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So ...i think i have super high levels of chlorine in my water


New member
I have a super healthy set of plants - all same strain same age good genetics with balanced nutrients (ppm's are fine/ph adjusted all that) that are startin to show bronzing on higher leaves, yellowing down low but other than that healthy, I was reading into chlorine toxicity and was wondering if anyone has dealt with it and coud provide any insight? If it is chlorine should i a) let my water sit for x amount of time and dissipate the chlorine, b) test the water, c) just bust out and go with an r.o. system or d) possibly just go with spring water (ex. eldo water...cuz you know it's good)? It's been goin on in the same spot for a while yet the kids that leave the house don't exhibit the same behavior. Any insight would be cool and if it sounds like some other problem you've encountered and not chlorine give me a shout - thanxs!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
you need to know whats in your water first of all if your gonna feed your plants it.. think of it as nutrients..

second, R/O is up to you, I do R/O as I like to know where I stand, and not have questions when my plants go wrong

and yes, if you have chlorine, not chloramines ( check your towns water report ) you can just leave it out 24 hours, or bubble for a little faster I hear

spring water, isnt that expensive, and need to go to the store all the time?

have fun


Active member
Chlorine you can smell it straight outta the tap, check water companies website, & or ask for a free analysis to check levels. Chloramines you aint gonna shift so easy. But listen to habeeb & Bubble/let stand for a good 24hours n you should be good to go.

pictures always help!
A pool test kit will tell you your chlorine level if you really want to know, but I wouldn't even bother, plants can easily handle way more than is in any municipal water. Quite a few people add bleach to their ez-cloners to prevent root rot, I've personally run my ez-clone with chlorine more than double swimming pool level and had the best root growth I'd seen in it. It takes a lot of chlorine to hurt roots.


I used to let my tap water sit out in jugs, etc, etc.. I got lazy and started just going straight from the tap. Noticed no difference at all, haven't looked back.

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