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Ganja D's Outdoor 2011


Ganja D


Happy summertime everyone,I've really been enjoying life recently. The weather is great and the plants are surging with vigor and health. I've been experimenting with teas and I'm extremely happy with the results. Been working on water lines,mulching,support,etc,with no end in sight.
I recently harvested a test/seed indoor crop and have been sorting seeds all afternoon. It's truly exciting stuff. I made some DSD f2's from a clone I've had since 2007 as well as,SSSDH X DSD,Headband X DSD,Blue Dream X DSD, Chemdog X Sour D Pheno 1 and 2 X DSD,Mr.Nice X DSD,and KQR X DSD.
The medical gardens are looking like an unreal dream of utopia. Walking through I constantly think of all the strains being grown and how organic and amazing the quality will be.
I recently spoke with one of the more experienced growers I know who is an important person to cannabis as far as how he contributes to our growing and medical community. We discussed our love for the plant and growing it and I commented how some people think it's an obsession. Something he said stuck with me.
He told me about an ex girlfriend years ago who would nag him about being obsessed with growing and the plant in general. His response to her,
"I'm not obsessed with it baby,I'm possessed by it!"
Anyway,that stuck with me and I feel the same way. I love growing this plant in a special way,I'm possessed by it too.
Here are pictures of awesome plants,enjoy.
DSD clone

Same plant with an SFV OG X Chemdog in the back left and SSH from seed in the back right.

Mr Nice SSH from seed

Chemdog X Sour D pheno 1(Sour dominant)

Green Crack,gifted from a fellow IC member,thanks bro they're taking off.

SFV OG X Chemdog pheno 2 (OG with a twist,lol)

Burmese Kush Goo X SSSDH from seed

Here's some shots from my very personal headstash medical garden.
UK Cheese

Purple Diesel

KKSC (strawberry cough)

ECSD with DSD's behind it

Hope you guys enjoy the pics.
Peace and happy growing.


Kronically Ill
Ganja D;4546637 Happy summertime everyone said:

Chemdog X Sour D pheno 1(Sour dominant)

SFV OG X Chemdog pheno 2 (OG with a twist,lol)

Purple Diesel

Hope you guys enjoy the pics.
Peace and happy growing.

Everything looks very lush & happy, beautiful grow Ganja. :tiphat:

Imagine there are some keepers in that lot of seeds, quiet the selection. Really looking forward to seeing those SFV OG x Chem D & SFV x Sour D outdoors, always curious to see how Rez gear would perform there.

What's the lineage of your purple diesel? The looks remind me of a ECSD x DPD F3 cross, but could very well be mistaken. Know there are several purple diesel crosses out there.

Trinity Gold

Bro I am so hype on the OG Twist in my headstash green house! I have that OG Twist, a few cheeses a few sour band and a few Snow x Bubba in there...

Can't wait to link up. I'm actually in a poisiton where I can

PS>> They are our masters and we are the slaves...


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
i love all them crosses your making... ive been doing the same thing with my chemDD male... ive hit up nearly 10 strains lol never gets old searchin thru them beans.

nice trellis job. thats exactly how ill be doing all mine. i trellised my first plant today the LVPK shes bushing out like crazzzy. nice variety your working with going to be some killer smoke


i agree with aero on his comment about the crosses your makin, and it really never does get old im always wanting to cross somthing, currently im crossing a blue cheese male with a few different clones from a close friend at another location hopefully it turns out nicely, would be interested in how your crosses turn out.


Active member
I trellissed like that last year and it was fine... till about the last two weeks of the season. All the bamboo had to be reinforced with guy wires which made the garden a mess for tripping and there were all these rebar stakes sticking out everywhere... mostly it was just a bunch of extra work we'd rather not have had to do. At the very end, we'd wake up to at least one new tree fallen over the night before.

The worst part was when it started to rain. Complete failure- plants just fell over into the mud. Might be different if the bamboo were sunk into the actual ground around the pot or attached to shorter posts that were sunk into the ground... but that 18-24" of fluffy soil just isn;t up to anchoring plants that are going to be 12 feet tall in a few weeks.

This year its all about the T-Posts.


Active member
GanjaD - This is the first season I have been doing ACT's (activated compost teas) and I was wondering what your recipe is? Also, what kind of brewer set up do you have? Right now here is mine...


I just ordered a 15 gal cone bottom tank and I will be setting that up as soon as it gets here. BTW, F-ing amazing plants and amazing weather we are having in Cali.

Ganja D

I trellissed like that last year and it was fine... till about the last two weeks of the season. All the bamboo had to be reinforced with guy wires which made the garden a mess for tripping and there were all these rebar stakes sticking out everywhere... mostly it was just a bunch of extra work we'd rather not have had to do. At the very end, we'd wake up to at least one new tree fallen over the night before.

