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Obama Declares All-Out War on Medical Marijuana

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BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Lol you are right never gonna happen. In my state 2nd offense is a felony potential time. In Cali you are saying bring a z and a Jay then lol.

Its simple and makes a loud statement but your right never get enough to do it then you will be reading a thread here on ic about some dillusional ranting idiot that turned himself in blabbering on about how the jail would brought to a grinding halt and the courts overrun with canna patriots...headline would read "stoner gets reefer madness on pot holiday...."

aaaaaaahahaahhahahahahahaha :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

tony clifton

how many presidents have you seen in your life...? 3? Maybe 4? how is obama the WORST president ever? id love to hear it. even though im about 99% sure that your just going to repeat some propaganda bullshit you heard like one of those fucking parrots im still interested !!!! come on professor - lay it on me....

more pres's than you jr.!

i will just address the one that realy pisses me off:

The framers of the U.S. Constitution were particularly sensitive to the conditions under which a President could serve or any hint that a privileged, monarchal class might emerge.
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States. And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or foreign state.”
It follows that no U.S. President or office holder shall ever bow to a king, prince or foreign state. Obama has done this twice now in less than a year of taking the oath of office. Stated or unstated, the protocol of such matters precludes bowing.

pretty ignorant for someone who brags about his constitutional law knowledge!!!....i say fuckin poser!!!


T.C. :pimp3:


more pres's than you jr.!

i will just address the one that realy pisses me off:

The framers of the U.S. Constitution were particularly sensitive to the conditions under which a President could serve or any hint that a privileged, monarchal class might emerge.
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States. And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or foreign state.”
It follows that no U.S. President or office holder shall ever bow to a king, prince or foreign state. Obama has done this twice now in less than a year of taking the oath of office. Stated or unstated, the protocol of such matters precludes bowing.

pretty ignorant for someone who brags about his constitutional law knowledge!!!....i say fuckin poser!!!


T.C. :pimp3:

That doesn't follow, that doesn't even make sense. Though it does give some insight into your thought process.


weed fiend
... It follows that no U.S. President or office holder shall ever bow to a king, prince or foreign state. Obama has done this twice now in less than a year of taking the oath of office. Stated or unstated, the protocol of such matters precludes bowing.

pretty ignorant for someone who brags about his constitutional law knowledge!!!....i say fuckin poser!!!


T.C. :pimp3:

So that's why W held hands! :hotbounce
more pres's than you jr.!

i will just address the one that realy pisses me off:

The framers of the U.S. Constitution were particularly sensitive to the conditions under which a President could serve or any hint that a privileged, monarchal class might emerge.
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States. And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or foreign state.”
It follows that no U.S. President or office holder shall ever bow to a king, prince or foreign state. Obama has done this twice now in less than a year of taking the oath of office. Stated or unstated, the protocol of such matters precludes bowing.

pretty ignorant for someone who brags about his constitutional law knowledge!!!....i say fuckin poser!!!


T.C. :pimp3:

Of all the shit wrong with the world, that bothers you?

I don't give two shits if he gives Putin a rim-job during a press conference. Just stop the drug war and get out of Afghanistan.

Priorities: yours suck.

stickey fingers

changeing obamas name to big pharma

changeing obamas name to big pharma

i dont believe that....runnning a dispensary in LA during the 04/05/06/07 years were waaay the fuck more fear of raids then there is now.... with bush you could count on 2x sweeping raids a year. around dec and around july/aug. i have not seen the same style raids. i see no evidence that were anywhere close to same amount of raids in obama as with bush. to say 2x more is straight bullshit
you must be smokeing GREEN CRACK :ying: 1 bust is 1 to many !!!
99% of all CALI dispensery are full of shit !!! any one whos been
to one know this, then again you voted yes on 19 so
you proably the one %
more pres's than you jr.!

i will just address the one that realy pisses me off:

The framers of the U.S. Constitution were particularly sensitive to the conditions under which a President could serve or any hint that a privileged, monarchal class might emerge.
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States. And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or foreign state.”
It follows that no U.S. President or office holder shall ever bow to a king, prince or foreign state. Obama has done this twice now in less than a year of taking the oath of office. Stated or unstated, the protocol of such matters precludes bowing.

pretty ignorant for someone who brags about his constitutional law knowledge!!!....i say fuckin poser!!!


T.C. :pimp3:

I've been around long enough to know a bad president when I see one. I started paying attention with Ike.
What constitutes a bad president? Well hows this for starters:

He loaded up the inner circle of his administration with a commie & a bunch of Marxists.

In his first year in office Bill Ayers was his most frequent visitor at the WH. Ayers is a domestic terrorist from the 60's.

