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needs help with schedule


I have a 20L (amount of water) to mix GH nova +kool bloom dimond necter, plus
what should i be usein of what in what stage of flower please help:thank you:

i just have a feeling im giving too much or wrong levels for stage of growth

prince kali

u better use the search engine and read through the basics of nutrition for plants. its a complex matter and many things to be considered (which medium, how old the plant, how much light, what strain..)

without these infos u cannot be helped, but i suggest you take more time to read about the topic first..

good luck

one thing for sure, less is often more.


Active member
actually not that complex at all, you can use this all throughout veg and flowering all pretty much the same measurements.

its called the lucas formula, someone spent the time creating a formula and seeing what cannabis actually prefers nutrients wise, maxi bloom is one of the three solutions that suffices the perfect amount of nutrients for almost all cannabis.

Lucas has three seperate formulas, one is 2 part Flora Micro + Flora Bloom, another is one part just Maxibloom and the last is one part Flora Nove Bloom. they are all pretty much the same thing nutrient wise but he made sure to give you the options in case you dont have one or the other. look it up on Google, Lucas Formula.

i just use flora nova bloom and have been for 3 grows now, just one bottle and its worked wonders so ive stuck with it, plus its so easy only using one type of nutrient it almost makes it fail proof. ive used it hydro mostly but am doing soil now and it still works just as fine as hydro.

trust me youll love how easy it is, before i would constantly be trying to perfect my own blend spending so much money on nutrients i really dont even need, so glad i dont bother with that anymore. if ill be working on any blends nowadays it will be a soil mix :)

just to save you a little time, if you have flora nova bloom, that is all you will need. you add lets say 4ml per gallon for small plants and seedlings and 8ml per gallon for robust fast growing big ones, this all through veg and flowering so no need to get caught up in a complex feeding schedule. simple huh? lets all thank lucas for taking time to figure out such things.

prince kali

actually not that complex at all, you can use this all throughout veg and flowering all pretty much the same measurements.

its called the lucas formula, someone spent the time creating a formula and seeing what cannabis actually prefers nutrients wise, maxi bloom is one of the three solutions that suffices the perfect amount of nutrients for almost all cannabis.

Lucas has three seperate formulas, one is 2 part Flora Micro + Flora Bloom, another is one part just Maxibloom and the last is one part Flora Nove Bloom. they are all pretty much the same thing nutrient wise but he made sure to give you the options in case you dont have one or the other. look it up on Google, Lucas Formula.

i just use flora nova bloom and have been for 3 grows now, just one bottle and its worked wonders so ive stuck with it, plus its so easy only using one type of nutrient it almost makes it fail proof. ive used it hydro mostly but am doing soil now and it still works just as fine as hydro.

trust me youll love how easy it is, before i would constantly be trying to perfect my own blend spending so much money on nutrients i really dont even need, so glad i dont bother with that anymore. if ill be working on any blends nowadays it will be a soil mix :)

just to save you a little time, if you have flora nova bloom, that is all you will need. you add lets say 4ml per gallon for small plants and seedlings and 8ml per gallon for robust fast growing big ones, this all through veg and flowering so no need to get caught up in a complex feeding schedule. simple huh? lets all thank lucas for taking time to figure out such things.

i find it good that you are trying to simplify things, thats a good thing.
but when it comes to fertilising, it does depend on several things, IF you want to make the best out of it.
dont forget, cannabis is a very resistent plant, it will grow in many (!) conditions, but thats again far away from optimum!
(have you seen how many of the plants pictured here on icmag are extremely overfed?? its the dark side of the "easy to use" solutions)

so, to recommend using 4ml/gallon of a bloom fertiliser (4-8-7) on plants you havent seen, nor knowin which medium they are in, is simply not helpful, although i dont think it will kill the plants..

just my 2cents


Active member
i find it good that you are trying to simplify things, thats a good thing.
but when it comes to fertilising, it does depend on several things, IF you want to make the best out of it.
dont forget, cannabis is a very resistent plant, it will grow in many (!) conditions, but thats again far away from optimum!
(have you seen how many of the plants pictured here on icmag are extremely overfed?? its the dark side of the "easy to use" solutions)

so, to recommend using 4ml/gallon of a bloom fertiliser (4-8-7) on plants you havent seen, nor knowin which medium they are in, is simply not helpful, although i dont think it will kill the plants..

