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DEA Denies Rescheduling Petition


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
But remember, if we borrow 5 more, then 5+5=12, so now we have 15 to spend... ;-) the rock can bleed the difference.

Here's an older article regarding the AMA...


The American Medical Association on Tuesday adopted a resolution calling for the government to review its classification of marijuana, in order to ease the way for more research into the use of medical marijuana.

While the AMA, the largest physician's organization in the U.S., explicitly states it does not endorse any current state-based medical marijuana programs or the legalization of marijuana, the move is a significant shift that continues a trend toward support for easing restrictions against the drug.

"Our American Medical Association (AMA) urges that marijuana's status as a federal Schedule I controlled substance be reviewed with the goal of facilitating the conduct of clinical research and development of cannabinoid-based medicines," the AMA's statement (PDF) reads. "This should not be viewed as an endorsement of state-based medical cannabis programs, the legalization of marijuana, or that scientific evidence on the therapeutic use of cannabis meets the current standards for a prescription drug product."

Marijuana is currently classified by the federal government as a "Schedule I" controlled substance, the most restrictive of five categories. Schedule I substances are considered to have a high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug. Other drugs in that category include heroin, LSD and PCP. Less restrictive "Schedule II" substances include cocaine and methamphetamine.

Previously, the AMA recommended marijuana remain a Schedule I controlled substance, but it now believes the substance deserves more clinical research.

CBSNews.com Special Report: Marijuana Nation

"Despite more than 30 years of clinical research, only a small number of randomized, controlled trials have been conducted on smoked cannabis," Dr. Edward Langston, an AMA board member, told the Los Angeles Times. Limited studies, he said, are "insufficient to satisfy the current standards for a prescription drug product."

The White House drug czar's office gave a muted response to the AMA's recommendation, the LA Times reports, saying it would defer to "the FDA's judgment that the raw marijuana plant cannot meet the standards for identity, strength, quality, purity, packaging and labeling required of medicine."

While the Obama administration opposes legalization of marijuana, the Justice Department last month announced it would no longer pursue prosecution for state-sanctioned medical marijuana sales. As many as 13 states now allow the use of medical marijuana.

The debate over whether to legalize marijuana all together seems to be gaining steam. A Gallup poll last month showed a record 44 percent of Americans now support legalizing marijuana. Meanwhile, California residents may get to vote on a 2010 ballot measure to legalize the drug in the state.

notice the RAW part leaving it open for pharma companies....


Rubbing my glands together
Ok. So it gets turned down. Now ASA can appeal. Maybe they win the appeal. Maybe not. Eventually it ends up in front of SCOTUS, Here is where the justices get to rule in favor of the ones who brung em to the party to begin with.


Active member
this may sound like business as usual, and it is as far as the DEA is concerned
but i looked over the comments on msnbc on this decision
there were too many comments to read them all, but i did not see 1 pro DEA statement, not 1

I hope you don't rely on MSLSD as your only info source!

Of course, I doubt "pro-DEA statements" are terribly common...anywhere!


Active member
I am against them, but I must be the devil's advocate.

I have problems, I use marijuana for it. I also like to get high off my medication, because if they're not improving my mood..they are just not helping.

You see, I've smoked cannabis since I was 16, I am 25. I have seen idiots get too high, people who say 100% THC all the time, lets go for a burn ride and THEYRE TERRIBLE drivers high. I don't space out ever while driving...high. When I am not high I get all nervous and spacey.

I don't think I make my point clear when I say there are retards out there that don't deserve the rescheduling. There are responsible people also.

They just don't like the idea of a medication that gets you high. Not physically dependent high....but the type of high you will spend your money on because it's safer and makes you feel better in the head.

I think there are 2 things they are not telling us.

Alcohol has no accepted medicinal use...virtually. It kills, consumes peoples lives and makes people uncontrollable babies.

It can be taxed. It can be bred in THC or CBD versions as per GW pharamceuticals states. That being the argument to inhale crude burned plant matter as opposed to vaporized pure cannabinoid ratios.

It can be abused, but only to a degree. How many people will do the wrong thing and get it then sell it or smoke A LOT MORE THAN NEEDED. A lot. Things stopping them are smoking limits...they can only buy so much.....and the people who don't smoke and just sell it.....PRESCPRTION DRUGS ARE KILLING kids in combination. I dont see marijuana killing shit.

By the way the synthetic spice shit is outta control, people make their own and it's a full agonist and ADDICITVE. They turn to it instead, now it's illegal...but so many internet orders of the solution and plant that its still bad. ITS ADDICITVE AND ITS BECAUSE THEY CANT SMOKE REAL POT!!!