He's pushing the golbal warming scam as a way to substancially increase our taxes & exert more control on business.

He's already broke the law several times serious enough for impeachment.

He's a racist & a race baiter. Read 'Dreams of My Father" Check out his remarks that led to the beer fest.

He 's embraced the Muslim Brotherhood. A known backer & financier of terrorism. Hamas, Hezbollah & Alqueida all come from the MB.

He's balloned the size of gov. with employees so it's now the larger that the manufacturing sector.

Fly at all comercially? Look at TSA, he didn't start it but he expanded it. They'll strip search 95 year olds in wheelchairs, pat down 5 year olds but let muslims walk through the screening process so as not to offend.
TSA Now Storming Public Places 8,000 Times a Year, bus stations, shopping malls, etc. Since he's been in office 26 terrorists plots have been foiled. All by young Muslim men and yet he's assulting Americans.. So spare me any racist crap.

Everytime he visits a foreign country he visits the largest mosque in the country, never a christian church and yet he claims to be a Christian.

When he spoke at Notre Dame in the first year of his administration members of his advance team covered up Christian symbols.

He has repeatedly insulted our staunchest allies, Great Britian & Isreal.

And thats just off the top of my head.
Reading the Declaration of Independence 235 years after it was written, it’s kidney-punchingly obvious that the United States government has become precisely the sort of bloodsucking tyrant against which the Founding Fathers revolted.
One & done


I love my life
Everybody get you an alias sos you can be provocative in the policy threads and cool in the weed threads.

Policy threads get locked with a #14 violation ;) It seems like if you use a second handle people call you out pretty quickly. If you are a cool cat in the cannabis threads people know it.


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
you must be smokeing GREEN CRACK :ying: 1 bust is 1 to many !!!
99% of all CALI dispensery are full of shit !!! any one whos been
to one know this, then again you voted yes on 19 so
you proably the one %

how you mean full of shit? i know alot of friends who own shops who operate respectfully.... is there a greed factor to alot of dispensaries? possibly. but everyone acts as if you just open a shop you are an instant millionare not realizing there is a huge overhead to run these operations and when you invest hundreds of thousands of dollars or even millions of dollars and risk 20 year jail sentances its only right to make a comfortable living doing so. why do they expect MMJ to be not for profit, then have pharma companies announcing billion dollar profits per quarter? no one should work for free. i sure as hell dont - and nor do i expect anyone else to. and hell yes i voted in favor of 19. even if it were to put me out of biz id rather see people stay out of jail and not have their lifes ruined over something that is so harmless... but then again i have always been a person of the people and will continue to do so. the problem with our society is it is too much of a dog eat dog mentality. unity = prosperity

stickey fingers

I love this fucking idea. unfortunatly 99% of weed smokers are too lazy, paranoid or uninterested to do this. Shit when we were trying to get signatures in our city to keep MMJ dispensaries legal we couldnt even get 1/4 of our patients to sign it. Everybody thinks that if they sign their name on a petition that SWAT will be kicking down their doors for their 3.5 grams of medical marijuana and their $5 china slave labored glass pipe....and were talking about a fucking peition. Imagine trying to convince them to turn themselfs in for possession of a joint? Im almost assured they would rather you rawdog their mom spun on tweek before you convince them to deal with a possession charge....and now here in CA all possession under 28 grams is an infraction. So they would just write you a ticket and escort you to the door.
people do not want to sign retoric bullshit media propganda
all so obamas feds can come kicking down the door
i dare you come into BUTTE county and try smokeing a joint
any where, you will find youre self getting fucked in the
butte county jail with out a dought ! they will laugh tear up
youre script and send you to jail for a joint !!! i have got $$$ on
it :ying:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
more pres's than you jr.!

i will just address the one that realy pisses me off:

The framers of the U.S. Constitution were particularly sensitive to the conditions under which a President could serve or any hint that a privileged, monarchal class might emerge.
“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States. And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever from any King, Prince, or foreign state.”
It follows that no U.S. President or office holder shall ever bow to a king, prince or foreign state. Obama has done this twice now in less than a year of taking the oath of office. Stated or unstated, the protocol of such matters precludes bowing.

pretty ignorant for someone who brags about his constitutional law knowledge!!!....i say fuckin poser!!!


T.C. :pimp3:

yah what a total piece of shit. worst president ever because he showed respect as is to the customs of another nationality....

your a fucking clown town...


I love my life
people do not want to sign retoric bullshit media propganda
all so obamas feds can come kicking down the door
i dare you come into BUTTE county and try smokeing a joint
any where, you will find youre self getting fucked in the
butte county jail with out a dought ! they will laugh tear up
youre script and send you to jail for a joint !!! i have got $$$ on
it :ying:

Isn't Butte in CA? I think if they put you in jail for a violation that has a state max $100 fine no criminality then the sheriff should be imprisoned for civil rights violations and kidnapping.