just my 2cents

well that would be great if hundreds of people didnt use lucas formula and live by it, i wouldnt be suggesting this if it was something only i have experience with. i find it insulting many people assume i give information in that light.

and yes i can suggest that as a usage simply because thats the schedule and how easy this formula works, if you arent willing to try it yourself or even look into thats your problem not mine.

its that simple. ive grown quite a few strains using this method and they all yield the same results just as healthy and lacking any growth deficiencies as the last and now in a different medium im even getting the same exact results with yet another strain.

that is the purpose of why this formula was invented. you cant over feed with this formula because that has all been figured out, the only way you would over feed is by over watering which you would know you are doing.

thanks for the tips on cannabis like im not familiar that it is a weed. seriously..

i find it odd you would even discredit something you dont even sound like youve used faithfully yourself. this formula is so simple i dont even need the details anymore of whats going in, all i have to do these days is measure PH and im done.

im glad you think this information is useless which i find very insulting but many use this not just with one strain or one plant. let alone he didnt just pull this out of his ass thinking it would work for everyone it was well tested before hand and the reason why its such a popular method to grow is simply because it is fail proof and works with any strain of cannabis.

luckily for you im not as rude but i honestly thought your post was quite useless referring the person to use the internet to find the solution, he didnt post this thread to be told to use the internet like he probably already hasnt tried looking into it, there is so much information its very hard for someone to grasp what really is useful, usually why they get on forums like this in the first place to ask directly for help from proven methods that other users can suggest.

whats more helpful me actually suggesting a very simplistic regimen that is fail proof, which he already clearly has the nutrients to do this type of regimen for feeding or you just telling him to search the net for the answers like hes a moron.

hmmm... i wonder...

prince kali

well that would be great if hundreds of people didnt use lucas formula and live by it, i wouldnt be suggesting this if it was something only i have experience with. i find it insulting many people assume i give information in that light.

and yes i can suggest that as a usage simply because thats the schedule and how easy this formula works, if you arent willing to try it yourself or even look into thats your problem not mine.

its that simple. ive grown quite a few strains using this method and they all yield the same results just as healthy and lacking any growth deficiencies as the last and now in a different medium im even getting the same exact results with yet another strain.

that is the purpose of why this formula was invented. you cant over feed with this formula because that has all been figured out, the only way you would over feed is by over watering which you would know you are doing.

thanks for the tips on cannabis like im not familiar that it is a weed. seriously..

i find it odd you would even discredit something you dont even sound like youve used faithfully yourself. this formula is so simple i dont even need the details anymore of whats going in, all i have to do these days is measure PH and im done.

im glad you think this information is useless which i find very insulting but many use this not just with one strain or one plant. let alone he didnt just pull this out of his ass thinking it would work for everyone it was well tested before hand and the reason why its such a popular method to grow is simply because it is fail proof and works with any strain of cannabis.

luckily for you im not as rude but i honestly thought your post was quite useless referring the person to use the internet to find the solution, he didnt post this thread to be told to use the internet like he probably already hasnt tried looking into it, there is so much information its very hard for someone to grasp what really is useful, usually why they get on forums like this in the first place to ask directly for help from proven methods that other users can suggest.

whats more helpful me actually suggesting a very simplistic regimen that is fail proof, which he already clearly has the nutrients to do this type of regimen for feeding or you just telling him to search the net for the answers like hes a moron.

hmmm... i wonder...

wow, i really didnt mean to insult you!
i've heard that LUCAS works, and i know that many people use it with good results. no question about that.

but on the other hand i think its better to know how to cook, than to put the oven-ready meal in the microwave.

the op sayes "i just have a feeling im giving too much or wrong levels for stage of growth" and my first answer would be:
try to take pictures and tell us all the details we need to know to give you help that makes sense.

but maybe you are right and he prefers the "readymade" formula and gives a shit about knowing the the whys and wherefores.


