him to buy up and destroy IC mag too


i just read this thread then checked my e-mail inbox and i had a new mail from Avaaz, a petition to stop Murdoch. not like im a big fan of petitions, but i signed it immediately. then i tried to watch the movie, but it's not available in my country. this is just crazy, right...?

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