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Is it possible that reality is not what you think?...yes?/no?...lol

Is it possible that reality is not what you think?...yes?/no?...lol

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Active member
For example,

how long until The Sims allow the creation to worship the creater. A guy named Gary buys the latest update of the Sims. His name is Gary. Before you know it the People of The Sims are worshipping Gary.

Are we just a really advanced version of The Sims?


Could we be an advanced edition of The Sims? Maybe?
I believe I have free will...

Not quite...but close. You ARE in a game...but it isn't YOUR game.

You MAY have free will...but you can't REALLY use it...there are too many laws preventing it. One keep us all here...hiding out...so we don't get caught exercising our "free will". You also don't have freedom to CHOOSE. All your choices are pre-selected for you.

Sucks huh?


Active member
The only reason to believe we come from an "entity," ...which I would call the force, would be that since we can see intelligence in things, love and connectedness in everything down and down further and that everything is quantum you begin to think God which is not a person but has been personfied is just pure energy or existence. You might also think that would mean God was a machine, but also since matter and matter dont equal really anything EXCEPT their relation then it becomes apparrent its part of a self-interacting wave which goes up and down.

you live and die. things change. Theyre all waves and when it comes down to it you think about parabolas and how two dimenionsal math explaining that space-time bends therefore you dont have to move the speed of light, you just must move through the right space-time vector...because it's only going to be you accelerating into somewhere where the magnetic field is even stripped just like a super magnet but BIGGER and at a macro scale. Kind of like temperatures of molecules, theyre moving but we cant see them. I am sure we would see a space-time rip. Also you must think if there is a space-time rift, couldnt every quantum part of you stay forever as in at the outside of the universe where space-time is so warped due to the no density therefore speedier flight and time DILATION in fact.

I wonder if "God" or the supreme natural spirit thinks we are going to save him quantumly just as he can us. I believe God can end as we know it, but quantumly still there informationally which is what the spirit is. The quanta existed always and has always evolved over and over again I believe. Because what is forwards in time infinitely has an infinitely traceable cause and effect chain. Therefore everything has a cause and effect but what causes these to happen automatically, we dont "know" We dont know as in we could never attain the true quantum state of being as a human as much as we try, but we way take a glimpse.

Knowing the true quantum state of another thing is quantum entanglement, it's tied to everything and i think its one large interaction of the "vibrating" 1-dimensional string that ties knots and smoothly or sharply interacts with itself depend on wave phase and frequency. Just because my string is 1-dimensional doesnt mean it travels so.

Basically the string is not there until it interacts in which it does exist.


Active member
also most buddhist schools,beleive we are just aggrigates of conciousness and karma.
but neither are permanent they fade and emerge when nessicary driven by past and future karma. so reality or life is just in this moment. just enjoy it.

karma for those who dont know is simply cause and effect mixxed with intent.


Active member
I simply don't believe in superstitions. We are taught from a young age this. So...okay, I don't.

But that said, I have always wondered what was there before the moment of the big bang? And what is there after the end of the universe? I think the answer here is that time is a human man-made thing. Time, dimension, and space are unlimited. There is most probably a thing we humans might call a God in that somewhere.


weed fiend
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to bentom187 again.

I simply don't believe in superstitions. We are taught from a young age this. So...okay, I don't.

But that said, I have always wondered what was there before the moment of the big bang? And what is there after the end of the universe? I think the answer here is that time is a human man-made thing. Time, dimension, and space are unlimited. There is most probably a thing we humans might call a God in that somewhere.

You know, even an agnostic like me can see your reasoning. There's theory that suggests all matter was in a single mass prior to BB. Yet this mass of everything in today's universe was smaller than atomic particles yet denser than anything that exists.

I'm not sure if science has speculated pre BB and that's what sucks a boner because I'm not into the god theory. But somewhat non-conventional musings of a god (for lack of a better word) are easier to swallow.

I still get the impression we're like Hawkings suggests, merely appliances that have yet to expire.


Active member
The more I think about it, the more I feel that we are in a simulation within a simulation within a simulation etc. Who knows how many layers away from the "real" Reality we actually are.

When I study my actions, if I am really honest, I realize I choose and created the life I am living. I complain and blame others, but if I am really honest, I braught all of this on myself. I feel 99% of people created the life they currently have.

I wonder if in the "real" world of the year 7000 or what ever, if I selected to be here in this computer generated version of what some tech nerd believed the early 21st century was really like.
I wonder if when I blink, it's actually me pausing the game. In this world it feels like a fraction of a second, but it really could be a few minutes or hours.

Haven't you ever had the feel that life is absurd. Who writes this stuff?

Maybe the world of 2011 is the oringinal world, but man will one day create a simulation that is as real as "reality"
On that day computer scientist will have to ask themselves That question. The elephant in the room type question.

If we created a simulated reality that is an exact copy of reality, then how do we not know if our reality is just some previous society's creation.


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Check our videos by david wilcock, start with 2012 enigma, and then go from there,
He explains reality as it should be and as we dont no it.


Active member
I stand at a point in time. The end of the holidays, and the start of a presidential election. I have to admit, none of this feels real. We just ended a season where people fought, trampled, and pepper sprayed each other for stuff. Stuff that once purchased short;y becomes obsolete.

And a presidential campaign is pure "Reality management and creation."

el dub

I was going to participate in the poll, but ultimately found myself unable to chose between plaid or tweed today.



Active member
Didn't want to start a new thread, I think it fits here.

I had a really weird dream last night.
Then it dawned on me "Who is the author of my dreams?"
I didn't consent to have this simulated reality while I slumbered.
Some part of my brain manufactured this "faux" reality.
So if there is a part of my brain that is outside of my control, which at will creates simulated realities, then what else is that part of my brain up to?


Active member
IMO is reality what you conceive it to be - if you´re a hermit it´s solitude often very rural and basic - if you´re rich and born with a golden spoon up your´s it´s having servants not having to worry about tomorrow and (mostly) easy going - 1k years ago it´s been the world´s a disk and if one sails to far you gonna drop off it.
Anyways this is more the Physical way to look at reality - there´s also the mental side - like ur a nut job and your reality is a padded cell so you don´t hurt others or yourself or you´re really religious and all is ment to be in one way or another.

me for that part thinks life/reality is like this - wrote it many years ago and still believe it´s true

#If your life is a dream - and you dream to live - who lives the life - who dreams the dream?!!!?#



Active member
...looking forward to hearing about your own PERSPECTIVE on this topic, take care SF :tiphat:
A lot of that 'programming' that has taken place is subject to hardwired brain functions....

I liken the human brain to a familiarization engine... a good example is if you wear glasses for an extended period of time. After a while the brain stops accepting input from the eye that deals with the 'frames' that are blocking your view. As a result, you can actually have a blind spot for a while after you stop wearing the glasses, right where the frames used to sit.

Another example, a commercial airliner pilot of 20 years... Looks at the super-complex instrument panel and cannot bring back that sense of awe and confusion they experienced the first time they saw it. Years of familiarity.

Take mushrooms though and.... that pilot is able to see the cockpit with both the long years of familiarity AND with that original sense of wonder... all at the same time. Psilocybin tends to wipe away the blinders for a while and allow you to see things with and without the programming being 'conciously' present. :D

Yeah.... there's a lot about life that people miss. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:

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