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Obama Declares All-Out War on Medical Marijuana

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I'm proud of you natty. I've debated enough about obama and marijuana. I'll retire from this thread now.

take care everyone

tony clifton

@ the donald,

hey bro don't waste your time with the liberal fucktards you just can't fix stupid!!!
i was having a good laugh today when the chosen one was speaking after the news he got that his stimulus is defenitly not gonna work, unemplyment is headed towards 10% faster and more furious then his forked tongue!!!
food prices are gonna sky rocket soon because his billions in stimulus have deflated our dollar and even some on the left are laughing at him for still trying to blame GW!!!
the long legged macdaddy is runnig out of excuses fast!

if i had to pick the best for the country right now i would like to see perry and huntsman get a shot at the helm!!
at the least they are not poser's!


T.C. :pimp3:


weed fiend
@ the donald,

hey bro don't waste your time with the liberal fucktards you just can't fix stupid!!!
i was having a good laugh today when the chosen one was speaking after the news he got that his stimulus is defenitly not gonna work, unemplyment is headed towards 10% faster and more furious then his forked tongue!!!

Lol, the stimulus won't be the factor to deficits and debt like the tax cuts and wars. Aren't you aware your conservatives representatives don't consider revenue losses as debt?

food prices are gonna sky rocket soon because his billions in stimulus have deflated our dollar and even some on the left are laughing at him for still trying to blame GW!!!
the long legged macdaddy is runnig out of excuses fast!

Stimulus and QE are two different things. Stimulus money came from the Treasury, aka the taxpayer. The Federal Reserve prints money and QE is an international baby. If the opposition wasn't staunchly against new regulations to prohibit systemic risk, we could wind down the toxic debt an bankers' books and this would minimize a need for QE.

Want a stimulus break? Too bad. So do 45 million Americans looking for a job instead. Businesses ain't hiring anywhere near the proportion of the capital they're sitting on.

if i had to pick the best for the country right now i would like to see perry and huntsman get a shot at the helm!!
at the least they are not poser's!


T.C. :pimp3:

I'm impressed with your rather broad acceptance of the primary field. Those are two of the most dynamic possibilities. I don't get the impression that Huntsman as VP would moderate Perry's ultra-conservative views. Then again, VP was never much of a policy position excepting Cheney.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
lol, im younger. I respect trumps hustle. Name has nothing to do with politics to me but I see how a lot here judge by the name alone; especially in threads like this.

HAHAHAHAH you respect his hustle??? his daddy trustfunded him enough money to go out and build all this ridiculous shit then he ran upa 4.5 billion dollar debt and filed bankruptcy twice. sounds like another richy rich with no sense of business. easy to be successful on someone elses dime. he aint no rags to riches story. hes just a fucking clown who hangs out with meatloaf and gary busey to make him seem like the lesser of the untalented

so basically youd rather vote for this dood in 2012:::


then to give obama a 2nd chance. raids have been down under obama. hes first black president,, EVER> give him a fucking break. and please explain why you hate obama so much. i hear so much hate for this dood, yet no one really giving legitimate reason

tony clifton

Stimulus and QE are two different things. Stimulus money came from the Treasury, aka the taxpayer. The Federal Reserve prints money and QE is an international baby. If the opposition wasn't staunchly against new regulations to prohibit systemic risk, we could wind down the toxic debt an bankers' books and this would minimize a need for QE.

you got it wrong man the fed is printing the stimulus and the interest on our debt! that's why there now is more hundred dollar bills then ones and they are being shipped out of our country!!!

wake up man! they are crooked mofo's running a shell game on you!


T.C. :pimp3:


weed fiend
All you need is a comparison of tax breaks + wars and compare it to stimulus. We might have a difference of economic opinions but the math doesn't differ.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Everythings fine, slower then expected recovery, but we are moving in the right direction. Stay the course. Steady hand on the rudder. We are in good hands now.Move along folks. All is well.

Even the buds are better!



weed fiend
Didn't say everything was fine. Fine was a $236b surplus projected to $10+t but a wrench in the machine changed direction. $236b surplus went to $600b deficit in less than 9 months. That was the first tax-cut. Then two wars, another round of tax cuts, a new entitlement (all on the credit card) make for a longer than normal recovery.