Something alcohol and weed have in common is the GABA system activation and therefore relaxation. The thing is cannabinoids signal this...alcohol just ruins it over time by poisoning it. Another thing is cannabinoids help process out negative emotions by disconnecting your emotion center slightly and bringing you into a safe place in the alpha frequency and the right-side which also gives an executive function release and therefore control.

What I bascially said is it's the nation's silent anti-psycotic and its responsible for STOPPING murders and homocidal acts and the thoughts along with them, but you didn't hear it from me. KEEP ON TOKIN and live free.

Id rather my EFFING granmother uses cannabis extract as opposed to a combination of heart-stopping downers and QT invterval increasing benzos.

It can also help with OCD, which I think is another name for being overly conscious about something that makes you secure but it's not needed...which is a lot of crap.

Everyone has the energy to fight and bicker, to be knit-picky and to be very tidy, to check the locks and blinds to do the water thing.

If you have the energy to be vigilant all the time and strict, how will you relax? No matter what you do as long as your mind can run....it will!

I believe its called "racing" by manic-depressive standard or just standards of mania. How do you stop "racing"?

How do you stop half your health problems AND mental problems......a GOOD extract, a cool head, a fair and honest approach.

It comes from something basically free from the earth. I think it's bigger basic rights they're actually violating..rather than just one. Because where there is one injustice there is many others from and around it.


Well-known member
I hope you don't rely on MSLSD as your only info source!

Of course, I doubt "pro-DEA statements" are terribly common...anywhere!

that is my point, DEA is seen as a corrupt organization by too many
the prohibition continues only because of bureaucratic inertia
the number of politicians that get voter brownie points for trashing MJ is shrinking
and i'm seeing more progress on this issue, it's not going away


Active member
Hell, the DEA, SAMSHA, DoC, DoE, and a plethora of other alphabet soup bureaucracies could easily be abolished. But, of course they won't be, they'll simply continue to grow.


Well-known member
Hell, the DEA, SAMSHA, DoC, DoE, and a plethora of other alphabet soup bureaucracies could easily be abolished. But, of course they won't be, they'll simply continue to grow.

it may seem like they can grow forever, but they have limits
take any trend and extrapolate it out, it becomes silly
the government's ability to spend is not infinite, and that is coming up with a vengeance in the current budget talks


weed fiend
The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) was enacted into law by the Congress of the United States as Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970.[1] The CSA is the federal U.S. drug policy under which the manufacture, importation, possession, use and distribution of certain substances is regulated. The Act also served as the national implementing legislation for the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
The legislation created five Schedules (classifications), with varying qualifications for a substance to be included in each. Two federal agencies, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Food and Drug Administration, determine which substances are added to or removed from the various schedules...
the prez alone can't undo what congress (house + senate) + president passes. reform will take an act of congress.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor



Active member
DEA= Against everything ding-turn around-ding german word for thing..
Remember,we must not Discriminate : ) hmm
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This is the result of a lawsuit filed by ASA, Americans for safe access. This was pretty much expected but something else is happening here...Since the DEA rejected the petition ASA is going to appeal. This means that we get our day in court! This puts the DEA on trial to prove their claims while we prove cannabis does have medical value.

So this whole time cannabis has been schedule 1...the DEA claiming there are no studies to prove it's medical value....well we all know there is proof of it's value, not to mention the major medical associations want it rescheduled. I think this is great news!


Exactly!!!! This is about the big picture and the appeal will just be another avenue for our movement to gain steam. The overall public view is swinging over to our side. Exponentially actually! If popular opinion gets much more in favor of ending prohibition we will have that on the list of "views" on every politicians website right next to baby killing and butt sex!

Their position is about "smoked" marijuana. that's really what it is down to now... smoke can agitate your lungs and make you cough, and if you smoke 20 joints a day for 20 or 30 years you have a good chance of getting lung cancer or emphysema. Big pharma is going to be getting in this game eventually so pretty soon all they will have will be smoke. Or they may trace some oddball terpine or cannabinoid that is in natural MJ and vilify that for awhile. Thanks for saving us DEA! Hopefully that will come out in these trials and then we will be able to make comparisons to tobacco and otherwise do testing that the FDA/DEA must recognize.

This isn't going to be an overnight fix, but this is very good news for the movement.


