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rice hulls UK

Rice hulls make excellent biochar. It's super easy. I'll put a diy together next time I make some, but there are guides everywhere online.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
VD what is your complete soil mix if you dont mind me asking? :D

had a look at biochar and it looks like a good product wont over do my mix by adding this will i?

hi laylow, this is my new mix which i should add is untested
40% aged pine bark fines 2-7mm
20% danish molar clay (sophisticat pink kitty litter - exactly the same as seramis)
10% peat
10% Biochar
10% EWC
10% Mushroom compost

the ferts/amendments are the same as i already use, just a bit more guano to allow for some absorption from the biochar etc.
5g/litre each of N Guano, seaweed meal, dolomite lime, rock phosphate, rock potash
10g/ litre P Guano

my old mix which has never let me down was
30% peat
30% perlite
20% topsoil
10% ewc
10% mushroom compost

with exactly the same amendments

not sure what your mix is so i cant say about adding the biochar - its all new to me too :D



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the blurb on the phytocel doesnt mention CEC so presumably it doesnt have any.

thats the adantage of molar clay, pumice and biochar over perlite.

mad librettist

Active member
if this doesn't work well, try your old recipe with the molar clay instead of perlite.

One of my containers (can't remember which right now) is like 60-70% calcined fuller's earth. the balance is topsoil, compost, EWC. Since I can't tell which is which, so far so good.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah its my plan to try the old mix with 20% c clay and 10% biochar instead of the 30% perlite.

mad librettist

Active member
yeah its my plan to try the old mix with 20% c clay and 10% biochar instead of the 30% perlite.

that should behave more or less like you are used to except a little more forgiving on water and nutrients

it's going to change your pH picture a bit. I know that is something you keep tabs on with your super hard water.


Right well im totally confused now!!!

i got another thread in the UK section


anyway a dude Called Third Coast gave me a link to a SSSDH thread and shows me his whole grow just using water... that is what i am looking for so i wanted to emulate what he has done his mix is this

Sure thing.:tiphat:

I start with 2.0 cf bales of compressed promix, so 4 cf uncompressed.
To that I add.
3 cup bone meal
2 cup blood meal
2 cup kelp meal
1 1/2 cup dolomite lime
3/4 cup epsom salt
Earth worm castings, dunno amount couple handfuls to couple gallons depending on how much I have.
Perlite couple gallons
1 1/2 tablespoons soluble seaweed extract (technoflora)
Bottle of Guiness (drink or add to mix ):D

*Not "my" recipe but the one I use and it seems to work good.
5-7 gallon pots.

Added to that another guy mentioned subcool super soil from that i took the bat guano and rock phosphate i could only find a more refinde version of the rock phosphate called super phosphate

So where i am now is i have

bone meal
blood meal
Sea weed meal
Super phosphate
Epson salts
lime (dolomite)
bat guano
organic worm castings

and as a base soil i was going to use John innes No1...


so what do you think?


BIGGS here's a quote from the MSDS (material safety data sheet) for Hydrocell Synthetic Hardfoam (sold under the brand name Fytocell)
Thermal decomposition products may include
formaldehyde, oxides of nitrogen and carbon
http://www.fytogreen.com.au/docs/MSDS HYDROCELL SYNTHETIC HARDFOAM GENERAL 17-09-2009-1.pdf

Yes it says that 5% decomposition per year is average, but if it's breaking down into bad things, it's not something I would want in my garden. It doesn't matter what some company says it can do for me, especially if the company saying how wonderful it is is the same company trying to sell it to me. Why use something synthetic with hazardous components when there are plenty of natural materials to use that not only serve the same purpose, but have added benefits as well? And the natural materials are way cheaper I'm sure since the company doesn't even list a price for Fytocell.

Laylow, looks like you're on the right track. I'm not sure about Superphosphate, since I've never heard of nor used it. I'm sure someone else has more info on that.


thanks for the info GoneRooty mate, and sorry laylow for clogging up your thread bro.


You can get rice hulls sent over from europe at £8.76/kg, the shipping costs £17.50 (upto 5kg) so its a pretty expensive waste product ;)

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