My political ideology is no more pure than the next guy's. But I don't politicize things like math, science, economics and the environment. We have measurable statistics in these areas. Fact-free politics addresses the special interest, not the public interest.


Back to the original Memo

Back to the original Memo

I have been actually waiting for this memo to come out.

I have positioned myself to move to Arizona but wanted to hear the Fed's fucked up responce to several enquiries from different states, on there position.

The problem is town's like Isleton Cailfornia where the town is so fucking corrupt they close down the only collective because they don't support it as medical. Here is the kicker; they will allow Hairy Balls to set up 8 large green houses as long as they are getting kicked down cash. So basically don't provide any meds for local patients, send all the meds out of our town, so the city and Hairy Balls can get rich. I know it's hard to believe but the Fed's stepped in and said what the fuck. And I honestly can't blame them.

It's called excessive and abuse. I'm not thrilled but a few of us are ruining it for the rest. Do your thing and keep to yourself.

I'm not reading too much into the Memo, other then there position is status quo.

They will step in if the state allows abuse. They were designed to be collectives where patients are exchanging products. Not one monster grow op supporting the a club or a whole town. Most of the clubs in Cali, are growing way too much and selling back to themselves. That's how they get around non-profit.

There is no fucking way they are going step out and put a stop to the industry. The left wingers support it socially and the right wingers have enough brains to see the big business and how it's creating a small false economy. Yippee. Think of all the jobs created by the industry.

State worker collecting tax from the clubs.
Realtor who show property to collective
All the people involved in the real estate transaction
Cock Sucking Attorney's
Staff in Collectives
Gas Station Dude (need to put gas in your car if your going to work)
Truck Drivers (delivers growing supplies)
Hydro Stores; have staff
Visa and Banks for store transaction
Car dealer (dude has show the world he is a drug dealer)
Guy installing the 24" wheels
Now that people have jobs, they might eat at Quizno's, nevermind too late for them. But brotha got eat somewhere

I think we get the general idea.

Eventhough all blood sucking politian claim we need to figure out how they can get there grubby hands on the medical money, they already are!!!!!! Just from all the taxes that people spending on the indirect purchase from this industry. What's really pissing me off is the local cities enforcing a tax on weed. Now the Fed's should throw those bastards in the pig pen. How does a non-profit make taxes. The way I look at, it is the local goverment forcing the collectives to break the law. They're the true crimminals. Let's be honest. Steal from the poor and give to the rich.

OK... I know I'm all over the board but I just wanted to vent. The whole unknown is fucking driving me crazy. BTW I'm growing nothing!! Since 3 different peeps were busted in the last 45 days. Pretty fucking scary. All in the same city. I have to say they were all doing some pretty dumb shit stuff. Like stealing power! Like my first paragraph mention, I was prepared to head to AZ. Now what the.......

Stay safe my friends.


you got it wrong man the fed is printing the stimulus and the interest on our debt! that's why there now is more hundred dollar bills then ones and they are being shipped out of our country!!!

wake up man! they are crooked mofo's running a shell game on you!


T.C. :pimp3:


then to give obama a 2nd chance. raids have been down under obama. hes first black president,, EVER> give him a fucking break. and please explain why you hate obama so much. i hear so much hate for this dood, yet no one really giving legitimate reason

I beg to differ, he's actually half black. Give him a break? No! The usurper must be charged with treason/fraud against the people of United States of America and be removed from office! This is more than a legitimate reason to removal the usurper from the oval office!



Among the firearms sold to the Mexican drug gangs were AK-47s, thousands of pistols and, remarkably, .50-caliber rifles which are typically used to disable vehicles or carry out sniper-based assassinations at extremely long ranges (up to two miles). The mainstream media is now reporting that these weapons are turning up in violent crimes being committed in Phoenix, Arizona. As an ABC news affiliate reports: “According to the testimony of three Phoenix ATF agents, including Dodson, hundreds of weapons are now on the streets in the United States and Mexico, possibly in the hands of criminals. Dodson estimated the number could be as many as 1,800 weapons. He estimated agents in the Phoenix field division facilitated the sale of approximately 2,500 weapons to straw purchasers. A few hundred have been recovered.”