Exactly!!!! This is about the big picture and the appeal will just be another avenue for our movement to gain steam. The overall public view is swinging over to our side. Exponentially actually! If popular opinion gets much more in favor of ending prohibition we will have that on the list of "views" on every politicians website right next to baby killing and butt sex!

Their position is about "smoked" marijuana. that's really what it is down to now... smoke can agitate your lungs and make you cough, and if you smoke 20 joints a day for 20 or 30 years you have a good chance of getting lung cancer or emphysema. Big pharma is going to be getting in this game eventually so pretty soon all they will have will be smoke. Or they may trace some oddball terpine or cannabinoid that is in natural MJ and vilify that for awhile. Thanks for saving us DEA! Hopefully that will come out in these trials and then we will be able to make comparisons to tobacco and otherwise do testing that the FDA/DEA must recognize.

This isn't going to be an overnight fix, but this is very good news for the movement.

uuHH..?The U.S. already has a patent on cannabis? as a medical benefit?

U.S. Government owns the patent on cannabis cures...


For those of you who still have any doubts as to the miraculous healing powers of cannabis and THC Oil or do not believe that there is an ongoing international effort dead set on keeping this free and 100% organic medicine, along with all organic foods, supplements, and natural medicines from a diseased and dying global population... I am about to BLOW YOUR MINDS......

uuHH..?The U.S. already has a patent on cannabis? as a medical benefit?

U.S. Government owns the patent on cannabis cures...


For those of you who still have any doubts as to the miraculous healing powers of cannabis and THC Oil or do not believe that there is an ongoing international effort dead set on keeping this free and 100% organic medicine, along with all organic foods, supplements, and natural medicines from a diseased and dying global population... I am about to BLOW YOUR MINDS......


This was my point. everything in cannabis is beneficial so all they have left to bitch about is the smoke delivery system. Or they can just lie some more, but the American public is moving beyond just blindly following their government. Well, many of us are. In our information rich society, people want the truth in 2 clicks or less. It won't be long before everybody, not just smokers, will want an answer to why we are spending billions on perpetuating our black market for cannabis.

"No because I said NO" doesn't work on our kids at home, and it certainly won't work on American adults if they have a different opinion. This movement is not only gaining steam from the standpoint of legalizing cannabis, but it is gaining steam from the standpoint of government control and manipulations, and state rights vs federal interference. IMHO it is the non-users who will win this war for us so we need to help them understand how they are being effected by this. The movement is going this way and we need to support that momentum.


Active member
RON PAUL!!!! god danm he's awsome bringing this stuff out into public view.
i know the patent is even in somons SIG here, but to make it public is trully awsome.
if this isnt a reason to vote for him i dont know what is.


Even if the DEA ignores recommendations and court orders to reschedule cannabis more people will be made aware of the recommendations and ask why they are being ignored. The better educated the people are the closer we will get to legalization.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
"No because I said NO" doesn't work on our kids at home, and it certainly won't work on American adults if they have a different opinion.

But it does work. When you're a parent and you don't have a good argument or you're just tired of justifying yourself, you end the discussion with "because I said so." As a parent, you have the final say. There is no appeal. There is no higher authority. Not that your kids will obey, but you've made your position clear.

Same thing with the DEA. They don't have to justify their decision. There is no one to appeal to (at least no one that will make a difference). They answer to no none. There is no higher authority. Therefore, "because I said so" has been, is, and will continue to be all that is necessary to keep marijuana in Schedule 1.

And you can't really blame them. If I had to make a decision that would either keep me and my co-workers employed versus very likely causing a lot of my co-workers to lose their jobs, I think it would be a pretty easy decision. The real problem is giving this power to the DEA in the first place.


Game Bred
executive order:
whereas the united states government has filed patents for medicinal uses of cannabis(marijuana) and thereby acknowledged the medical uses of cannabis(marijuana). As several of these states united have recognized the medicinal value of cannabis(marijuana).
As of this day(insert date here)it is the order of the executive that henceforth cannabis (marijuana) be scheduled II by the FDA.

no act of congress needed.


Game Bred
Hell, the DEA, SAMSHA, DoC, DoE, and a plethora of other alphabet soup bureaucracies could easily be abolished. But, of course they won't be, they'll simply continue to grow.
these are the first few that need nixing


big govt wont change by itself

big govt wont change by itself

big governments biggest love...

bigger budgets.

DEA wont help the public. They are in the business to jail/rob the public.

Only the public vote will move the MJ agenda forward.
Otherwise, dead in the water.

This presidential election is going to be HUGE for MJ.
Clearly biggest/ chance for change.

Ron Paul -thank you for making MJ a presidential topic.