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Rx strain refuses to finish (no amber trichs)

l've been growing a strain called Rx. The main colas are monsters - they look like 1 liter soda bottles - and there are plenty of medium sized side nugs. Everything was going fine until the end. They got to about 95% done but seem to have stopped just short of the finish. Three weeks ago they were covered with trichs and were 75% clear/25% cloudy. Now they are only at 50/50 and not a single amber trich! They have been in flower for at least 8 weeks, and now they are starting to throw nanners. In your experience, do these ever go amber, or am I waiting for something that will never happen?


Active member
Good call Psuedo...

Eight weeks isn't that long, especially for most elites..Nine weeks is the shortest time I take anything I have
..BUT if nanners are becoming prevalent I would start my flush and harvest.
As pseudo mentioned, I've had this happen because of light leaks. Mine weren't throwing bad nanners but you could have a plant more prone to doing it than I did.


Active member
Good call Psuedo...

Eight weeks isn't that long, especially for most elites..Nine weeks is the shortest time I take anything I have
..BUT if nanners are becoming prevalent I would start my flush and harvest.

What he said, lol.

For real, there are sativas that need more than 14 weeks to finish.

Peace, SOG
Definitely no light leaks. They are listed as a 53 day strain by the breeder. Due to sloppy recordkeeping on my part, I'm not sure exactly how long they've been in flower, but it's at least 8 weeks, although it could be 10. I've grown long-blooming sativas before, so I'm familiar with plants that take forever, but this is different. The sativas that I've taken to 12 weeks still grew at an even pace right to the end, whereas this looks almost identical to where it was at 3 weeks ago. It's also all indica (Romulan x Fucking Incredible).

This strain is a weird one. I grew these from seed, and I took clones from two plants around week 10 while still in veg. These plants, while still under 18/6 MH light, stopped growing and sported fully developed buds while still in veg. I kept assuming that they would revert to vegetative growth, but they went full steam ahead, so I threw them into the flower room and gave up. They are only 16" tall and haven't grown in weeks. I took some clones off them a few weeks ago, and now their kids are to show preflowers while still in the clone dome under 24/7 light! I feel like I'm looking at a 2 year old baby who is growing a beard.


I personally have a hard time seeing amber trichs. I have never seen more than 10 percent and I have taken some strains very long. I have seen in a few threads that some very experienced growers also have the same problem. That being said the best place to check is the lower part of the plant. Pull off a low bud and then put it on a piece of white paper in another room away from the hps. I don't even go by trichs I just look at the plant. If its glazy, swollen and sticky I know its done.

As far as the autoflowering problem you seem to have, did you let the mother get root bound? Some plants will do this if you let them get the slightest bit root bound. I have gone through it and it can be very hard to deal with. And it will continue into the clones. If that's the case let me know and I have some solutions for it.

guest 77721

Flipping a plant to 12/12 when it's not mature can add a few weeks to the finish.

I also had a plant that I over watered and it didn't have a good rootball. It went 90 days. I revegged it and it went 55-60 days normal.

On the plus side, a long flowering plant is usually much more potent.


Speed of Dark
The 10 and a half week sativa in the budroom got 'blued' for three weeks (no red) trying to increase frost. The plant is 2 weeks behind another indentical plant which is actually a week younger. The 3 weeks under blue are like time stopped.
Right now I am pulling buds every 4 days and testing, maybe it will take an extra 3 weeks now? or finish on time with smaller buds?

This has been budding for 63 days. 30 days full spectrum, 20 days violet/blue, the last 15 days are HPS, blue, and 4000K CMH.

This has been budding 55 days. Full spectrum first 40 days, HPS, blue, and CMH for the last 15 days.

Same clones, same nutes, same wattages, different spectrums.
Neither has amber trichomes.

Late finishing and no ambers, I know why mine did it. I assume you did not change lights during the bud cycle.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Do not harvest until done!!! The time thats put up is only a guesstimation from there grows. It's not uncommon for a strain to run 10 weeks.