I'd be willing to get a $100 ticket in Butte. We should organize a smoke out!


BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
people do not want to sign retoric bullshit media propganda
all so obamas feds can come kicking down the door
i dare you come into BUTTE county and try smokeing a joint
any where, you will find youre self getting fucked in the
butte county jail with out a dought ! they will laugh tear up
youre script and send you to jail for a joint !!! i have got $$$ on
it :ying:

what the fuck are you talking about?


Scanner Vans Allow Drive-By Snooping
Andy Greenberg, 09.09.10, 12:40 PM EDT
Forbes Magazine dated September 27, 2010
X-ray vans that can see through walls--and clothes--hit America's streets. Nervous yet?

AS&E's vans can be driven past stationary vehicles to scan their contents or parked to see the innards of passing cars and trucks.

Privacy-conscious travelers may cringe to think of the full-body scanners finding their way into dozens of airport checkpoints around the country. Most likely aren't aware that the same technology, capable of seeing through walls and clothes, has also been rolling out on U.S. streets.

American Science & Engineering ( ASEI - news - people ), a company based in Billerica, Mass., has sold U.S. and foreign government agencies more than 500 backscatter X-ray scanners mounted in vans that can be driven past neighboring vehicles or cargo containers to snoop into their contents. And while the biggest buyer of AS&E's machines over the last seven years has been the Department of Defense for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, the company says law enforcement agencies have also been using them domestically, deploying the roving scanners to search for vehicle-based roadside bombs in American cities. "This product is now the largest-selling cargo and vehicle inspection system ever," says Joseph Reiss, AS&E's vice president of marketing.

stickey fingers

Isn't Butte in CA? I think if they put you in jail for a violation that has a state max $100 fine no criminality then the sheriff should be imprisoned for civil rights violations and kidnapping.

I'd be willing to get a $100 ticket in Butte. We should organize a smoke out!

yes butte is in nor cal a colleage community ran by NAZIS
i have been a med patient since the begining of 215,
all of my bussiness is done in the bay area for ever
and never in NOR CAL, its to dangerous !!! one of my good
friends spent 5 years in prison and missed his daughter being
born, all for being NORMAL !!!


Kronically Ill
LMAO at all you fools, Medical Marijuana is a sham and a fucking joke.

Legalize or go back Underground
Fuck the Med Movement!!!

I agree everyone deserves the right to herb, but that's doesn't have a damn thing to do with medical.

Would love legalization, but what about SICK people RIGHT now?? Ones who need herb, and without medical bills, wouldn't have it?? For being such a facilitator to enlightenment, Tr33, you appear to be the fucking joke. Epic fail my friend.

Seems people have a hard time reading.

"A number of states have enacted some form of legislation relating to the medical use of marijuana. Accordingly,the Ogden Memo reiterated to you that prosecution of significant traffickers of illegal drugs, including marijuana, remains a core priority, but advised that it is likely not an efficient use of federal resources to focus enforcement efforts on individuals with cancer or other serious illnesses who use marijuana as part of a recommended treatment regimen consistent with applicable state law, or their caregivers. The term “caregiver” as used in the memorandum meant just that: individuals providing care to individuals with cancer or other serious illnesses, not commercial operations cultivating, selling or distributing marijuana".

Seems to me that means they are not going to prosecute MM users or caregivers......

I think a lot of you must also have very limited memory when it comes to past MM prosecution. Look at things now compared to the way bush attacked MM users. There's no comparison.

If you hate Obama because he's black or whatever reason, be a man and get it out. But don't sit here and lie and pretend things were so great with Bush. Anyone with half a brain can see things are better for MM now then they ever have been...... And I mean EVER....... Prove me wrong.......

I certainly don't hate ANYONE based on creed, beliefs, or lifestyle. Medical may be better in established states, but good luck in states about to approve/looking to do so. "Do your thing brother, just don't fuck with mine."

This memo just took a shit on progression outside of your current med states.

Name one positive thing he has done or said about MMJ while holding his current position in office as you assert.

The reason MMJ is in better circumstances right now than it has ever been is because of grassroots movements pushing ballot initiatives. It has nothing to do with our federal government on any level including Obama. I don't think because people are bashing the current administration for their policies like all other administrations has anything to do with the race card.

I think the notion of Obama having done something positive for the MMJ community in any way, shape, or form is as absurd as the generalization you proffer that everyone is bashing him because he is black and they are racist. He is another government bureaucrat like all the others and could give a shit about the people unless your a union who will vote for him and in this case the police unions, trial lawyers, corporate drug companies, and other political parts of the apparatus hold far more voting power than any of us. So we shall dine on 'cake'.


