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nutrient deficiency in chronic plant...help?



the mix doesn't drain so well...so yeah...the plant is not happy right now. the deficiency was progressing quickly and i didn't think the plant would make it 2 weeks til the roots filled the pot so i went ahead and flushed to lower the pH to see what happened. roots on this plant definitely haven't been as vigorous as other strains but the foliage has stayed very dense. oh well...i hate fidgeting with pH and only do it if the plants give me reason to. i can assure you the proper soil moisture was kept before the flush...but as you know that isn't the case now. if she perks up i may switch to fox farm nutrients that i have sitting around and see if that formula works better on this strain since ff seems to maintain a lower soil pH than dyna-gro. thanks for the help all. i'm more concerned with knowing how to deal with a problem strain like this in the future more than i am about saving this particular plant...


is it really that bad the pictures do not look that bad? very wierd. one thing u said that was interesting was that the roots were in the middle usually that tap root shoots to the bottom. that is why i was thinking too much moisture. sometimes those roots get caught up in the wet middle and suffocate and cant get nutes up properly.


you may want to go over to the serious website and join the forum. they are pretty good over there when you have a problem.


It's not that bad but this is how the mom started to look shortly before going into serious nutrient deficiency so I was looking for a remedy. ...I haven't had nutrient probs with any plants since I left fox farm for dyna gro.....until the chronic. I joined the serious seeds forum earlier and everyone seems to be running it around 6.5 as others here have suggested. I cloned it again in case I get really stubborn and decide to try for a third time. I fertilized a branch on the original mom with fem pollen saved from one of my fav strains...should have some fem seeds if it survives flowering...which I think it will though it's not goin to be pretty.


that's weird for sure. soil is pretty bulletproof and once a plant gets to be a foot they are almost impossible to kill. please report back if you figure it out or it takes a bad turn for the worse. i don't think you can do much more right now. good luck.


i must have shocked it when downing the pH cause the plant is really looking bad and it's definitely caused by my messing with it, not a progression of the deficiencies in the pics...probably will toss it tomorrow. ...but, the clone is taking so i'll see if chronic prefers fox farm nutrients when it is time. i'm going back to not screwing with the pH cause i'm obviously no good at it. :)


man are u sure it not from too wet of soil. if you have room take it out knock of the soil and take some new mix and mist it and then replant and leave it alone for a week. it just really sounds like it does not like having wet feet.
im growing chronic in botanicare coco the 5 kg bails. i had the same problem. found out it was the tap water my tap is around 100-125.

i use 7 grams gh maxibloom and 3 ml of botanicare cal-mag per gallon of tap. i use the same feeding from clones all the way to the end of flowering.

when feeding i water till 50% run off this shit is cheap like 10 cent per gallon.

you should give the botanicare coco 5 kg bails a try with the maxibloom and cal-mag.
as its hard to over water with this.
everyone on here was telling me i did not have to use cal-mag with the maxibloom but i DO have to use it.

btw i grow big 5 foot trees in 5 gallon pots.

also you may want to buffer your coco with 1 part soil to 3 parts coco. (i used black cow from lowes) till i got my nutes dialed in, now i just use coco. you may have to use less or more cal-mag than me. good luck


bobman...the deficiency is definitely not a result of overwatering. the leaves were nice and perky as they should be the day before i did the flush to change the pH....as i said the plant was showing signs of overwatering in pic as a result of the flush which i said in the description. i use a moisture meter when watering and i try not to "flush" the soil until roots fill the pot and can rebound from the excess moisture but this was an exception.

for those that can't see the pics...here are direct links if that helps...


black_thumb...thanks for the info. you said it was your tap water...did you change water sources as a result or go to reverse osmosis? ... or did you just change your medium and nutes? thanks


other strains i'm growing are doing great as always.

hindu kush rooting clone

white rhino from seed


Fyi....put my flowering chronic on a fox farm diet and it seems to be doing the trick. Guessing the npk ratios of dyna-gro weren't right for chronic. Unfortunately my chronic in veg croaked from my screwing with the pH but at least I know what to do next time I get a plant that doesn't like dyna-gro.


Active member
Mag deficiencies happen at low pH, not at 7.

I think your flushing has leached some nutes from your soil.

roll it large

i too have problems with a chronic plant everything else is spot on have a look at my pics in the mosaic sticky thread last page, grown in coco even with the leaves like they are it still produces well so im doubtfull its a ph prob i got


Mag deficiencies happen at low pH, not at 7.

I think your flushing has leached some nutes from your soil.

oops...you are totally right hazy. i think i got magnesium mixed up with manganese. doh!



... interesting you are having the same problem with this strain in coco, roll it large. what is the npk/brand of nutes you running?

the flowering chronic still seems happy on fox farm...for it i used dynagro 7-9-5 in veg then to dynagro 3-12-6 and ran into severe deficiencies during flowering that would not halt with boosts of dynagro 7-9-5 (or epsom salts which thanks to hazy i now know was pointless for my situation). decided to add fox farm grow big 6-4-4 to it and the leaf drop stopped in three days or so. so now i'm guessing there is too much phosphorus in dynagro for chronic causing nutrient lockout. i originally quit using fox farm nutes because it was causing severe soil acidification in most of my plants but i think something about it is right for chronic. ...just a guess.

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