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A Big 'Ol Hopper Howdy


New member

Claude got tired of me sitting in his chair reading up at ICMag, so's I thought it was time to just get my own subscription.

Mrs. Hopper
HIYA (waves with both hands) im a new member to but im already in love with this site. ive seen the most incredible things on this site


To Have More ... Desire Less
welcome aboard......we need more male /female combo teams around hear.......specially.....the Hubby & wife kinda ..... team

dont see that much ..... but really.....Supa' C00L....
glad U made the leap of faith .....enjoy:angelshug:


Natalie J. Puffington
Warmest of welcomes, Mrs. Hopper! :)
Paladin: "This Place Needs more of a ladies touch."
Amen to that!! I'm always glad to see more women sign up.

Looking forward to seeing you around the boards!
Take good care of yourself, Mrs. Hopper! :smoke:
:tiphat:Pleasure to meet you MrsH. So you are the one that tamed Cluade Huh! Dont mind my name dumb choice by me! Never thuoght I would be a daily poster now this is where I go when online! The only reason why I continue to use it is the irony! I am far from a strawberry and just as far of being a girl! Just onething I ask of you and Cluade keep the argueing:fight: and sexting:kiss: to PM only!!!LOL