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this is most likely a waste of bandwidth but I am bored so here we go

I was trimming some undergrowth yesterday and for the hell of it stuck a growth tip into some water to see just how small a clone survives.

its some kushie kush no idea the breeder, just some random seeds I was given

it's standing nice and erect and the leaves have filled out with water so it maybe is gonna make it. I'll change the water every day or so and update once a week, if it works it will take 3 weeks or so for roots to show. again I am sure this is a waste of time it's not as if I need the clone stock, but I am bored


ohh, and if there had been a stupid experiment forum thats where I woulda stuck it

so don't tell me where to stick it or I might tell you to stick it. lol.


Active member
water cloning nothing new. it barely ever worked for me dont know why. works great with tomatos. others have great success.


sure it's nothing new that wasn't the point that clone is teeny tiny that was the point.
it's 7/8th of an inch in length

maybe my pics don't show good scale

hey kiss Ginger & Mary Anne for me would you?


hehe, how 'bout a Bud Dry?

Only posted so I can find the results later :)


you're right I just wonder if there is a certain size thats too damn small and I think this maybe it.

Uhh, so did Ginger ask about me?
Ginger wants you!!!!!! They all seem to be big enough in constant fresh water. Fem seed is probavly the safest....just sayin. have fun!!!!


why not just throw it in the agar already? ;)
yessir it does def look more like something you'd use in tissue culture don't it?

Day 9
it's time for an update and boy is it boring.

lost one lower branch all together. despite my basic lack of effort it stayed mostly dry, but not dry enough and went the way of the buffalo. the rest of the cutting looks healthy, some spotting. still looks like it's gonna make it. I took it out of the dirty coffee cup and put it in a dirty beer cup.
what do you think? zero veg straight to flower?


Active member
well I have a very simmiliar experiment going on :) instead of what you used I am using airpots... check it out

those in that box are the clones getting ends watered. One clone has already rooted and it hasnt been a week yet I think. An considering that it's my hardest cloning keeper - The Himalaya Gold....

Simplicity wins.

Mr. Mountain

I use this method to sex my new seed plants. I take a cutting off of a plant of unknown sex, place it in a neoprene collar and float it in a glass of water in the flowering room. I usually get about 50% to root this way as well.

Mr. M


mines teeney tiny not like big American penis, so small so small.

my clones not big enough for floating on an insert
I hope it roots, I plan to do a "what do you think it's gonna yield" thread for the fuck of it