Sorry JJ but this memo is the worst news we have had in a long time. This memo gives LEO a new weapon against the movement. This now gives the green light to raid EVERY club...EVERY club. If cash enters a cash register...then watch out.

This isn't about hating Obama because he's black...at least not for me it's not. I voted for the guy and now see my error....and I'm not just taking about cannabis reform but that's neither her nor there. This topic is about cannabis and the war against. And the against just got ballsier.

Enforcement against MMJ has only INCREASED under Obama. The numbers do not lie. The first two years under Obama saw half the amount of raids under the entire Bush administration. 2 years vs 8, half the raids already...need I say more? Years ago(2004 i think) he said marijuana should be decriminalized...now he doesn't feel that way...what what? What changed his mind?

The bottom line is Obama is not there for us...this memo proves that. And for that I will vote against him. He's not waiting for the 'next term' to help out us stoners...lmao. It would be foolish at this point to invest any faith in Obama and cannabis reform.

This memo has already got LEO salivating.

Here's an article showing the local LEO are going to ramp up enforcement.

Author: Ryan Sabalow


Medical Marijuana Legal in 16 States, D.C.

Federal prosecutors have tightened their stance on states' medical marijuana laws, saying lax enforcement has created an environment where "large-scale, privately operated industrial marijuana cultivation centers" are booming businesses worth millions of dollars.

The move was applauded Friday by local law enforcement officials.

"It's about time," said Shasta County Sheriff Tom Bosenko.

In a memo sent Wednesday to federal law enforcement officials and prosecutors, Deputy U.S. Attorney General James M. Cole clarified the Justice Department's position on medical marijuana, saying federal prosecutors should still use discretion about prosecuting those labeled as "caregivers" under state medical marijuana laws, but it's OK to charge those involved in the illegal distribution and sale of marijuana. Cole says doing so is "a serious crime" that "provides a significant source of revenue to large scale criminal enterprises, gangs and cartels."

Marijuana is illegal under federal law, but 16 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws legalizing medical marijuana.

California voters legalized medical marijuana in 1996 when they passed Proposition 215.

In 2009, the Obama Administration's Deputy Attorney General David Ogden sent a memo to prosecutors telling them not to enforce marijuana laws if they ran counter to state laws that legalized the drug.

Cole said that since Ogden's memo was released, a number of U.S. attorneys and state and local law enforcement officials contacted his office for clarification about what to do about huge, for-profit marijuana operations that sprang up as a result.

"For example, within the past 12 months, several jurisdictions have considered or enacted legislation to authorize multiple large-scale, privately operated industrial marijuana cultivation centers," Cole said. "Some of these planned facilities have revenue projections of millions of dollars based on the planned cultivation of tens of thousands of cannabis plants. State laws or local ordinances are not a defense to civil or criminal enforcement of federal law with respect to such conduct."

Last fall, Redding city planners approved a zoning ordinance allowing for large commercial indoor medical marijuana growing. There are at least 17 pot collectives, co-ops and dispensaries in Redding. Shasta County has a moratorium on such centers.

Redding Police Capt. Roger Moore said the memo "very well could change things."

"We want to enforce federal guidelines and regulations," Moore said. "But we're kind of caught in the middle. As soon as we get some support and backing from the Feds, we will enforce their wishes."

Bosenko said he plans to hold conversations with local prosecutors about whether the memo might change how they prosecute his deputies' marijuana arrests.

"Marijuana still remains illegal under federal law and under state law," Bosenko said. "We'll continue to enforce the law."

Jess Brewer, the owner of Trusted Friends, a medical marijuana collective on Pine Street in Redding, said he doesn't expect legitimate nonprofit suppliers of medical cannabis like him will see any changes.

Brewer said his office already has received a letter from Redding Police Chief Peter Hansen advising him of the changes, which he said he supports, since they target illicit growers who sell marijuana for profit and instead of for purely medicinal use.

"I think they're going after illicit vendors, growers and clubs," he said. "If you're not doing it right, they're going to pop you."

:tiphat::tiphat::thank you:

How many of those NEW dispensaries are in NJ, AZ, RI, or DE?

Don't those states have laws which require the state to establish or license dispensaries?

Why the federal crack down and lack of dispensaries in these states if Obama is so free and easy going?

How does a CA vote effect AZ and NJ dispensaries? So it is the voters in CA and not Obama or the federal government that is causing patients to suffer in RI and New Jersey?

Spin or shift blame as one will, but the Feds are FUCKING with the states NOT the people / voters.



Might be fine in CA, CO, etc, but what about the rest of the country 'trying' to make progress?
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