Here’s how “Fast and Furious” worked: Under orders from Washington, ATF agents were specifically told to acquire these weapons using “straw” buyers in the USA, find new buyers in Mexican drug gangs, then sell the weapons and “lose track” of them. Although some agents raised concerns about the insanity, they were overruled by the higher-ups in Washington who wanted to pursue this policy for their own reasons. “It made no sense to us either, it was just what we were ordered to do, and every time we questioned that order there was punitive action,” said Phoenix Special Agent John Dodson.


Posted: July 09, 2011
1:00 am Eastern

© 2011
Sometimes the news seems stranger than fiction.

Who could dream up a plot line like this?

Several law enforcement agencies of the federal government, including the FBI, Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security, Drug Enforcement Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, got together to hatch a plan to sell guns to Mexican drug cartel members – at least one of which was later used to murder a Border Patrol agent.

Can't be, right?

Wait a minute. It gets worse. It now appears the money used by the known criminals in Mexico was federal "stimulus" money.

I know. It's a nightmare. It's government gone wild.

Yet that is exactly what the aptly named "Project Gunrunner" seems to have been all about – with a scandal and ensuing cover-up big enough to bring down Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.

Members of Congress have been trying to investigate, but are getting no cooperation from Holder and the Justice Department. Apparently, the plan of the Obama administration was for the acting director of the ATF to take the fall. His name is Kenneth Melson – but he has other ideas.

Melson says he first found out about "Project Gunrunner" – also called "Operation Fast and Furious" – after the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, killed with a gun sold to the Mexican gangs by U.S. law enforcement personnel.

But after checking through the files on the program, Melson said he got "sick to his stomach" by what he found – the direct involvement of the FBI, DEA, Homeland Security, etc.

Read more: Another scandal that could take Obama down



All I know is if end times are coming, I wouldn't want to have my head so far up my ass to be blindly trash talking Obama while Republicans do nothing but work for tax cuts for the rich and budget plans that cut medicare, compared to the McCain-Palin alternative that Republicans brought to the table I'm glad we have Obama in office, at least my grandma can still afford her medicine.

on the whole us vs them mentality, I know there were a lot of angry liberals yelling at GW, and maybe some of them were doing it because they hated him because of the color of his skin or something, they even compared him to Hitler in the case of 911 conspiracies likening Bush's rally for war in Iraq after the tradgedy to Hitler's move of burning down (was it an embassy?) in order to rally to gain false angry support. Most of these comments I believe were not born out of "us vs them" mentality in the "republicans vs democrats" sense its more a "people vs government" sense. But I believe the hitler example shows what happened when the whitehouse went from republican to democrat. People who read comments born out of "people vs government" concerns see this as "their time" to "retaliate"

The problem with this as I see it is people are pulling up old arguments born out of people vs government mentality and forcing it through the extremely narrow mentality of democrats vs republicans, does it even make sense? Do people even care? I think all they want is a way to "retaliate", the problem is if half the country was trying to get shit done rather than retaliate we'd have much less to be angry about.

I've heard many comparisons of Obama to Hitler, but never a reason (or one deeper than "he's a cockhead")

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Do they care more about the $ash then they do about the sick ??? You bet your sweet ass they do LOL peace out Headband707
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Natalie J. Puffington
"The usurper must be charged with treason/fraud against the people of United States of America and be removed from office!"

....I didn't realize he had used copywriter material, wrongfully; I presume that's what you meant, as you just couldn't possibly mean he took office by 'force', or 'without legal right'....

....Oh wait, that's right: Kenya...

u·surp   [yoo-surp, -zurp]
verb (used with object)

1.) to seize and hold (a position, office, power, etc.) by force or without legal right: The pretender tried to usurp the throne.
2.) to use without authority or right; employ wrongfully: The magazine usurped copyrighted material.

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses


person who succeeds in establishing himself as a monarch without inheriting the throne, or any other person exercising authority unconstitutionally. It may also be applied to an official acting ultra vires, outside his authority or jurisdiction.

Ill be Damn! He is an Usurper. That and a puppet. Time will clarify things for all to see.


weed fiend
person who succeeds in establishing himself as a monarch without inheriting the throne, or any other person exercising authority unconstitutionally. It may also be applied to an official acting ultra vires, outside his authority or jurisdiction.

Republic means we don't have a throne. You simply don't like the democratic process. Nothing new here.
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