Active member
What stage are you in and what are you total NPK percentages?

depends on what your using, each method has slightly different percentages based on if you are using nova, maxi bloom or the 2 part flora micro + flora bloom.

thats the great thing about this is its already all been pre planned and figured out, i can literally promise you 100% if you follow the formula you in now way will be displeased with the results, this i can promise you.

with growing you still need to use common sense every now and then, knowing when to up your nutrient intake is pretty easy as most plants will show signs that they want to feed more. that is why its just safe to use 4ml for seedlings until they want to feed more you can up it to 8ml, as with almost every nutrient scheduling to date in existence on this planet you always want to feed half for tiny plants of what you normally would for flowering or full on vegging.

i cant express how easy this formula is to use, look into it and look at how many people use it and look at how stunning and beautiful their buds are every time.

you wont be disappointed, im not telling you to try this because everyone uses it so it must work, im telling you this because i saw how awesome and easy this was to use for a long long time before i buckled down and actually tried it myself to see i could achieve literally the same without all the expensive and unnecessary additives companies throw your way to make you think you need.

i still am experimenting with several things to see what works best for me and im probably just going to work on going full organic anyway, but this is seriously an excellent start to learn how to react with your plants and what blends you can create on your own that you might think enhance it a little but trust me and if not thousands of other cannabis users that lucas formula is legit and very great thing especially for someone who has no clue on what they should really feed or when because its so simple.

the main reason i tried it because i heard how flawlessly it worked and at a fraction of the cost of what people spend on nutrients, all i need is one small bottle of flora nova bloom for a complete successful grow.

i guess you wont know till you try it so ill leave it at that, i definitively dont like to be treated as if im misleading you, if i honestly thought you would get any different effect or could possibly ruin your harvest just because i want you to do something im doing i wouldnt suggest you use it, its just that simple.

the only reason im suggesting this like i said before is because it works plain and simple.


Active member
wow, i really didnt mean to insult you!
i've heard that LUCAS works, and i know that many people use it with good results. no question about that.

but on the other hand i think its better to know how to cook, than to put the oven-ready meal in the microwave.

the op sayes "i just have a feeling im giving too much or wrong levels for stage of growth" and my first answer would be:
try to take pictures and tell us all the details we need to know to give you help that makes sense.

but maybe you are right and he prefers the "readymade" formula and gives a shit about knowing the the whys and wherefores.

again your completely missing the point and aggravating me further about such a simple matter. this is not a microwave method and again i find that very insulting to put someones research on such a low pedestal.

its like if a professional chef shows you a very simple and efficient way to make the perfect dough every time why would you even bother being so ignorant towards it like you are this?

im not really trying to be a dick but one you clearly just made it obvious you have no interest in even testing it out yourself and never even have to even say crap about it... and two you clearly seem to think lucas is some dumb ass who just pulls shit out of his ass without doing any extensive research to make this method legitimate.

as stated its great for beginners to learn how to cook by your terms and in my case im far from learning how to cook and have surpassed that ages ago, but i still love it. its very easy to look into the formula and understand what cannabis actually thrives on and very easy for any beginner to notice these things by using the formula.

im really not going to take this futher as you will think what you think, but dont think i just sit on my ass trying to find the easiest methods around so i can be a lazy fuck face without doing my research either.. so insulting to me and let alone the method itself.

listen to this guy who clearly had nothing other than to tell you to look on the interwebs and talk shit about something he hasnt even bothered using himself. im glad you choose to be close minded yet so contradicting.

prince kali

again your completely missing the point and aggravating me further about such a simple matter. this is not a microwave method and again i find that very insulting to put someones research on such a low pedestal.

its like if a professional chef shows you a very simple and efficient way to make the perfect dough every time why would you even bother being so ignorant towards it like you are this?

im not really trying to be a dick but one you clearly just made it obvious you have no interest in even testing it out yourself and never even have to even say crap about it... and two you clearly seem to think lucas is some dumb ass who just pulls shit out of his ass without doing any extensive research to make this method legitimate.

as stated its great for beginners to learn how to cook by your terms and in my case im far from learning how to cook and have surpassed that ages ago, but i still love it. its very easy to look into the formula and understand what cannabis actually thrives on and very easy for any beginner to notice these things by using the formula.

im really not going to take this futher as you will think what you think, but dont think i just sit on my ass trying to find the easiest methods around so i can be a lazy fuck face without doing my research either.. so insulting to me and let alone the method itself.

listen to this guy who clearly had nothing other than to tell you to look on the interwebs and talk shit about something he hasnt even bothered using himself. im glad you choose to be close minded yet so contradicting.

hmm.. shouldnt it be PreacherGerbik??

anyway.. i think you made it obvious that you are not ready to get my point, and you didnt react to the op's question aswell.
instead you are spamming his thread with LUCAS advertisement.

i just stated in my post before that LUCAS works, and i dont say anything negative about it.

and i simply asked the op to post pix and give more infos around his question, thats it.


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