Guest 150314

is the Rx you have from VISC? i grew a fucking incredible cross from them a few years ago and had a plant that stalled in the middle of flower, really puzzling because I had longer flowering plants next to it that were ripe but this one kept spitting out hairs and never swell up. i emailed their site not to get money back but because i was curious what he thought it might be, i think it was something about it liking 5.5 or a lower ph in dirt. they sent me a bunch of free seeds to compensate.

i grew 3 other strains from them and was really happy with the nagano gold burmese cross, it smelled like ginger and bbq sauce


l've been growing a strain called Rx. The main colas are monsters - they look like 1 liter soda bottles - and there are plenty of medium sized side nugs. Everything was going fine until the end. In your experience, do these ever go amber, or am I waiting for something that will never happen?

I'm sorry I have no answer(s) to give - other than yeah, maybe she has to bloom longer? But like you said it hasn't really changed in the last couple weeks?! That would drive me crazy!

Also weird that the clones are exhibiting similar traits! Good luck & hang in there - looks like someone else (bobman) in the thread may have some input.

Also I think some strains would benefit from being harvested at a 50/50 trics as opposed to waiting for like 20-30% amber trics - i know with an indica you generally want more amber, cloudy maybe no clear, cause that would influence the couchlock high to a degree and the opposite for the sativa. The clear trics would make it more heady/cerebral to a degree. (obviously the sativa blooms way longer - and I'm not saying to chop indicas late and sativas early, or, maybe I am saying that but you still follow the general flowering times and even with doing that method the sativas still bloom longer the purer the genetics are) *eh, now I'm rambling - sorry guys!*

Happy Growing,
The 10 and a half week sativa in the budroom got 'blued' for three weeks (no red) trying to increase frost. The plant is 2 weeks behind another indentical plant which is actually a week younger. The 3 weeks under blue are like time stopped.
Right now I am pulling buds every 4 days and testing, maybe it will take an extra 3 weeks now? or finish on time with smaller buds?

This has been budding for 63 days. 30 days full spectrum, 20 days violet/blue, the last 15 days are HPS, blue, and 4000K CMH.

This has been budding 55 days. Full spectrum first 40 days, HPS, blue, and CMH for the last 15 days.

Same clones, same nutes, same wattages, different spectrums.
Neither has amber trichomes.

Late finishing and no ambers, I know why mine did it. I assume you did not change lights during the bud cycle.
You may be on something. These were flowered under HPS for the first 6-8 weeks, then moved under CMH to finish them up. This has been my standard practice on all strains for the last year, and it has worked like a charm, but maybe these girls want warm light right to the end. I moved one back under the HPS two nights ago, so I'll report back if I see a difference. Meanwhile, they keep throwing the random nanners....

Bobman - I know what you're talking about not being able to see amber, but I only have that problem under HPS. These were under CMH which gives very balanced white light.

As for the spawn of these plants, I put one into flower and left the others in veg as an experiment. I will report back when they are finished. I don't know what to do about the baby clones/cuttings that are already budding.


If your already seeing the naaners you do understand that in the slight chance you Miss ONE you will seed out your other stuff and poss the next run.. just my worrsome ass thoughts. . .


Speed of Dark
Here's and update on the plants running 3 weeks behind. I had to remove them the budroom.
When pruning lower buds I found seed, searched the plant and found nanners everywhere. If I wasn't a noob they would have been noticed before.
In fact, when looking at the pictures I posted, second picture, lower right side, what I thought was a branch is a banana shaped protrusion out the side of the bud, with many more just like it coming on.
This was a first for me, the stress levels for this plant are now known and won't happen again (knock wood).

On the up side this is gonna be a really big hash stash.
Just thought I'd post a final update on the 2nd generation of clones that started showing buds while still in the clone dome. I put each plant through varying amounts of time in veg (2-8 weeks), then put them into flower. All five ended up looking the same at harvest: 6" tall and one single cola. This after their parent ran 18" and the original parent (from seed) went 3 feet. How can a genetic line decline so much so fast?


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