The worst part was when it started to rain. Complete failure- plants just fell over into the mud. Might be different if the bamboo were sunk into the actual ground around the pot or attached to shorter posts that were sunk into the ground... but that 18-24" of fluffy soil just isn;t up to anchoring plants that are going to be 12 feet tall in a few weeks.

This year its all about the T-Posts.

Thanks for the advise Nomad. The bambo and hortinova is the first of three layers of support I plan on using. T posts are going to be put in on both sides of each row in the garden as well as in the middle of the rows. We'll be making a trellis the entire length of each row and over the tops for the second layer of support.
How's it going down your way? Hope things are great.


Active member
looking good man cant wait to see what that DSD f2 is gonna be like....those plants are looking massive man and heres to hoping some of that "possession" rubs off on the rest of us!


ICE Cream eater
Amazing man. I love the SSH, Green Crack, Cheese ... everything looks great actually :D Wish you some nice weather and harvests :tiphat:

Ganja D

You keeping your brew recipe a secret?

No secrets,just been busy. I'm keeping it pretty simple. I just aerate a large tank with a pump and the biggest air stones I can find. I add geo blast ewc,high nitro guano,and fish powder. After a day or two I add AN Carbo load. Ratios are always changing. I'm plan on adding some enzymes to the mix and will be switching to a transitional guano in about 3 weeks to ease into flowering. The tea's I'm making are constantly changing as I'm new to the brew game and experimenting and learning a lot. Geo Blast ewc is some amazing stuff and so far my results from the tea are super green healthy lush growth and happy plants.


Active member
Thanks for the advise Nomad. The bambo and hortinova is the first of three layers of support I plan on using. T posts are going to be put in on both sides of each row in the garden as well as in the middle of the rows. We'll be making a trellis the entire length of each row and over the tops for the second layer of support.
How's it going down your way? Hope things are great.

Things are going great over here. The cuts I got from you are doing great out in the sun. Things are getting nice and big!

next year I am going to add a small metal cage around the original transplant (from a 10gal usually) so i don;t have to worry about broken branches. I'll bury this cage to the base of the final pot at transplant so I dont have to worry about severing all the roots a week later.

This OGxJolly Rancher is shaping up to be something very special. Possibly my main strain for next year. If memory serves me, its a lot like the SFV OG I have had... but this one outgrows the fire cut (running one alongside) like... crazy. The structure is a little bit wild and lanky, but if left alone in xmas tree format, I think it will adapt well to outdoor. Its done inside in under 65 days, so am expecting a good finish before the sun turns to rain.... But it does carry the OG trait of week joints off the main stem that need a little support early on. I think some training i did early on exacerbated the problem. We're doing a lot more individual plant maintenance than we'd like in the interim, but they should all be over their pots edges very soon and into the first layer of hortanova around 4 tposts...

Even the stragglers that started tiny and fresh are catching up. Amazing. Another outdoor keeper if she keeps up the pace for 3 more weeks before stretch. I am pleased.
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Everything looks great brother!

I'm glad the Green Crack and the "Sour D" are coming along well. The Killer Queens and the Mr. Nice are whooping ass in my garden. Both average dozens of bud sites and are 4'-6' in diameter and 3'-5' tall. The Killer Queen def has a very sturdy structure.

Make sure you take a day off sometime.. I just hit up Lake Shasta for a day of wake surfing and beer drinking. Was a refreshing break.

Keep on keep'n on brother!



Active member
No secrets,just been busy. I'm keeping it pretty simple. I just aerate a large tank with a pump and the biggest air stones I can find. I add geo blast ewc,high nitro guano,and fish powder. After a day or two I add AN Carbo load. Ratios are always changing. I'm plan on adding some enzymes to the mix and will be switching to a transitional guano in about 3 weeks to ease into flowering. The tea's I'm making are constantly changing as I'm new to the brew game and experimenting and learning a lot. Geo Blast ewc is some amazing stuff and so far my results from the tea are super green healthy lush growth and happy plants.

Sweet, thanks for the response. I will have to look into the Geo Blast EWC as I am using Roots Organics EWC atm. I am getting good results but I am sure there is better EWC out there. On July 17th the San Francisco hydro show by Max Yields will be at the Fort Mason center. I highly recommend a visit, I come away with cars full of gear. I am hoping to learn up about organics and tea's this year. Check out my thread for more info. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=4543350#post4543350


You will not be forgotten
the garden is looking beautiful ganja! absolutely loving all the variety in your garden, and i cant wait to see end of the year photos :joint:

i was wondering if you have been having any problems with preflowering funk going on? so far i havnt added supplimental lighting and some strains are preflowering while others are vegging strong, was curious how things are going your way...

anyways all the best going out to you and yours, take care :wave:


Big GanjaD!

your passion and love for your trade is unmatched and truly a breath of fresh air in this field. Props to you bro, your plants are gorgeous and the personal head stash garden was a great idea and looking awesome! Nice!!

All those DSD crosses sound awesome and that indoor looks like it turned out great!

Much respect to you and yours

stickKy :ying: