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keeping the light out??

Im starting my 12/12 and have seen that there is some light coming in thru the space around the door, i was wondering if anyone knew of any good tricks to seal that up but still be able to open the door because its my room door and i need to be able to go in and out of it.



May your race always be in your favor
get a door sweep. It's a strip of rubber that screws to the bottom of the doo,r it touches the floor and keeps out the light and wind. Depot or any hardware store will have them. Good luck..... do you sleep and live in your room on a 12/12 light schedule?
yes i do the lights go off when i go to sleep and are off when i wake up and leave for work and come on while im still at work. I need something for the side and top of my door though too.


try the thin foam draft strip that sticks around the door rebate......could make the door a bit stiff to start with