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Looking for guerillas with leaf spot diease experience.

I feel like more plants equals more work... yeah its half the time but you also get a lower yield. I'll probably try a few next year to see how it goes... I'm pretty well a rookie all the way around so anything new makes me a little nervous. A few mixed in with my garden in the back yard might be the way to go!

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Around here, spraying is done late may and by mid june you can plant without any problem, but if you look the field over a bit, you'll see where the tractor turned or low lying areas that didnt get any spray. Toward the end of the rows the applicator can get anxious and pull up his sprayer too early before making the turn. These area's are easy to spot because they have small weeds growing in them. Ive planted in corn only a week after spraying by taking 2 gallons of bag soil for each plant, digging out a 2 gallon hole and plant my plant. By the time the roots get through the bag soil, the roundup has disapated.

Because with auto's youre really only growing for a total of about 10 weeks, starting mid june isnt a problem.
Cool doc...thanks for the tip. The crops around here got in really late this year because of high water. The corn is just now coming up!
I imagine thats only practical for autos though right?
Maybe i try it next year.
I put out four hollands hope about 10 days ago....large and healthy specimens.
They had traces of the fungus on them due to my indoor contamination...
Just went to check on them for the first time and they are in rough shape...
Do you (anyone) recomend removing infected foliage when you spray? or anytime for that matter?....Even the leaves with only a few spots?
Thanks for any input.


Well-known member
Lets talk leaf spot.

Anyone spraying yet? How about any signs of leaf spot on your plants? A little early and it has been a dry year so far for my 42 deg lat.

I think I will start my preventative spraying in the next 2.5 weeks like to hear from others on what type of year wet or dry and what measures if any they have taken so far.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Lets talk leaf spot.

Anyone spraying yet? How about any signs of leaf spot on your plants? A little early and it has been a dry year so far for my 42 deg lat.

I think I will start my preventative spraying in the next 2.5 weeks like to hear from others on what type of year wet or dry and what measures if any they have taken so far.

Ive started hamstring. I sprayed my first plants Sunday. My weather is hot as hell and wet. 2 weeks ago, it was as dry as a bone and 95, for the past 2 weeks it been raining and 95.

Im using 2tbsp of Greencure and ive applied it on average every 3 days because it keeps rainining and washing it off.

I started spraying because ive seen the disease. I planted 4 freebie strains that i thought would be succeptable in hot spots that got the disease first and every year for the past 3 years. One of those plants now has the disease. I killed it, sprayed the carcass and coated every plant and weed in the area with a heavy dose of Liquid Copper. Im repeating that application tomorow - 4 days after the initial app.

My mistake in the past was hesitation. Ive now taken a far more aggressive approach: Hit them hard and hit them often.

Ive settled on an 8-9 week treatment plan. Every week until the last week of August.


Well-known member
Seeing it already, I will have to get out and check it has been 2 weeks since my last visit I need to stay on top of this. We have had some hot weather but one of those years when it threatens to rain but rarely does.
I know its coming though thanks for the heads up.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Im seeing it in 2 different spots- spots that have had serious infections the last couple of years. Ive been spraying for 2 weeks and ive learned some tactical and logistical lessons that i want to pass on.

1. Buy and wear a particle mask. There is no way to spray a good sized plant and not breath large amounts of the stuff. You have to have a particle mask.

2. The direction given to cover all parts of the plant is problematic and difficult. I had to take the heat gun to my sprayer wand and reshape it into a U shape so that when i turn the wand, the tip is pointed up. Without something that directs the spray upwards, its almost impossible to cover the bottom sides of the leaves.

3. It takes a shit load of juice to spray a 5' bushy plant. I have a 1 gallon sprayer and it takes a full tank to do 4 plants. I have 1 spot where i have to carry my sprayer full and carry a 1 gallon jug of mixed stuff because i have 7 plants a 1 gallon wont cover.

4. Getting a good cover on a large bushy plant takes 15 minutes. If you have several youre going to be there a while

5. Make sure and spray the ground and the vegetation immediately adjacent to your plant because thats where the disease is comming from. Old timers call it "splash up" because its living in the dirt at the base of the plant and will infect the plants around you. Those nearly in direct contact with your plant need to be sprayed.

6. If your plants are big, you need 2 bottles of LCopper. Im on my 3rd app and i have 2 more in my bottle, but the plants are getting bigger and its going to take some spray to coat 8' plants.


Great info DS. This is my second year using the LC and it has brought back the joy of growing outdoors.


Im also using greencure just to be safe. I visited a friends patch yesterday and it was already attacking his lower leafs.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I hear you bong bong. This is the first year in 3 years i have hope to harvest my entire crop. 3 yrs ago, it took 80%, 2 years ago it took 60% and last year it took 40%. This year i plan on taking 100%.


The last time I sprayed it rained the very next night. That was oh about 2 weeks ago so yesterday I check my plants in the woods and sure enough I could see the signs. And its all over the surrounding small trees. So this evening I gave them another spaying this time at 2 teaspoons per gallon. I think we have the same story my friend, this stuff has wiped out my whole crops before and broke my spirit outdoors for awhile..

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
bongbong, i believe you increase coverage with each application. I could use some real rain but it seems like as soon as i treat, a thunderstorm passes and it rains for about 4 minutes and quits. Just enough to wash off my shit but....

Ive spilled LC drops here and there and the shit sticks to whatever its droped on. It almost has to wear off so im hopeful. with the first application, i felt like even though i sprayed forever that i probably missed some spots. But with the second application and then the third, i feel like im starting to get solid coverage.

but like you also, im seeing the shit everwhere. I planted a couple of these indoor freebies theyve sent me with my orders at each site and every one of them has caught the disease and has been cut. None of my good plants have it.
Im seeing the shit everywhere myself, but not a single spot on mary yet..I also have been getting rained on DS, wat freebies are catching the disease?

Anything ive ever grown from GHS has caught it and thats pretty much it, but ive not grown lots of strains

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Tots, ive averaged about 8 strains per year since 98, Everything ive grown from Greenhouse has gotten it too. Himalyan Gold bit the dust- died straight up 2 weeks after the first signs. Great white shark, Wwidow, Wrhino.

In fact, i might argue that old, dutch genetics seem especally suceptable. My biddy earlies were awful.

Mekong high-Dp.
Kushage - Thseeds,
cheese, Greenhouse
superskunk- G13 labs
Wwidow - Dpassion

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
bagend, i did lots of research when i finally settled on Lcopper and I crossed Daconil/fungonil off my list. There is considerable debate within the traditional gardening community about its safety. Some say is works well and is harmless, other swear its dangerous and sholdnt be used on food crops. It HAS been used on food crops by big ag companies for some time.

The problem i see with the product and many others that might be safe for garden vegetables is that vegetables are washed prior to eating. we smoke our product and its doesnt get washed. Plus, i am a traditional gardener and i belong to the local gardening club along with lots of little old ladies and others. ALL avoid fungonil. The manager at the local nursery where many of us gardening nuts spend much of our time, does not recommend it for food crops. In my mind, that goes double for smoked crops.

just me, and im sure you can find opposing opinions.

Order the Lc off online. it will be there in a few days and its cheap.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
hey guys.

30 days and counting for me. In the past, every plant that has had the disease had it by early august. The hot zone around here is between July 15-aug15, so im on the countdown.

Its become really difficult to keep big plants treated. This morning, I spent 15 minutes and 3/4 gallons of spray on one 7' bushy plant. For treating medium sized, (5') plants/ 1 gallon treats 5 plants. If you dont wear a mask, youre gonna die.

I sure do wish we would hear something from hamstring.